
The cold wind blew, the walls of the Volcano Fortress were filled with densely packed soldiers, and countless defense equipment was laid along the city wall.

The flags of the various legions fluttered on the city walls.

Diberio, standing in the center of the city wall, faced the neatly lined soldiers around and under the city wall.

As the commander of the first army, although he is not the strongest in the entire army, he must be the most powerful group.

"Today, when we decisively fight the demons, they delusionally want to break through our defenses and release the demons that our ancestors had sealed at countless costs.

Trying to turn our world upside down, destroy our homes, kill our loved ones, can we step back? "

In the cold wind, Di Berio used a huge voice to spread the pre-war declaration into the ears of all the soldiers.

After hearing this, all the soldiers pulled their throats and blushed, and responded loudly.

"Swear to the death!" "Swear to the death!"

"Very good, you are all good, we can hold on for hundreds of years under the attack of demons, and even in the end, we can still hold on, and keep the ambitions of those demons out of the city. Wan Sheng !"

"Wan Sheng!" "Wan Sheng!"

As the pre-war mobilization fell, all the soldiers were nervous, waiting for the demon's raid.

Kane and the others were also standing at the corner of the city wall, and the cotton candy was floating in the sky, carrying Metzker's magic eye.

Before long, the ground began to shake, and smoke billowed from the frontier of the field of vision.

It was accompanied by a deafening roar. Even Kane and the others, who were several kilometers away, could still feel the bloodthirsty in the roar.

Relying on the magic eye on Marshmallow, Metzker was one step ahead of everyone and noticed the number and strength of the demon army.

When he saw the number of demons in the demon army, the expression of Mezzik, who was always calm, changed.

Looking at this performance, Kane quickly asked: "What's wrong with Metzker, is there any accident?"

It will never be a good thing to make his expression change, and Kane's heart can't help but start to fall.

Rarely, Metzker began to retell what he had seen in extremely rapid and large sentences.

"A lot, there are many demons, many times more than all the demons we have killed so far, and there are still a steady stream of demons coming."

Listening to Metzker's words, everyone's brows were furrowed and their expressions solemn.

It was an accident, and it was at the last minute.

No, there are too many questions.

According to Finaris' words, their battle for victory in the past has always revolved around that sealed location.

If the demon occupies the seal site, then the demon can basically declare victory, and if the human side restores the seal, then the human side can almost declare victory.

But now the problem is coming, the seal has been made up.

However, the demons, as Finaris said, were occupied, beyond the limit that all of these human forces could defend.

According to Metzker, there are still demons coming from behind.

Kane flashed in the Holy See team on the other side of the city wall, and appeared directly beside Finalis.

The so-called paladin beside him, saw someone suddenly appear, and immediately drew his sword, and then saw that it was Kane who put down the weapon he wanted to attack.

Finalis looked at Kane's solemn expression, and secretly thought in his heart that it must have been an accident.

"What's wrong? Did something happen?"

"Yeah." Kane nodded, and then told Finalis what they had seen.

After hearing what Kane said about Finalis, his face was full of disbelief: "Impossible, the place where the seal was broken was obviously repaired by me, how could there be so many demons."

After she finished speaking, she thought about it, and then chopped the scepter in her hand to her feet.

Then the pupils turned emerald green, staring at the surrounding sky and looking around, then turned to look at the ground.

"It's over, there is a gap in the seal, or in a place I don't know, there are demons who have built rituals on it and are constantly summoning demons. If we don't stop them, we have little hope of victory."

Now we are stuck in an infinite loop. If we want to win, we must rush to the place where the seal is missing as fast as possible, destroy the ritual, and it doesn't matter if it is repaired or not, we must interrupt the ritual formation.

But to interrupt the ritual, you must know where the breach is, and no one knows where it is now.

Naturally, this victory will inevitably lead to defeat.

Under the fortress, in a large trap area in front, the fastest skinning monsters have rushed over, paving the way for their comrades behind them.


Following the commander's order, the catapult and the crossbow had already hurled their own ammunition into the demon legion's position in the distance.


Following another order, the archer also threw his arrows into the distance.

The two sides have officially started fighting.

At this moment, Diberio came to Kane's side.

"What's the matter? Look at the solemn expressions of the two of you."

Looking at the old general, Kane had to tell him what he knew.

Di Berio's face changed greatly after hearing this, but he still did not show despair, but asked with his hands on Kane's shoulders.

"Can you do it? Can your team destroy the place where the demon ritual took place?"


Listening to Kane's answer, Finalis next to him looked at him with surprise, is it time to lie?

They couldn't even find the gap.

"That's good, then let's go and destroy the ceremony. Before that, we will be able to hold the fortress."

After saying that, Diberio turned and left, his back was calm and tenacious.

Seeing Diberio leaving, Finalis immediately walked over and said, "Is this the time to make promises? We don't even know where the gap in this seal is, how to destroy the ceremony."

"I have a way to make sure that the fort is not captured before we come back, okay?"

Looking at the solemn Kane, Finaris nodded.

Kane, who got the answer, turned around and left.

"Wait." Finalis took off the earring on one ear and threw it towards Kane: "Remember the promise you promised."

Kane caught the thing, looked at the earring in his hand, didn't ask why he gave it to him, and put it directly into the space equipment.

"Of course, the oath is already made, and I will do my best to complete it."

Disappeared in place in a flash of light.

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