With the cult cadres who rushed out, they turned into various evil demons.

The shaking in the hearts of the civilians behind them was even more violent.

Although they are in the war zone, because of the past ten or twenty years, no demon has broken through the second line of defense, so many of them have not even seen the demon side.

Most of the reason why they worship demons is due to the crazy brainwashing of cultists, and those who can speak up and resist have been buried in the ground by them.

But when they really saw the original form of the devil, these terrifying and disgusting monsters, their belief was not as much as the fear of them.

Looking at the expressions of those commoners, Sainte Finalis felt that the time was almost up.

"Soldier, come on, all the civilians put down your weapons and squat on the ground, we will not hurt you, think about your family, think about your children, give up resistance, the devil is not worth following."

Watching these shawl-and-armored soldiers charge themselves with sharp weapons, these civilians have long since broken their courage, throwing their weapons on the ground and squatting with their heads on their heads.

But there are still many diehards who want to confront these soldiers with weapons.

Many elite squads have already killed the cult cadres who rushed over, and then immediately rushed into the fighting village.

The saint stood on the spot, raised the huge golden-green scepter in her hand, and sang a holy song in her mouth.

A faint golden rain dripped down from the top of the village, healing the wounds of one's own and weakening the demons of the enemy.

As the rain of light fell, more civilians chose to lay down their weapons and surrender.

And Kane and the others have already marked their respective targets under Metzker's investigation.

The strength of these targets is at the silver level, and they are the ruthless characters that Kane asked Metzker to carefully select.

Of course, it is also proof that they will get a lot of loot.

The village chief has long been impatient and has become the prototype of the thorn demon.

The limbs slammed down to the ground and rushed towards the saintess's position.

Around the saint, the holy knight who was protecting him held up a phantom shield of white light to protect the saint behind her. The other raised the long sword with a white halo in his hand and slashed towards the demon.

However, the sword draped over the thorns' skin and spikes had no effect at all. Instead, it was hit by the tail shot suddenly from his tail, and the man and the shield were volleyed out.

Deep cracks have appeared in the thick shield.

Claire and Lombe had already rushed to the crowd, the hidden silver demons in the village, and only Kane stood there.

Because his goal was the village chief in front of him, and he was also the leader of this cult.

Kane has transformed into the form of a golden god, and the halo behind his head slowly exudes a golden light.

A cannonball attached to holy light shot out from the floating muzzle.

Dragging the long tail flame, the harsh sound of cutting through the air sounded, and the cannonball landed on the shoulder of the thorn demon.

As the explosion sounded, a thick plume of smoke enveloped the thorn demon's shoulders and head.

"Why don't you come and kill me? Don't you hate me?"

Listening to Kane's voice, the thorns lit up the thick smoke that would cover his face, and looked towards Kane, at this time several thorns on his shoulders had been blown off.

Looking at Kane's face, even Kane could hear the thorn demon's gnashing of teeth.

There was a bloody red glow in his eyes, but he didn't rush over like other demons recklessly, and he was about to fight Kane frantically, but stood calmly in place.

After all, the cultists in this village were originally humans, but they believed in demons.

Offering sacrifices and holding rituals for higher-ranked demons enables them to possess the power of demons, but still maintain the rationality that humans should have.

Then he suddenly used his tail to stab the knight who was about to get up in the distance.

The tail suddenly stretched and flew like a sharp arrow, and when it was about to stab the knight's body fiercely, a spider silk wrapped around it, restraining the tail.

Looking at this situation, the thorn demon also felt that it seemed that if Kane was not killed, there would be no chance to do other things.

He raised his head and roared loudly, the light from the surrounding half-red blood moon seemed to be even more gorgeous, and there were even faint red particles in the air.

The particles adhered to his surface, making his whole being as if he had just crawled out of a pool of blood.

He kicked his limbs down, and rushed out at lightning speed, attacking Kane.

When it was about to hit, he suddenly stopped, then leaped, slid over Kane's head and threw dozens of spikes towards Kane's head in the air.

However, these spikes were stabbed fiercely, but they were stuck on the transparent steel plate.

The screeching sound of sharp spikes piercing the board can also be heard.

Looking at Kane's tortoise shell, the thorn demon couldn't help frowning, as if thinking about how to destroy this transparent shield.

However, he was within 10 meters of Kane at this time, and the magic power kept pouring out of Kane's hands.

A lot of structures were constructed on both sides, and then they were drawn around the thorn demon.

When the thorn demon reacted to what objects appeared around him, he was surrounded by steel plates, and the whole was trapped in a closed space.

Aware of the situation at this time, the spikes on his body suddenly grew and radiated sharp edges, and then began to reverse out of thin air.

The steel plates surrounding it were torn apart quickly, and he was then evaded by two backflips.

However, during his backflip, several more shells were fired at him.

After trying his best to dodge two rounds in the air, he was hit by two subsequent shells, and his entire body was blown out in the air, hitting the boulder next to him.

The blood-red skin has also become dark, and the spikes on his body have been blown off a lot, but it can still be seen that he has not suffered any serious injuries, just skin injuries.

It's just that the current appearance looks very funny and embarrassing.

Kane's series of behaviors finally angered the thorn demon. Although he is a demon turned from a human, he can well control his chaotic attributes and reckless behavior.

But he can still be regarded as a demon now. Being played by Kane like this, his anger is about to rush into his brain.

Then several shells flew towards him, and the thorn demon who had already prepared for it escaped.

However, these shells were just empty shells. After they escaped, they exploded into balls of fireworks in the air, which were extremely dazzling.

This behavior was finally broken, the last rational nerve in the Thorn Demon's brain.

He roared angrily, his eyes were completely filled with red light, and his whole body exuded a blood-red arrogance.

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