"Do you see anything wrong?"

Claire quickly came to Kane's side and asked Kane.

For Claire's question, Kane nodded and asked them: "Have you found this village, the place where these people died is a bit strange."

"Strange? What's so strange." Lombe was sitting on the cotton candy, floating beside Kane and the others.

Kane thought about it and decided to ask them another question.

"If you were these villagers, how would you react when you knew the demons were attacking?"

"Run, of course I have to run, how can ordinary people be the opponents of demons." Lombe replied immediately.

At this time, Claire suddenly said: "But the blood in the village and the place where the minced meat is located are almost all inside the village.

Most of them were on the streets, and none of the intact houses were found, nor was there a trace of blood around the village. "

"But doesn't that mean that no one ran away?" Lombe was a little puzzled.

"In such a situation, most people would huddle together to keep warm. When there are many people, there will always be a few bloody ones who will go up to fight with the devil, but the bloodstains are scattered everywhere."

Then Kane stretched out a finger and said, "The area that was burned in this village is much smaller than the two villages we have seen before. The fire also spreads from the center and the edge, and this edge has only one side. These soldiers can There is no ability to put out the fire, it is these fires that stop by themselves."

"So it means that they went in a hurry and didn't have time to set fire to the village and burn it all down, probably because those patrols found out what was going on here."

After hearing Kane's explanation, Claire seemed to figure it out and gave such an answer.

Longbei seemed to have figured it out at this time, slapped his head and said, "How can you run away when you meet someone with the character of a devil, and burn down the village in such a hurry.

They can't wait to kill all the human beings they can see, and burn all these villages to waste before they are willing to give up. "

"If they are afraid that they can't beat these soldiers, it is impossible for them not to let even a villager run out of the village." Kane said.

Kane began to tell his teammates the answers he could think of now: "These demons are much more rational than the ones we have encountered before, and they seem to be afraid of being discovered.

As for strength, it was a little hard to judge. They seemed to have suddenly appeared in this village, and then quickly killed those who resisted, deterred the remaining villagers, and took them away. "

After speaking, Kane thought for a while, and then said to Yoyo next to him: "Project the map of this area."

Everyone looked at the map floating in the air.

Kane zoomed in on the map of the village where they were just now, pointed to the upper right corner of the village and said: "The fire on the periphery started to spread from this direction, they themselves should want to start from the center and set fire to the periphery.

But it was discovered by the patrol, and then left in a hurry, and finally, when leaving the village, he threw another fire by the way. "

Although Kane's simple reasoning is not necessarily correct, it can only be thought so at this time, because this is the only information that can be found now.

Then Kane began to drag the map, towards the upper right of the village.

There is a village called Polan Village not far from this village, and there is another village after that.

and many more.

Kane suddenly discovered something was wrong, because the village further back was the first place they had just been destroyed.

Quickly zoom in on the map and look at the second destroyed village.

Although this village is far away from Polan Village, there are no other human gathering places along the way, and the only obstacle is a small forest.

Looking at Kane's performance, Claire asked, "What's wrong? Did you find anything again?"

He didn't speak, but zoomed in on the map, facing the crowd, and then drew three straight lines toward the Polish village in the three destroyed villages.

From this, it can be seen that there is no obstacle between the Polish village and the three destroyed villages, the only problem is the distance.

Claire and the others instantly understood what Kane meant. From this perspective, there are indeed too many coincidences in this village.

It is just connected to the other three villages, and it is just in the direction of the fire spread outside the third village.

No matter how you look at it, I think there is something wrong with this village.

Kane got on his horse and greeted his teammates: "Let's go, let's go to this village first, and be careful not to show hostility."

After everyone was ready, Yoyo began to lead the way for them.

It didn't take long for Kane and the others to see Poland Village from a distance.

It was in the afternoon, and wisps of cooking smoke wafted out of the village, and many farmers and a caravan could be seen coming in and out.

When Kane and the others approached, they found that there were two sentry towers outside the village, and several sentries were standing on the sentry towers.

This time, Kane did not let the whole team act together, and let Mekez scout the periphery, while Lombe protected him and guarded the surrounding by the way.

Let Metzker place a magic eye under the marshmallow and levitate over Kane and the others.

And Kane took Claire and Lilulu to investigate.

The militiamen on the sentry tower saw Kane and they ignored it, as if they had already gotten used to it.

When Kane and the others came to the entrance of the village, a militiaman next to him greeted them and asked flatteringly, "Several adults, is there anything you need to do in our village?"

"It's nothing, it's just a routine patrol, go and do your own thing."

"It's really hard for you guys, I won't bother you for now."

Walking into the village, Kane's martial intuition was fully opened, and his eyes immediately turned into eagle eyes.

There seems to be nothing special about this village, women doing housework, men just after labor, and children running around in the village.

Wandering around in the village, suddenly Kane smelled a faint smell of blood and looked in the direction of the smell of blood.

There seems to be a slaughterhouse, and there is a butcher at the door selling unknown meat.

Kane walked over and asked, "What kind of meat are you all, boss?"

The butcher looked up at Kane, and there was no strange reaction. He pointed at the meat on the plate one by one with the knife in his hand and introduced.

"This is the meat of a wild boar, this is the venison we just caught this morning, and that piece is our own mutton, sir, would you like a piece?"

"No need," Kane said and left.

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