An evil half-red crescent moon hangs in the sky.

Kuros flew over the plain, feeling the power brought to him by the moonlight in the sky.

As for the mood-boosting side effect of being in the moonlight, is this a side effect for demons?

On the ground under him, there are hundreds of demons following his actions, and there are countless skinning monsters around.

Although I don't know why Bartos-sama has entrusted the power of the demon army to himself, this is different from his previous experience.

But for him, this is a good thing after all, and there is no reason to refuse.

This would allow him to lead his troops to capture that fortress, freeing the Demon Overseer's seal and freeing it.

Perhaps only in this way can he be able to receive the attention of the will of the abyss again.

For a medium-sized demon like him, losing the gaze of the will of the abyss is like the sky has fallen.

He just wanted to welcome back the gaze of the abyss.

With the will of the abyss, which I hope I can't feel, I can reconnect with myself.

As for the place where the seal was broken by Kane and the others, even with so many demon armies, he still did not dare to provoke it.

There is no need to provoke it, because those humans must have filled that seal, he comforted himself in his heart.

It didn't take long for him to arrive at his destination with an army of demons.

Start to command these demons that you sway to build camps and arrange magic circles.

Drain the energy scattered from this place for charging.

If Kane opens his eagle eyes here, he will be able to discover the magic of the black and red breath mixed in the air.

Here is another place where the seal is broken.

Looking at the situation where the camp was being built in full swing below, Wing Xing Mo couldn't help laughing.

Fortunately, the witty Cullers had already found another location where the seal was broken.

When he found this place, he didn't tell anyone.

It's just that he secretly and silently absorbs the energy scattered in the seal to seek a breakthrough in personality and make his own strength even stronger.

But now that the loss of the will of the abyss has made him close to madness, he can't wait to hide it secretly, and he can't wait to use his best.

All the flying demons were scattered around by him, alert to the arrival of humans.

With the establishment of the camp, the circle was redrawn.

Looking at the demons constantly being summoned on the magic circle, Kules' eyes were full of bloodthirsty desire and madness.

"Hahaha, it's coming soon, come on more demons, then destroy that stone house, tear the ants in it to pieces, and of course, that damned little golden man."

The whole sky resounded, and the piercing laughter of the winged demon.


The sun hangs in the sky, and this is the time when the demons and skinners are at their calmest.

In the headquarters of the Volcano Fortress.

The commanders of the various legions and the commanders are discussing something inside.

Kane and the Holy Maiden are among them.

A square-faced, serious-looking commander reported: "Last night, according to the report of the patrolling investigation team, many skin monsters and demons are disappearing, and it seems that the route they are leaving is gathering."

Hearing the commander's report, Diberio nodded and couldn't help but sigh.

"It seems that these demons are going to make a big move again. Unsurprisingly, it should be the last attack on the volcano fortress."

At this time, Finalis stood up and said: "I may be able to provide some information on the demon's attack."

Listening to the saint's words, everyone is very interested. As for his source of information, no one will ask.

After all, the church and them are not a system. The two sides work together, but do not interfere with each other.

And if the saintess in the church don't trust them, then no one can trust them. As long as she can still use God's prayers, she will still be in their camp.

Finalis, on the other hand, told the crowd about her countless reincarnation experiences and some points that demons would focus on attacking, hoping that they would focus on defense against these points to ensure that they could win the holy war.

In this way, Kane and the others can be regarded as clearing the dungeon to help her truly be free.

Kane, on the other hand, had been standing beside him, listening to everyone's conversations about various intelligence and battle reports, as well as the deployment of troops.

He just came to hear the information.

It is a mascot character. After all, he can't lead troops, and can only behead the powerful individuals among those demons with his teammates to prevent them from causing more casualties.

Letting Kane come to the headquarters to talk with them is out of respect for Kane and recognition of his strength and status.

"Dong Dong Dong!"

Suddenly there was a knock on the door.


The last soldier pushed in the door and hurried to Diberio's side.

"What's the matter? Is there anything to report?"

After all, every time this kind of meeting is held, the commander will withdraw all irrelevant personnel. It is not important, and they should not be disturbed.

The soldier got down on one knee and quickly reported the information he had obtained to the crowd.

"According to the inspection of the Survey Corps, all the skinners and demons in the wasteland have disappeared, and it seems that they have all been assembled according to their traces."

After listening to the soldier's report, everyone present frowned.

Because this means that the demons are about to launch their final attack, and if as expected, the time should be tonight.

Gives a sense of why you are so anxious.

But since they have come, they can only actively fight.

Afterwards, Diberio began to issue various orders to all the commanders present.

The inspection and arrangement of various defensive equipment and the various traps outside the city can be made up, and if you can dig a little more, you can make up for it.

Bring back all the soldiers who were out patrolling and scouting.

And the final pre-war mobilization to boost the morale of the soldiers, if that fails, the world is over.

After Diberio gave the order, Kane quickly returned to his house.

Tell your teammates that the final battle will take place tonight, and let them all prepare quickly.

Afterwards, Metzker took out a lot of potions for everyone to replenish, which was a must before every important battle.

And on the plain.

Under the scorching sun.

A huge army is slowly rushing towards the position of the volcanic barrier.

This is the number of demons in the legion. If you look around, you can see that it is approaching the number of thousands.

You can also see that in the team behind you, there are still demons joining in the back.

These were just summoned to catch up with the troops.

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