Kane looked at the surrounding stone walls and found that this place was quite hidden.

"Let's open the blind box right here."

"Okay, okay, Li Lulu can't wait."

For Kane's proposal, everyone has no opinion at all, and their hearts are like a cat scratching.

Kane directly squeezed a whole slate on the ground, and everyone sat on the slate one after another.

The ground in the cave is full of small and large skeletons, sitting directly on it, which is somewhat unsanitary.

The crowd sat around the slate, and Kane took out the two blind boxes he just bought from the space equipment and placed them in the middle of the crowd.

The material on the outside of the blind box feels like an ordinary wooden board, but you can clearly feel what magic is attached to it.

It should be to prevent others from cheating, and what skills do you want to know about the contents of the blind box.

There is a buckle on the top of the blind box, and the blind box can be easily opened as long as the bayonet is opened.

Kane took a deep breath and picked up the blind box Li Lulu mentioned, a little curious. Why did Li Lulu let herself choose this?

Seeing that Kane was picking up the blind box she had chosen, Li Lulu immediately said, "There is a foggy atmosphere inside, I feel it."

Lilulu, because she is a race blessed by the fog, can feel the breath of the fog very keenly, just like she can easily detect Kane's fog warrior medal.

Hearing what Li Lulu said, Kane couldn't help but feel more curious. After all, it was contaminated with the breath of mist, so at least it wouldn't be garbage.

Gently open the buckle on the blind box by hand, and then gently break it, the blind box will be opened to both sides.

Everyone held their breath for a moment, widened their eyes, leaned their heads over, and wanted to take a closer look at what was in the blind box.

A crystal clear conical crystal was revealed in front of everyone's eyes, and the periphery of the crystal was surrounded by a whitish white mist.

Looking closely at the inside of the crystal, a thick fog was buried deep within it.

Kane wiped his palms. He was a little nervous just now, and his palms were sweating.

Then, he carefully held up the crystal in the blind box.

Begin identification.

【Mist Brand Heart】

【Wonderful Object】

【Color: Tricolor】




[Skill: Mist Field] (Before using the skill, you need to bind the holding item. After the binding is completed, you can use this skill to turn the dungeon into your own when certain prerequisites are completed.)

[Introduction: The extremely precious Mist gift can only be obtained by those who have made a certain contribution to the Mist. This item can only be used by the Mist Warrior, and can convert a dungeon into a private item, but there are prerequisites.

1. Whether the dungeon has a core will, if it is necessary to impress the core will, or destroy the core will.

2. Whether there are free life in the dungeon, if necessary, obtain the approval of all free life, or destroy all free life.

3. Historical silhouette type dungeon, you need to go through the whole silhouette, after successfully owning the dungeon, there is a continuation world of your history backwards.

4. For regional dungeons, you need to explore the dungeons and find the original history of the region. The dungeon after successfully owned is the original appearance of the region.

5. Hybrid dungeon, you need to complete the sum of the other two dungeon conditions. After successfully possessing it, it will be the original appearance of the area and have your history. 】

(Secret Intelligence Department: According to our research, the most suitable and easiest for you to achieve at this time is the dungeon guided by the ancient golden bridge coins.)

After reading the introduction of this item, Kane's palms were shaking, and the whole person fell into a state of extreme excitement.

What is the concept of having a dungeon of your own?

Kane doesn't know either, but it can be regarded as a great benefit.

Claire and the others surrounded Kane, watching Kane so excited that he couldn't speak, his heart was so anxious that his curiosity was about to burst through their foreheads.

Lombe kept patting him on the shoulder: "Quickly ease your mood and tell us what information you have identified!"

Li Lulu stood directly on Kane's shoulders, pulling his ears.

"Kane, hurry up, hurry up, Li Lulu is going to die of curiosity."

Kane kept taking deep breaths, soothing his excitement.

Finally, he calmed down and let out a deep breath.

"This item is called the Heart of the Mist Brand, and its function is to give us full control over a dungeon, making the dungeon our personal item and not going away."

This sentence directly exploded a thunder in Claire and the others' minds, owning a dungeon, such a thing can only occur in fairy tales.

That's something more desirable than being a Mist Warrior.

Basically no one dared to think.

And now the whole world clearly knows that no more than 10 dungeons have been privatized.

Of course, there must be a lot that hasn't been revealed yet.

The rumor seems to be because the privatized dungeon will disappear, just like the dungeon is digested, and no one can see the difference except me.

Of course, that doesn't stop you from having a dungeon so rare and out of reach.

And now, such an opportunity is within their grasp.

Lombe hugged Kane directly: "Brother, you are too powerful, your own dungeon, I can't even dream of it."

Claire was also full of excitement.

Even Metzker couldn't hide the excitement on his face.

Kane had calmed down at this meeting, patted Lombe and said, "I didn't choose this blind box, but Li Lulu asked me to take it. She is lucky if she is lucky."

Li Lulu was already in the air now, flying around with a smirk on her face, and bubbles kept popping up around her entire body.

She is now completely immersed in how good and how lucky she is.

Claire thought for a while and asked, "Is it more than that simple to privatize a dungeon, are there any other conditions?"

"Owning this item is only to have the qualification to obtain the dungeon. If you want to use this item, you must be a Mist Warrior, and there are many prerequisites. Anyway, it is not so easy to obtain the dungeon."

After hearing Kane's words, everyone nodded. It really should be like this. They can fully understand how hard it is to get the dungeon.

"Then have you figured out how to use this item?" Claire asked after thinking for a while. After all, only Kane in her team, a warrior of the mist, could meet the conditions for using this item.

Kane did not answer, he saw the information written on the Secret Intelligence Department.

After thinking about it, he took out the coin pendant that the angel gave him from his space equipment.

Since Claire was still in a coma when the angel was resurrected, she didn't know what it was, but Lombe was there, so she recognized it at a glance.

"Isn't this what the angel we beat earlier gave you?"

Kane nodded, then picked up the coin and said, "This coin points me to a dungeon, and I can feel that the dungeon is very suitable for us. But this must be considered after it becomes silver. It's over, now I'd better think about how to clear the level and exit the dungeon to upgrade to silver."

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