More than 1,000 people in the wasteland just walked by the cliff of death.

Suddenly, heroes descended from the sky, destroying the demons that were about to take their lives.

Several people quickly packed up the spoils on the ground.

At this time, the knight who was wearing gray heavy armor and faced the Hammer Demon alone came towards Kane and the others on his armored warhorse.

He put the huge lance on the pylon next to the warhorse, turned over and dismounted, and took off the heavy helmet on his head.

The face under the helmet was actually a mature woman with delicate facial features. The thick armor on her body wrapped her body, causing Kane and the others to misjudge her gender. The short golden hair, perhaps left untreated for a long time, seemed Somewhat messy.

"Thank you for your help, I'm the deputy commander of the Rangers, Tracy."

She stretched out her arm in heavy armor, slapped her chest, and bowed to Kane and the others.

"No need to thank us, we are mercenaries who just came to this area to participate in the jihad, and now we have taken over the task of rescuing the trapped civilians or soldiers in this occupied area."

After listening to Tracy, Tracy nodded: "The civilians still alive around the town of Tike are here, I still have important tasks to do, so I will say goodbye first, and I will definitely thank you for your help next time we meet. Grace."

After speaking, he nodded to Kane and his teammates, rode on horses and led the team of 1,000 people towards the second line of defense.

After watching the team leave, Kane and the others gathered again. This time, they harvested a total of three magic items. They should not be in a hurry to identify them, but put them in the space equipment, and then identify them at one time when they are resting.

After all, they are now on a rescue mission, and time cannot be wasted too much. Every additional living force saved will have an additional contribution to their final decisive battle.

"Did you hear what Yoyo said just now? Now re-plan the rescue route."

Kane reminded Yoyo at his feet.

Yunyou shook her body up and down to show her understanding.

Kane got on his horse, looked at his teammates and said, "Now we move on, time waits for no one."

At this time, Yoyo had already re-judged the rescue route and switched directions ahead, leading the crowd.

On the way, Kane and the others passed by many villages, and these villages were almost full of various corpses.

You can also see a lot of red flesh monsters wandering along the road and some hounds without skins.

At this time, several hounds with no skin and flesh appeared on the road ahead. These hounds stopped Kane and the others on their way and barked at them.

There were two floating cannons beside Kane all the time, and they shot a few bullets at the hounds in the distance.

Several bullets cut through the air and hit the heads of these hounds with precision.

The hound whined a few times before falling to the ground, and then turned into a mass of ashes. A breeze blew over and blew the ashes away, revealing a magic item.

Kane and the others didn't stop when they passed by. A spider silk directly stuck to the magic item and pulled it over.

Almost all the monsters along the way were taken away in an instant by them, and then they looked for the spoils to collect the spoils, without wasting a single bit of time.

At this time, Metzker's magic eye seemed to have discovered a new situation, and he pointed his finger in one direction.

"There are two soldiers over there who are being chased by a demon that can fly."

Hearing Metzker's words, everyone immediately turned around and rushed in the direction he pointed.

The two soldiers who were fleeing, and the direction of their escape, happened to be on Kane's side, and they met before they took two steps.

The two soldiers looked flustered, and the armor on their bodies was full of various dents. They didn't even have weapons in their hands, and the riding under them was not an armored warhorse, but a fast horse without any load.

Seeing the ecstatic expressions on the faces of Kane and the two soldiers, they immediately stopped the war horse.

And the demon that was chasing behind them was about the same height as an ordinary person, with dark red skin, two goat-like horns on its head, and a pair of wide bat wings.

It is highly similar to the demons in Kane's impressions of the film and television works.

The two floating cannons floating around were aimed at the demon that was gliding over and screaming strangely.

The two cannonballs made a piercing screeching sound and struck at a rapid pace.


Two explosions directly enveloped it, and then a charred figure could be seen falling from the sky.

Then a few more bullets were fired, hitting the demon who was lying on the ground trying to get up, but this attack did not directly blow his head off, but just broke the two horns on his head .

He stood up and roared in the direction of Kane and the others: "Damn reptiles, how dare you treat Lord Chax like this, I will crush you and eat them in your stomach."

The bat wing behind him was a little tattered, but it didn't affect the speed of his flight. After flicking twice, it quickly flew towards Kane and the others.

Rolling in the palace a few times, dodging the bullets shot by Kane, approached quickly.

"It's over, the demon is provoked, you guys go away, so are you, Cass, go away and I'll drag him."

One of the fleeing soldiers seemed to feel hopeless and shouted at Kane and the others.

However, at this time, a rainbow-colored transparent bubble suddenly appeared in front of the demon, wrapping him completely.

You can also see Li Lulu's grimacing face sticking out her tongue on the bubbles.

But the bubble didn't seem to be that strong, and the demon was about to burst it with a few hard hits.

However, just to stop it, a brief control is enough.

A huge black shadow appeared below the demon, and the demon suddenly saw that the surroundings were darkened, and couldn't help but look up.

I saw that Lombe had transformed into a 5-meter-high gray Titan, jumped off the cotton candy, and pressed the demon with the enlarged shield.

Just as he was about to meet the demon, the bubbles on his body suddenly disappeared.

With a loud bang, the demon was directly smashed to the ground by Longbei with his shield, and a deep pit was smashed into the ground, surrounded by smoke and dust from the vibration.

Even though the demon was beaten like this, he still didn't die, and he could still hear his angry roars and roars.

The golden and white giant hammer was vigorously smashed by Lombe and smashed on the demon's head, and the penetrating holy light penetrated directly into his head.

The demon's head was beaten to pieces, but it was still resisting.

"It's still not dead, it seems that I have to increase my strength."

Lombe stomped on the demon with one foot, picked up the giant hammer and smashed it down frantically.

again and again.

The surrounding smoke and dust were everywhere, and countless blood like magma splashed everywhere.

Before long there was nothing but a pile of ashes at Lombe's feet.

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