Extract Skills and Explore Dungeons (Random Skills: Exploring Dungeons)

Chapter 189 Returning to the Explorer's Home

The sun wheel is empty.

The surrounding darkness disappeared, and a dazzling light came into view.

In the early morning, after Kane packed up his things, he passed the transmission station of the dungeon outpost and teleported to the City of Lions.

Just after being teleported to the teleportation station, the noise from various crowds and the sound of the guards organizing and ordering, mixed with scolding and arguing, entered his ears.

We haven't seen each other for a few days, but the transmission station in the City of Lions is still crowded and noisy.

Kane followed the flow of people, avoided the crowd and left the teleportation station, and walked towards the prominent building not far away.

Perhaps the popularity of the [Arena of Crystals] dungeon has subsided a bit. Although there are still more explorers coming to the explorer's home than before, it is still a lot less than the time when the news was first announced.

As soon as I entered the door of the Explorer's House, I saw Entoma who was receiving an explorer at the counter.

Kane waited for a while, waiting for Entoma to send the explorers away before walking up.

"Edoma, long time no see."

Hearing someone calling her beside her, Entoma turned her head to look, the metal ornaments on the horns rattled as she turned her head.

"Kane" was a little surprised when she saw Kane's appearance, and then looked behind him, seeing that there was no one else behind him, her expression was a little disappointed.

"What are you looking at? I came alone."

Of course, Kane knew who Entoma was looking for, and he really didn't change his mind.

"Hmph, that's really a pity." Entoma pouted and said.

Then he regained his seriousness and asked Kane, "So do you need any help when you come to me this time?"

She has long known Kane. If this guy has nothing to do, he will never step into the explorer's home.

Kane didn't answer his question, but went forward and took out the silver card Wilhelm gave him from his space equipment, and placed it in front of Entoma.

Entoma picked up the card, and then took out a square sheet that looked like it was made of clear glass from under the counter, and put the card on it.

A faint red glow appeared on the thin plate, and after two seconds, the red glow turned into a blue light.

After confirming the authenticity of the card, Entoma raised her head and carefully looked at Kane in front of her, her eyes moving up and down.

Kane was a little uncomfortable with his gaze, and asked, "What's the matter? Is there any problem with this card."

Entoma withdrew her gaze, stared at Kane and said, "Of course there is no problem, but I don't know where you have done something big. Can the warriors of the mist always participate in these important events."

After complaining about Kane, Entoma picked up the card and said: "This card represents a medium merit reward from the Mist Council, which can be obtained from the explorer's homes in major cities or the branches of the Mist Council. and reward, so do you need to use it now?"

After hearing Entoma's explanation, Kane thought for a while.

"What kind of reward can this so-called medium skill be exchanged for?"

Hearing Kane's question, Entoma's eyes were filled with confusion. What does it mean? Even if the credit is obtained, don't you know what this kind of credit can get?

Who the hell sent you this card? Really incompetent.

Wilhelm, who was leading the investigation in the forest in the distance, couldn't help but sneeze: "It's strange, why did you sneeze suddenly? Did someone put a curse on me?"

Turning her gaze back, Entoma carefully began to answer him after knowing that Kane didn't even understand this.

"The reward for the so-called medium credit can basically be converted into a piece of top-quality silver equipment, or an equivalent requirement that the Mist Council can achieve."

"What is the scope of the request?"

The truth of this question made Edoma a little embarrassed. After thinking about it for a while, she replied: "Without violating the law and morality, I can help you accomplish something that does not require the presence of a gold-level powerhouse. Can this be done? understand?"

Kane has some understanding of what he said. Gold-level powerhouses can basically belong to the top powers of a small force.

For example, in this city of lions, only the city owner is a gold-level powerhouse in the entire city. Of course, there are countless cities in the world like this.

Then this credit is not too precious for Kane. After all, Kane may be promoted to gold in another year or two, so this credit will not be of much use.

However, there are no requirements now. If it is directly converted into a piece of equipment, Kane feels that it is too much of a loss.

Forget it, use it later.

"There is no time limit for this credit to be redeemed, right?"

Hearing Kane's question, Entoma couldn't help rolling her eyes: "Of course not anymore. This is credit for contributing to the Mist Council or the world. It's not a membership point, so how could there be a time limit."

That's right, but ask, after all, insurance.

"Then change it later." After saying that, Kane put away the silver card on the table.

After seeing Kane put away the card, Entoma asked, "So is there anything else you need my help with?"

"I don't know if you have information about the [Devil's Valley] dungeon here." This is the main thing for Kane to come to the explorer's home and find Entoma.

Adoma frowned, recalled it carefully in her mind, and after thinking for a long time, she was sure that she had never heard of this dungeon.

"I haven't heard about this dungeon recently. If you need it urgently, you can go to the second floor with me to search."

"It's quite needed now. If you're not busy, you can take me up to search."

"Well, wait a while." Entoma waved to another staff member not far away, then handed over to her and walked out of the front desk: "Come with me."

The two came to the second floor, and after walking around a few times, they came to a room. The door of the room was made of steel plate and had strict protection ability. There were two guards standing guard at the door.

Entoma took out a card, swiped it, the door opened automatically, and then walked in with Kane.

The whole room is not big, except for a few stools and two tables, the only conspicuous thing in it is a huge magical mechanical device facing the door.

The device has a lump of irregular mechanical squares covered with magical lines, plus a projection similar to a screen on the upper side.

Next to the device is a bespectacled, somewhat sloppy human old man.

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