"Grandpa Macken, I'm here to find you."

Entoma came behind the human old man and shouted loudly.

The old human continued to operate the machine as if he hadn't heard it, without even raising his head.

Just when Edoma wanted to continue shouting, the old man stretched out a hand and waved: "Okay, don't shout, I'm not deaf yet."

He looked up and took off his glasses, wiped them with his sleeve, and put them back on.

Kane looked at the oil stains on his sleeves, wouldn't that make it more blurry?

"Okay, you can also operate this machine. If you want to know any information, go check it yourself. I'll go out for a cup of tea first."

After that, Marken walked slowly past Kane, looked up at him, and walked out of the door.

Edoma beckoned to Kane: "Come here, tell me what the name of the dungeon you want to inquire about."

Kane walked over and said helplessly: "Devil Valley."

"Oh, yes yes yes, evil, demon, mountain, valley." She said while operating the dense button on the machine.

Then a progress bar appeared on the display and began to move slowly.

After Entoma raised her head and saw the progress bar, she nodded with satisfaction: "Wait for it to search for a while."

"What function does this machine have?" Kane couldn't help but asked curiously.

"This is issued by the council to explorer homes in larger cities. It is a machine that provides information inquiry for explorers and is connected to the intelligence center of the fog council headquarters."

Oh, the equivalent of an information search platform.

It didn't take long for Kane to wait, and the progress bar was already full while he was chatting.

Entoma worked on the machine for a while, and then printed out sheets of information full of dungeon information.

Adoma sorted out the information, glanced at it casually, and then frowned.

"This is a silver dungeon, it should be too early for you, right?"

Facing Goat Girl's question, Kane smiled and said in a sullen tone: "Sorry, all of our team has been promoted to silver."

"So soon? You're not lying to me, are you?" Entoma expressed full doubts about Kane's promotion to silver in just two months.

After all, Kane had only passed a dungeon when he met her. At that time, he hadn't obtained the source skill. Although he knew that he was a warrior of the mist, he couldn't be so fast.

The Mist Warriors don't need to talk about the Basic Law.

For Edoma's doubts, Kane expressed his full understanding: "Don't worry, I won't lie to you about such a thing, after all, it doesn't make any sense, does it?"

Entoma still believed this, but the news was too sudden and outrageous, making her a little unbelievable.

"You are really amazing, it seems that I'm about to witness the growth of a big man." Entoma's tone was full of sighs.

"Okay, these are the information you need." After sorting out the information and handing it over to Kane, he took him out of the room and returned to the front desk.

"Since you still have something to do, I won't bother you. Go ahead and trouble you today." After saying goodbye to Entoma, he left the explorer's house.

Walking on the streets of the city, Kane was going to go to a hotel to open a room and rest for the night.

By the way, organize the information in your hand, and have a good understanding of the next dungeon, you have to be prepared.

After all, the exploration goals of the team are determined by Kane, and Kane also has to take the corresponding responsibilities.

On the way to the hotel.

I don't know if it was his illusion, but Kane felt that the city residents on the road had changed in both looks and temperament compared to what he had seen before.

It's not that it's getting worse, it's getting better, and it's no longer as numb as before, it seems that their lives are starting to get better.

After walking around the street for a while, I finally came to a hotel. This hotel is composed of a 9-story high-rise building. The overall architectural style gives a relaxed and fresh feeling.

Opened a room in this [Wind Chimes Nest] hotel.

Kane came to his room on the 4th floor. After walking in, the layout of the room was very simple, that is, an ordinary single room with a separate bathroom.

Go in and sit at the table.

Then, he took out the information he had just obtained from the space equipment and began to examine it carefully.

[Devil Valley] This dungeon is actually a silhouette of history, not the regional dungeon that Kane usually sees.

The so-called historical silhouette is a dungeon created by an important event that occurred in a certain period of time in other worlds.

It stands to reason that since it is a dungeon generated by a time period event, its randomness should be greatly weakened.

The reality is that compared to regional dungeons, it can be said that there is not much randomness in terrain and various buildings.

But this kind of dungeon is called the silhouette of history. The so-called historical events span the length of time, ranging from a few years to hundreds of years, and are formed by various events, large and small.

After the explorer enters the dungeon, the time point of arrival can be any time, and the completion of the event at the time point can be counted as clearing the dungeon.

This leads to the information that can be sent out in the dungeon, and most of the information that can be trusted is the terrain and some monsters.

As for the time period in the dungeon, the various influential figures are only for reference.

The [Devil Valley] has been in existence for more than two years. The information that can be confirmed is that the main body of the monsters are mostly evil creatures, and the upper-middle-level and powerful monsters are all demons.

Do fire protection and mental protection. Be prepared to counter evil damage.

As far as we can know, this time point spanned about 200 to 250 years. During such a long time, all events revolved around the sealed demon warlord.

Most of the events that the explorers need to complete are to help some surrounding countries and churches. Deal with various accidents caused by demons.

The point that needs to be noted is that there are many elements of the friendly forces who fall to the devil, and guard against backstabs.

The important nodes from front to back are: 1~50 years focusing on discovering the seal of the demon warlord, 50~150 years focusing on annihilating the evil creatures and demons that started to make trouble in the surrounding area, a total of three demon big events. The scale offense is getting stronger every 150 years.

If you are unfortunate enough to fall 150 years later and in one of the three major attacks, be sure to do everything in your power to defend.

Because once you fail, the seal will be unlocked, and all you need to face is the demon warlord who has just stepped into the gold level.

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