Inside a stone house.

in the crowd of onlookers.

Kane took this upgraded silver metal skill sheet in his hand and looked at it carefully.

[Name: Demigod Incarnation - Glowing Libra]

[Category: Active Skills]

【Color: Silver】

[Description: After using this skill, you will be transformed into a son of a god, and gain the same attribute ability and physical bonus of his father's god. You are free to convert all of your attacks and attributes into holy light damage, which allows you to enter a temporary holy light energy body state. During the skill, it will change its appearance and consume mana all the time.

During the use of the skill, you must keep your frontal faction from being shifted. Once you fall into the evil faction, the skill will not be available. If you use it forcibly, it will devour yourself.]

[Introduction: In some worlds, the first supernatural beings to appear are called gods. The offspring they bred with a super-intelligent race are called demigods, and these demigods will inherit many of the abilities of their fathers.

Aura Libra is a god whose job is to bring justice, fairness and hope to the world. 】

From the introduction, this skill has become very powerful, and it may be able to match the enemy with [Dragon Bloodline]. It has changed from a god to a demigod, representing a more powerful attribute.

But these introductions and explanations are surprisingly long and give a lot of information.

It seems that this skill has more potential than I imagined, and it cannot be underestimated.

The time for skill switching was about to pass, and after that, Kane put this skill directly into his skill grid.

With the consumption of magic power.

Kane directly turned into a little golden figure shining with bright milky white golden light from the inside out, and even the clothes became like an energy body.

The halo behind his head turned directly into a huge halo, floating behind Kane.

Kane just floated quietly in midair.

The magic power was quickly consumed from his body.

Feeling the consumption of this skill, Kane knew that this skill was no longer his normal skill.

The magic power in his body is not enough to last him for 10 minutes.

But the bonus effect it brings is outrageously strong, even allowing Kane to fly freely in the air.

The moment of turning into a demigod, the excessive amplification effect made Kane even feel that he was invincible in the world, and there was a feeling of being swept away by power.

The powerful force even made Kane feel that he was omnipotent.

Kane knew that this was just an illusion brought about by the sudden strength. After calming down for a while, such thoughts quietly receded.

As the mana consumption stopped, Kane also changed back from the demigod state.

At this time, Claire and the others gathered around.

"This skill is very strong," Lombe said bluntly.

Claire added with some amazement: "When you entered the state just now, I felt a suffocating pressure, and this pressure is fatal in battle."

Lilulu and Metzker are also telling their feelings just now.

This state even affected Li Lulu.

Only then did Kane realize that this skill of his own had additional special effects.

It seems that this skill is indeed very strong, although its consumption is also huge.

The harvest of this period of time has finally been absorbed at this moment.

Looking out the window at this time, the outside has entered the morning from night.

It's almost time to gather.


Noises can be heard from all over the Blackstone Fortress, and various soldiers are coming and going inside the fortress.

Various equipment and military supplies have been loaded onto the frame and fixed.

These supply vehicles that have been placed at the back door of the fort will set off immediately.

All the soldiers in front of the gate of the fort have been assembled.

The commanders of the other three fortresses have already counted the soldiers who are going to support themselves below.

Beside the city gate, Kane and the others are talking here.

At this time, Metzker was constantly taking out various medicines from his space equipment and distributing them to the crowd, replenishing the little inventory left by everyone.

Among them, red, blue and yellow are the three medicines that consume the most.

These three medicines belong to the things that are used in almost every battle.

Then Metzker also took out his new product.

I saw that he took out a dozen bottles of dark green potions from the space equipment, and then distributed them equally to Kane.

"Maleficent Fang, designed against skinners and most demons, weakens defenses, slows power, poisons them, and has a wide range to use with care."

This is the toxin that Metzker has been studying these demons and skinning monsters for.

Originally, I wanted to make explosives, but most of the demons have a lot of resistance to flames, so I gave up this idea.

Although the Holy Light attribute has a lot of damage to these evil creatures, the skins of these monsters have special resistance to the Holy Light attribute.

So in the end, only toxins can be used.

Afterwards, they added a bottle of Crown of Valor Potion to each of them. Although Kane and the others had never used this medicine, Metzker still prepared an extra bottle for each of them.

In the end, they were replenished with the almost depleted freezing potion.

During this period of time, this thing has exerted a lot of effect on the demon, and the control effect on the demon is excellent.

After everyone was ready, they went to the team that needed them according to Kane's distribution order yesterday.

Kane stayed where he was, and then climbed the city wall on the city gate.

Looking at the teammates who had followed the team away, he waved.

Magic poured into the ruby ​​lapel clip on the collar.

"Hey, can you hear me?"

"Hearing" × 4

It is confirmed that the communication equipment on the body is not a problem.

"Then pay attention to keep in touch, and remember to explain in the channel if there is any emergency."

After explaining to everyone, Kane observed the fortress and the terrain where the demons in front would attack.

on the walls and towers of the fortress.

All kinds of city defense equipment have been fiddled with. After all, many things cannot be taken away. It is better to use them all at any cost than cheap demons.

If it's broken, it's broken, and it doesn't matter if it's wasted. Anyway, it can't be taken away. It's better to use it to destroy a few more demons.

Various traps and potholes in front of the fortress are also undergoing intense excavation work.

Although these potholes and traps can't cause any damage to demons, the cannon fodder under their command can reduce a little bit.

And those engineering soldiers who were doing paperwork and maintaining various equipment in the fort had already retreated to the rear following some of the remaining military supplies.

According to this morning's intelligence.

Most of the villagers and some important supplies in the second line of defense have been evacuated.

It is expected that all will reach the rear of the first line of defense tomorrow morning.

So that would require them to stick around until tomorrow morning.

Before that, they need to firmly fix the demons within the range they can deal with, instead of letting them wreak havoc.

Defend the fort first, and then retreat when these demons are about to break through the fort.

If the demons want to pass them to the rear to wreak havoc, they will take the initiative to attack and hold the demons firmly.

Then slowly retreated like this, and finally gathered together.

Now wait for the night to come.

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