Everyone saw that Kane had already considered it, so they didn't say anything more.

"Quick, let's see what's in the other blind box." After learning how to own the dungeon, Lombe's attention is now all on the other blind box.

Kane brought another blind box to the center of them, slowly opened the buckle on it, and then opened the blind box.

There were 5 identical red gems inside, emitting a faint red light.

Kane gently placed the five gems in his palm and identified them.

【Intercommunication Stone】×5


【Color: Silver】


【Auto-return to magic】

【Medium Firm】

[Skill: Intercommunication] (The same intercommunication can transmit words to each other, or you can connect multiple intercommunication stones into a group and talk at the same time.)

[Introduction: Call from other worlds, dungeons cannot communicate with the outside world, and different dungeons cannot communicate with each other. You can only talk to each other if you are in the same dungeon or outside at the same time. 】

With the exaggerated items like the last blind box to pave the way, Kane won't be too surprised if there are exaggerated things in this blind box.

Although it is said that, the items in this blind box are also what they need, and it can be regarded as equipment that has a great effect on them.

With this equipment, it will no longer be as weak as before after everyone was teleported separately, which can be said to account for a lot of luck.

Otherwise, I don't know how much time will be wasted.

Put 5 gems in the palm of your hand, pour magic power into them, and then the gems emit a faint red light.

But these 5 rubies, each of which is only the size of a thumb, how to equip it?

Kane thought for a while, made 5 lapel clips out of plasticine, tempered them, and set gems on them. He also made a small badge for Li Lulu that was suitable for her.

With such a little substance, plus there is no magic attribute, it does not consume much of his magic value.

Kane put the finished gem lapel clips on everyone's hands one by one: "Pin this piece of equipment on your body, then pour magic power into it, and then we can talk to each other, as long as we are in the same space, we will There is no distance limit."

After hearing Kane's explanation, everyone carefully pinned the ruby ​​collar clip to the inner lining and covered it with clothes.

Lombe first poured a touch of magic into the ruby, and then began to speak: "Hey, can you hear? Can you hear? Can you hear?"

The loud sound poured directly into Kane's ears, causing them to block their ears.

Immediately afterward, he poured magic power into the ruby ​​lapel clip and adjusted the sound output inside.

These sounds are directly poured into the ears after being transformed by rubies, and they are basically inaudible to outsiders, which also causes Kane and the others to hear them very clearly, and it is very harsh when they are not adjusted.

With the adjustment, Lombe's voice finally became normal.

"Hey, this is Li Lulu, I can hear it, I can hear it, hee hee this thing is really interesting."

In this way, everyone adjusted the settings of the ruby ​​and experimented with each other.

I have to say that this thing is pretty useful, being able to switch to a team channel or chat with someone individually.

The blind box is also open now, it's time to move on to the next level.

Since Lombe's arm has been repaired by the skeleton boss, he is now walking at the forefront with his shield up.

After passing through the tunnel and out of the eerie forest, everyone came to the clearing they had come to before.

Go to the disgusting temple and look into the tunnel leading to the lower level.

Kane squatted next to the tunnel again, and began to check whether there were any signs of other people coming. Although the team that set the trap was dead and walked, it could not be ruled out that there were other teams. Kane and the others entered the lower dungeon one step at a time.

After confirming that there are no traces, the magic item that summons the goblin can be taken out again.

After using it, a team of goblins is summoned again.

Ordering them to jump into the tunnel, watching them grinding and chirping beside the tunnel, Kane walked directly behind them and kicked them all down the tunnel.

Otherwise, they will have to mess around here for a long time.

"I'll go down first with Marshmallow, the old rule, you'll come down in two minutes."

After saying that, Kane floated down the tunnel while riding on the cotton candy.

After passing through the fog and floating above the landing point, the goblins were now scrambling on the ground, fighting with each other.

Seeing that the Goblin and the others did not encounter any traps, Kane opened his eagle eyes and looked around, making sure that there was no magical reaction around him, and then he jumped off the marshmallow and landed on the ground.

After waiting in place for two minutes, Claire and the others appeared at the landing spot.

"It seems that we are the first team of explorers to come to this floor," Claire said as she patted the dust on her body.

Without Kane's order, those goblins began to play and quarrel around the crowd, screaming and screaming.

Then they all turned into a shimmer and disappeared in place. Kane couldn't stand these noisy goblins, so he canceled the summon.

Everyone began to observe the surroundings to see the environment of this dungeon.

This layer of dungeon is separated from the underground space again, and the sky is no longer a thick stone wall, but an endless deep night sky.

Instead of the light of the moon, there are twinkling stars.

There was an endless field around everyone, no tombstones, no broken bones on the ground, not even the faint smell of decay in the air.

This is too abnormal, is this still the scene of a undead dungeon?

Kane opened his eagle eyes and looked not far away with a little starlight.

At the end of the line of sight, there seems to be a large building, and the original appearance of the building is not clear, but with the faint starlight, you can see the dark shadows cast by the buildings.

According to Kane's existing exploration experience, the entrance to the lower floor and various dungeon monsters are almost inseparable in that building.

"Let's go here. I see traces of buildings over there."

After speaking, Kane led the team down the hill.

As soon as they stepped out of the hillside, everyone's minds received a message from the fog.

The only chance to return to the outside world appeared, and it seemed that they had already explored half of it.

From this, it can be seen that the Guandi leader they want to eliminate is on the sixth floor.

Kane turned his head to look at his teammates.

"How? Do you want to go out and rest for a few days?"

Claire thought for a while and said, "You can go out for a day's rest. Although there are other explorer teams competing with us for the right to kill the leader at the end of the level, if nothing else happens, we should be the first to explore this floor. The team is out, so don’t worry.”

"I'm not boasting, our team should be regarded as the top team in the same level. The explorers who came out of the same dungeon with us explored here, it is impossible not to be injured, unless they die, it is impossible not to go out. Rest, so be at ease."

Lombe is the most experienced explorer on the team.

Since everyone agreed to go out to rest, the captain will also follow everyone's opinions.

But before that, there is still something to do. Kane called Metzker and said a few words in his ear.

It didn't take long for Kane to say, "Let's go then."

After speaking, everyone disappeared into the field.

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