The thorn demon's action was even faster, and it only rushed into the range of Kane's original skills in the blink of an eye.

Those transparent objects that Kane controlled to rush towards it were cleverly avoided by him, and then he stretched out his claws to grab Kane.

The blow did hit, but it only hit the transparent armor on Kane's body.

The transparent armor that protects Kane appears to be a prototype. It is an overall dark mechanical steel armor. At the beginning of the 4th week of the steel armor, his hands and legs have been extended and transformed into a three-meter-high mechanical armor.

A transparent diamond-shaped spar appeared in the mechanical arm, and turned into a transparent crystal spear more than 4 meters long.

The mechanical armor has agility that doesn't match his size, the shield on his left arm, the sharp claws that bounced over, and then pulled out the spear and stabbed the thorn demon fiercely.

However, this blow was caught by the sharp claws of the thorn demon, and the demon's powerful strength prevented Kane's spear from reaching an inch.

The hands of the two were stalemate with each other, but a steel fist appeared under the head of the thorn demon.

The tail of the steel gauntlet spurted blue flames, hitting its chin with a punch.

He directly raised his head high, and the strength on his hands also loosened. Kane's spear quickly broke free, and then he swung his backhand towards the shoulder of the thorn demon. The tip of the spear had changed in the process. became a giant axe.

The blow hit him firmly on the shoulder, and the blade of the axe had already cut into half of his arm.

A pale red phantom appeared directly on the sharp claws on the other side of the thorn demon, and it slammed down fiercely.

The mecha's left arm and its half body were completely destroyed by the entire red phantom, turned into pieces on the ground, and then disappeared into magic power.

Kane immediately drew his weapon and jumped a few steps, then a surge of magic power quickly rebuilt the destroyed part.

In just a few seconds, what was destroyed is repaired.

At this moment, the saint who was maintaining the Holy Light Rain not far away took time to throw a blessing in the direction of Kane.

Kane, who received the blessing, clearly felt that his strength and magic power had been strengthened.

The magic power poured out again, and Kane, who remained in the form of a god, let the attachment of the Holy Light begin to spread to the whole body of the mechanical mecha.

The surface of the black steel armor itself seems to be coated with a layer of gold film, which is unusually powerful.

The thorn demon rushed to Kane again at this time, and one claws hit the chest of Kane's mecha, pulling out a huge gap.

Compared with the previous attack, the speed of this attack has been improved by a speed grade, which is really too fast.

Even if Kane turned on [Martial Intuition] all the way, he still couldn't defend.

Then the thorn demon disappeared again in front of Kane, and the extremely fast speed made him suddenly appear to the left of Kane.

The sharp claw that dragged the red phantom swung out again, hitting the steel armour's left arm.

However, this time Kane noticed that, although it was too late to make an action, he thickened a layer of steel plate on the part that the thorn demon wanted to hit.

Makes it hit, but has no effect.

Countless sharp blades were made by Kane and began to spin around him.

In this way, the thorn demon can no longer strike Kane with a sudden increase in speed.

However, he was still a little unbelieving, and only stopped after being slashed a few times.

In this way, the two began to slowly stalemate.

Now it's time for Kane to switch from defense to attack.

He replaced his skills.

The mechanical mecha also emerged several muzzles and ammunition launch bays under his control, and the bullets attached to the Holy Light began to transform into white barrages, covering the thorn demon.

A layer of red shield suddenly appeared in front of the thorn demon, blocking these attacks.

But Kane did not intend to stop, and continued to maintain the barrage.

The bullets fired by the barrage scattered the dust around the thorn demon, and the dust filled the surroundings, making it a little unclear.

The transparent spear in the mecha's hand disappeared.

Kane also suddenly left the driving position inside the mecha, but even if he did, he was still able to control the barrage output of the mecha.

At this moment, in a flash, he suddenly appeared behind the thorn demon.

The transparent spear in his hand turned into a golden light, and the two floating cannons on his shoulders each fired a cannonball.

The cannonball took a step forward and landed on the back of the thorn demon.

In the sound of the explosion, the transparent spear that turned into a golden glow stabbed into the back of his head fiercely.

The Thorns Demon, who was concentrating on outputting magic power to defend against the barrage attack, didn't have so much time and energy to notice the sudden appearance of Kane behind him.

The blow hit him firmly.

The long spear pierced into his brain caused the holy light energy to explode in his mind, followed by the black smoke circulating inside the transparent crystal.

He was caught off guard and unprepared for this sneak attack.

More than half of the blood-red spiked head was blasted open, and only the edge connecting one eyeball remained.

The energy shield in his hand also dissipated, and the last wave of barrage also followed, hitting him.

Countless energy groups exploded on his body.

The rag-like body fell to the ground softly, and then turned into flying ashes.

Throwing the spoils in the ashes into the space equipment, Kane looked at the situation in the village with eagle eyes.

At this time, most of the civilians in the village had already knelt down and begged for mercy, and were tied up by the soldiers and taken outside the village.

And some villagers who stubbornly resisted have been killed on the spot.

The only ones still fighting were the elite squad and Claire and the others.

The two elite teams each held back two demons that reacted with silver magic.

And Claire and the others are annihilating the remaining demons.

Although these demons are much more rational than the other demons Kane and the others met before, they are also a little stronger.

But in front of Claire and the others, they were still at a disadvantage.

Lombe, who is more than 5 meters high, hit a night demon that wanted to escape with flapping wings, and the hammer fell.

The fallen night demon was then split in half by Claire's sword waiting below. At this time, Claire's hand was no longer the one-handed sword of the Holy Light, the pilgrim.

It was the jet-black two-handed greatsword with serrated teeth. At this time, the greatsword had turned into a pale ghost-like shape, enchanted by Claire's ghosting.

And Li Lulu has now transformed into what a mage should look like.

A 'glass cannon'.

Countless twinkling colored stars smashed at the remaining cultists, and many rainbow beams suddenly appeared.

However, at this moment, in the eagle-eyed vision of Kane and Metzker, the magic of the entire village was condensed.

Like a vortex, it is still pulling in the magic of a large area around it.

Seeing such a situation, Kane immediately sent a message to his teammates through the ruby ​​clip on his collar.

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