The rest of the silver equipment is junk items that Kane and the others don't need, and their attributes are not even as good as the copper-colored top-quality equipment on them.

Collect all these equipment and put them in the team's spare space equipment, which is filled with items they don't need.

Then he looked to the side and saw the blank magic stone that had absorbed the pile of copper-colored magic materials.

Li Lulu has been surrounding the pile of magic materials, watching the process with gusto.

After picking up these magic stones, throw those materials that have absorbed energy into the garbage.

After counting, there were a total of 9 magic stones, all of which turned copper-colored.

Keep these magic stones first, after all, copper-colored skills are not necessarily very useful now.

But these magic stones are useful to keep.

As mentioned earlier, many of the functions of the book of adventure require magic stones to become currency.

Put these magic stones into the space equipment first, and then take out two blank magic stones from the extraction circle on the [Book of Adventure].

The silver magic material they obtained this time was just enough to fill two blank magic stones, and there was still more left.

This means that there are two more silver skill stones, which will be captured by Kane.

Quickly charge the two blank magic stones with magic materials and transform them into a charming silver metal texture.

【Acquire more than 3 silver magic stones】

[Chapter 1 of the Book of Adventure: Extract the Magic Array and Get New Features]

【Loading new features...】

【please wait……】

【Successful loading】

【I wish you a happy adventure】

Sure enough, just said the function, the new function is coming.

Kane doesn't need to look at it to know what this function is. The new function loaded on the extraction circle is still at this time.

That must be a feature that you had when you used to play the game, not a new feature added after you came to this world.

Opening the book of adventure, there is a small question mark in a circle on the drawing array on page 1.

Open the question mark.

[New function: There are many lower-level skills with good attributes and functions. Due to the increase in level, they cannot keep up with their own strength, and they are reluctant to bring about the effects of skills. Now heavy launch, skill stone upgrade function. 】

[Operation method: Put the lower-level skill stone you want to upgrade, plus a magic stone of the same level and a higher-level magic stone, into the magic circle, and finally you can get an upgraded skill stone. 】

[Simple formula: (1 attribute) Copper Skill Stone + Copper Magic Stone + Silver Magic Stone = (1 Attribute) Silver Skill Stone]

Sure enough, the function on the system is exactly the same as when I used to play the game myself.

The introduction of this feature greatly extended the play time at the time, and more interesting and powerful skill configurations appeared, enhancing its game life.

This is the function that Kane has been waiting for all this time, and almost thought it would not appear.

So now there are two silver magic stones in hand, take out one to extract, and the other to upgrade the original copper-colored skill stone.

Kane hasn't thought about upgrading the copper-colored skill stone for a while now, so let's extract new skills first.

Summon [Adventure Book].

One hand held the silver magic stone tightly, and the other hand was placed on the extraction circle.

【Extraction skill】

[Whether to consume the silver magic stone extraction skill]



【Skill extraction in progress...】

The magic circle on the book began to rotate, and bursts of shimmering light began to emit, and the silver magic stone in his hand disappeared, followed by a metal sheet with a luminous pattern.

Can't wait to see its introduction.

[Name: Bloodline of Dragon - Blue Dragon]

[Category: Active/Passive Skills]

【Color: Silver】

[Description: Passive effect: Place the skills in the skill grid to improve physique, strength, agility, magic power, and spell strength.

Active effect: Once every five days, after using the skill, the appearance will change, the characteristics of the blue dragon will appear, and the increase of the passive effect will be doubled. The current magic power is doubled, and this effect is the final settlement. The duration is 10 minutes. It cannot be ended early or extended. It is a fixed value. 】

[Introduction: Astral dragons are distributed in all worlds, and this is the orthodox bloodline in the dragons. Known among their peers for their intelligent minds and powerful spells, they can almost reach the realm of color as adults. 】

Powerful, how powerful.

This skill is by far the most powerful skill that Kane has drawn.

It has dual effects of active and passive, and it strengthens attributes that are closely related to Kane's strength. Such a bonus will be useful no matter who it is.

The effect of skill improvement is also very practical and simple.

Some can't wait.

Kane directly switched this skill into his own skill slot.

Everyone cast a curious look.

This skill didn't give Kane any strange knowledge, or any hard-to-learn experience.

It brings a certain instinct, like eating, drinking and crawling.

The moment the skill stone was put into the skill slot, Kane couldn't help roaring into the sky.

A dragon roar came from his throat.

Except for Li Lulu, everyone in the crowd could not help frowning, they felt the suppression of their lives.

And Kane's pupils changed from blue to gold, and the shape of the pupils also became snake-like vertical pupils.

But it is not as cold and cold as snakes, but with a deterrent.

Kane squeezed his palm and felt the enhancement of his physical attributes brought by the skills. These bonuses were not slight, at least moderate.

Kane's current strength is almost on a par with Lombe.

If you add other gain effects, it's hard to say.

Now is the time to consider which bronze skill stones to upgrade to silver.

[Spider Nest Weaver] [God Man Incarnation] [Knowing Combo] [Magic Reservoir] [Material Conversion-Steel]

These skills Kane wants to upgrade them.

After thinking about the effect of this newly acquired silver skill, put the [Magic Power Reserve] back first.

If this new skill is not drawn, then Kane's preferred skill will be [Magic Reserve].

After thinking for a while, Kane directly activated the skill Avatar of God, feeling whether it would conflict with his own dragon blood.

The answer is no, it can coexist.

Then there is nothing to hesitate.

Take out a copper-colored magic stone, a silver-colored magic stone, and then take out the skill stone [Godman Incarnation].

Put the three items together into the extraction circle.

[Whether to upgrade this skill copper → silver? 】



[The magic circle is running, please wait...]

【update completed】

With the slow flow of the magic circle, a gorgeous silver light passed.

A brand new silver metal piece appeared above the circle, and Kane held it in his hand.

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