"Is the village in front of Yoyo the Tieshi Village?"

Looking at a dilapidated village not far ahead, Kane asked Yoyo at his feet.

"Yes, Master." Yoyo threw it on the map in mid-air, and Kane's light spot had already coincided with the target's light spot.

After a night of rest in the fortress, Kane and the others came early in the morning on their second mission to investigate the demon squad raging in the second line of defense.

They got the information of the village destroyed by the demon and the corresponding map identification, and they followed Yoyo and started to rush to the first destroyed village.

After entering the village, everyone dispersed and began to look for possible information and some traces.

It had been almost two weeks since the village had been destroyed, just as the demons had been attacking the first line of defense.

According to the information obtained, this village was once just an ordinary human gathering place, and there was nothing special or special.

However, the village is not very close to the second line of defense, and it belongs to a relatively inner position between the second line of defense and the first line of defense.

The ubiquity of this information indicates that the village was chosen by the devil simply because of bad luck.

The entire village was burned down by demons when they left, and there was hardly a complete house, and the most intact one had been burned to the dark and nearly half collapsed.

Walking on the road to the village, you can still see slightly dried blood stains in the soil and some places under your feet.

The corpses of the entire village had been buried by the first patrol team that discovered them at that time, but only less than half of the corpses were found, and the other half seemed to have been taken away by demons.

Not just this one village, but another burned down village as well.

And according to the latest news they got from Kane, they discovered that a village suffered the same accident two days ago.

The number of destroyed villages has now reached three.

The number of dead and missing civilians is approaching 10,000.

Now in the entire second line of defense, all the gathering places are panicking.

It's not that the Legion of the Volcano Fortress did not send soldiers to track these demons, but they didn't even see the shadow of the demon, only that there were demons raging and some traces of demon actions.

And because the front line is fighting fiercely with the demons, it is impossible to send more soldiers to carry out siege, interception, and carpet search.

Now that the first line of defense has been completely broken, there are not so many soldiers to carry out these things.

In the end, only the mercenaries who came to participate in the jihad were given such a task.

After searching the whole village, everyone gathered together and shook their heads silently.

No one found even the slightest bit of useful information.

Forget it, go to the other two destroyed villages to see if you can find some useful information, after all, it is a long time since the first destroyed village.

By the time they came to the second village, the situation was still the same, without any useful information.

In the end, I could only walk quickly to the third village. This village was destroyed only two days ago, and some of the bones had not been cleaned up.

From a distance, I saw a group of soldiers patrolling around the village.

When the group of soldiers saw Kane, they immediately picked up the weapons in their hands vigilantly and slowly approached.

"Who are you? What are you doing here?"

The leading soldier seemed to be the leader of the team, wearing a helmet, so he couldn't see his face clearly.

"We are mercenaries sent by Commander Zackrem to investigate the demons that are wreaking havoc here."

Then Kane took out the commander's badge that Thackerem gave him.

The leading soldier approached and took Kane's military card to check it, and then handed the general card to Kane.

He beat his chest with his right hand and bowed to Kane and the others: "Lord Commander."

Kane nodded, then rolled over and dismounted with his teammates.

Several soldiers immediately came to pick up the two horses and helped lead them.

"What's your name?" Kane asked the leading soldier.

The soldier immediately leaned over and took off his helmet: "If you go back to your lord, my name is Qidi, and I am a captain of the garrison corps. What is your order?"

Listening to the captain's voice, I thought he was a young man, but who knew that there was already a middle-aged person under the helmet.

"Chidi, is it your team that found this village destroyed?"

"In answer to the words of your lord, yes, two days ago in the middle of the night, we were on a routine patrol, and we saw the fire of this village not far away. When we arrived, there was no one alive here."

Hearing Qidi's words, Kane nodded, and then walked in with his team.

As soon as you walked into the village, you could smell a strong rotten smell, which made everyone wrinkle their noses.

Looking at Kane's performance, Chidi said immediately: "Because of the lack of manpower now, we have only cleaned up some relatively complete corpses, and we haven't had time to deal with those corpses that are completely broken."

"There are more than half of the people in this village, are they missing?" Kane asked casually while observing the situation in the village.

"Yes, my lord."

"Well, then let's go to work first. Let's walk around the village to see if there are any clues."

"Okay, if you have any questions, you can shout my name."

Kane and his teammates dispersed again, looking for traces all over the village.

This time, only some of the more peripheral houses and some houses in the center of the village were burned down, but some houses in the middle have not been burned yet.

In the village, I carefully checked the bloodstains everywhere, as well as some uncleaned meat residues.

You can see the range of these people's deaths, none of them are outside the village, and they are scattered everywhere, and there is no scene of gathering together.

It didn't take long for Kane and the others to check the situation in the village and then came to the entrance of the village.

Chidi and his team are here waiting for Kane and the others.

"Did your lord find any clues?"

For Qidi's question, Kane shook his head and then asked: "When the news spread that the demons are raging, did some militiamen arrange for vigilance or patrols in these villages?"

"Yes, my lord, even if there is no news of demons wreaking havoc, these villages and towns have their own militia to patrol and guard, not to mention that there has been news that demons are wreaking havoc in the local area."

After listening to Qidi's answer, Kane nodded, and then took his horse and Metzker and left the village.

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