In the living room of the stone house.

After the Kane team clarified the combat goals they needed this time, they came to the place that Zackrem pointed to before, and analyzed which tasks could help them better accomplish their goals.

There are not only Kane and the others here, but also many mercenaries with the same identity as them, choosing tasks here.

Look at the huge notice board in front of them, which is densely pinned with tasks.

Except for Longbei and Lilulu, the other three participated in the analysis of which tasks would be helpful to them.

After all, this kind of task is indeed a bit embarrassing for the two of them.

In the end, the three of them took one of them, and then gathered together to discuss, which task on which to complete first would help their goals.

The three tasks are respectively. Clean up the demons in the 1st line of defense and help the civilians and soldiers left inside.

Check the second line of defense and find the infiltrating demons. Two villages have been destroyed by the infiltrating demons.

The last one is to ensure the supply line and retreat route of the entire defense line. There is information that there may be demons targeting this.

There was almost no discussion, and everyone decided to do the first task first, to rescue those living forces who fell in the first line of defense.

The first mission also comes with a map, which marks the distribution of villages, towns and settlements within the first line of defense.

And which settlements have not been rescued, about where they are marked on it.

He handed this map directly to Yoyo under his feet, and let it scan into his own system to plan the route, so that they could rescue these people as quickly as possible.

Zackrem also prepared war horses for Kane and the others, and let them go to the shanty to select them.

But in their team, only Kane and Metzker have the conditions to ride on warhorses. Lombe's size can't ride a warhorse at all, and even a bump can throw him off.

For him at least it was a torture activity. In his words, it was better to let him run on his legs than to let him ride a horse.

And Claire doesn't need it at all. Her physical strength is many times better than Kane and the others, but she doesn't usually show it.

She only needs to temporarily switch the armor on her body to a powerful armor that is convenient for movement, and the long journey has no effect on her.

In the end, it became Lombe and Lilulu on the marshmallow, and Kane and Metzker on the warhorse.

But having said that, Kane and Metzker were embarrassed when they looked at the warhorse in front of them. They had never ridden such a mount before.

I have learned how to ride a war horse, but I have never really ridden it. I can only ride it according to the book.

As soon as they came to the wilderness outside the city, the war horses were somewhat out of their control and began to run around at will.

"Claire, how do you control this thing?"

Kane has never ridden a warhorse, and only learned from books. His powerful body control ability allows him to follow the turbulence of the warhorse and relax his body, so that he will not suffer.

But how to control the direction of the war horse, he really does not know.

However, Metz held the reins, and controlled the horse to walk in a graceful manner.

For Kane's question, Claire couldn't help rolling her eyes: "Do you think I'm the kind of person who has ridden a mount?"

"Kane is stupid!" Li Lulu couldn't stand it any longer in the sky and flew down.

She hugged the horse's head and comforted it: "My little horse is good, listen to the big brother on your body."

In this way, the warhorse instantly quieted down, and began to turn left and right with Kane's movements, and started to run.

"I really have your Li Lulu."

"Hum, of course."

Li Lulu put her hands on her hips, her air was not good.

Then Yoyo flew into the air with the propeller on her head, and began to point the way for Kane and the others.

According to the time when the defense line was broken, as well as the rescue time and route of each legion, according to the information obtained on the map, Yoyo can roughly judge where there are lives waiting for rescue.

Along the way, you can still see a lot of teams, rushing to the second line of defense.

Almost all of these teams were wounded, and some teams even consisted of civilians and a few soldiers.

On the road, you can see a lot of corpses, as well as some broken weapons and damaged armor. These things should have been collected and re-forged. It can be seen from the scattered situation that these teams are almost all fleeing for their lives.

Since Kane is not on Marshmallow now, the task of reconnaissance is handed over to Mezick. He put a magic eye on Marshmallow's head, and also used eagle eyes to scout around.

"A team in front was stopped by monsters. There are two demons. We need to hurry up, otherwise they will not be able to hold on."

Metzker detected the situation in the distance and quickly reported it to his teammates.

When everyone heard the acceleration, they rushed in the direction that Metzker was pointing, and the lightweight armor on Claire's body instantly switched to golden armor.

Before taking two steps, he saw the sight of the team in the distance.

The number of civilians behind that team is close to more than 1,000, but the soldiers may be less than 100, and the heavy responsibility of fighting the devil is handed over to a dozen knights in heavy armor.

One of them, a figure in dark gray heavy armor, rode an armored warhorse, and wielded a lance to block a demon alone.

The two demons are not the same. One of them, like the one Kane and the others killed before, should belong to the war demon.

And the demon who fought alone with the gray heavy armored figure had no wings behind him, no sign of demon horns, a one-eyed head, and four arms like heavy hammers.

This is a heavy hammer demon, clumsy in action, but extremely powerful in attack. It has 4 hammer-like arms, and each blow can bring a tremor to the ground.

Several bullets emitting holy light directly penetrated the body of the war demon, and one of the blasting points appeared on his leg, causing him to kneel directly on the ground.

The knights beside him would not miss this opportunity, raised their swords and lances and stabbed into the demon's body, and the hot blood like lava flowed out of the demon's body.

The demon just roared and got up again, picked up the battle axe in his hand, and waved it in a circle, quickly forcing the knights back.

However, three more bullets emitting holy light directly hit his head, and the ugly head of the devil exploded and fell to the ground, turning into a pile of ashes.

Lombe jumped directly from the cotton candy, turned into a figure more than 5 meters high in mid-air, and smashed on the body of the hammer.

The tough and sturdy arms directly knocked the demon to the ground, and then a pale white figure rushed in, and the golden light blade slashed directly into the demon's neck.

The one-eyed head was directly chopped off.

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