On the Sakuvian grassland, a splendid manor.

The entire manor covers a very wide area, and the various buildings in it are somewhat inappropriate for humans, but this is not a gathering place for humans.

This grassland is a gathering place for half-hoofed species.

The entire manor is a three-story structure, and the connecting up and down is not a staircase, but a very gentle slope, which is convenient for the four-hoofed half-born species to go up and down.

At this time, in a large room on the second floor of the manor, the whole room was illuminated by a magic lamp emitting a warm white light, and there were some exquisite oil paintings hanging on the wall.

These oil paintings are painted with centaur girls of all ages. These girls are sitting or standing. Most of them are wearing various heavy armor and light armor, and holding different weapons in their hands.

As can be seen from the arrangement of these oil paintings, these have witnessed the growth of a centaur girl.

At this time, in the center of the entire room, a thick soft blanket was laid on the ground, replacing the role of the bed.

A centaur girl in pajamas was lying on it, with red hair and a pin inlaid with red gems on her collar.

She was holding a black samurai sword in her hand, and she was holding a tarpaulin in the other hand, wiping it thinly on the blade, humming an unknown song.

It could be seen that she was in a very happy mood.

Next to her was a young girl with a single horn. Judging from her dress, she should be the maid of the manor.

"Miss, you've been holding this weapon every day these days. Did someone important give it to you?"

After hearing the words of her maid, a young boy couldn't help but appear in Claire's mind, and a faint redness appeared on her face.

Looking at his young lady, her face was slightly red, and she looked at the samurai sword in her hand with a sweet face, and it seemed that she was immersed in her own world.

Judging from the appearance of the young lady, she should have fallen in love during this period of travel, but Mi Siqi couldn't imagine what kind of man the heroic and dashing Claire would like.

At this moment, the ruby ​​on Claire's collar suddenly vibrated.

"Mi Siqi, you go out first, I'm going to get ready to rest."

After hearing Claire's words, the one-horned maid saluted and left Claire's room, closing the door for her by the way.

Seeing Mischi leave the room, Claire instantly put the katana in her hand into the space, then picked up the vibrating ruby ​​pin on her collar and poured magic power into it.

As the magic poured into it, a magnetic male voice appeared in her ears, which was exactly Kane's voice.

"Hey, can you hear me? Claire"

Listening to Kane's voice, Claire didn't feel a sweet smile on her face. Ever since she came back, she has been looking forward to Kane using the ruby ​​pin to communicate with her.

"can hear."

The communication distance of the ruby ​​is in the same space.

The space here refers to the same dungeon, not two different dungeons, or one inside the dungeon and one outside the dungeon.

"It's good to hear it, the transmission distance of this thing is really far."

"Yeah, I can talk to Kane from such a distance."

Claire was lying on the bed at the moment, rolling from side to side with a smile on her face.


Inside the stone house in the town, Kane was lying on his wooden bed.

Holding a ruby ​​pin in his hand, he chatted with Claire with a smile on his face.

"You don't know how unlucky I have come back this time, you know Heiwu, the terrorist organization that was recorded in the book earlier."

Kane began to slowly, telling Claire about the things he had experienced in the past few days.

Facing Kane's narration, Claire listened carefully, responding from time to time and asking him if he was injured, or if he needed to come and help him.

"The captain of the last group of black mist explorers said that they can use that spar to find a node and blow up the dungeon. Have you heard about this?"

After Kane asked this question, the other side was silent for a few seconds, and Claire seemed to be thinking about whether she knew this information?

From time to time, Ruby's voice came out from Claire: "I found it, a year ago in the north of the world, in the territory of the Scuales Empire, I heard that there was a dungeon with very rich resources at that time.

However, after the dungeon was cleared only three times, it disappeared inexplicably, and the follow-up news was blocked by the Mist Council, which was fully handled by the Council. "

After listening to Claire's message, Kane couldn't help thinking, so these people should have successfully blown up a dungeon. So why does Kakur express disbelief in such news?

Shaking his head, he threw these thoughts out of his mind. Now should be the time to have a good chat with Claire.

Then he changed the subject and chatted with Claire about other things.

The chat content of the two is so boring to outsiders, but it is the best topic for the two of them.

In this way, Kane and Claire chatted until dawn, and then hung up reluctantly.


After Kane got rid of Uncle Gem's commission, he was either reading or training every day during this time, and chatting with Claire at night.

From time to time, I would go to my uncle's house for dinner and taste Aunt Amisha's craftsmanship.

The day after tomorrow is the day when the team gathers, and Kane plans to go to the City of Lions early tomorrow morning.

He also needs the explorer's home there. To receive the reward mentioned by the Mist Council, I have to search for the information of the next dungeon.

Whether it is the dungeon where the last rune key is located, or the dungeon where the last cape that Claire is wearing is located, you need to go to the dungeon for consultation.

After dinner at Uncle Gem's house, Aunt Amisha was cleaning up a table of dishes and taking them to the kitchen to wash them.

Taking advantage of this time, Kane said, "I'm going to leave tomorrow, and the appointment time with the team is coming soon."

Hearing Kane's words, the aunt in the kitchen stuck her head out and asked, "Why don't you play for a few more days, Kane, it's not long since you came back to rest."

"Amisha, don't stumble on the child, he is now the captain of an exploration team, and of course he is responsible for the entire team.

When exploring the dungeon after leaving, remember to pay attention to safety, my experience is completely irrelevant to you, but you must remember that there are family members waiting for you here. "

Listening to the warm words of the two, Kane smiled and replied: "Of course, I will pay attention to safety, and I will come back to see you after a while."

"When you come back next time, Brother Kane will tell me your adventure story again."

"Haha, of course it's fine."

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