How to find the place where the seal was broken.

Kane has already figured out a way to do this.

Thanks for the silver magic stone yesterday, if it wasn't for the silver skill he had drawn, Kane would have been thinking about how to give up now.

[Explorer Pointer] Isn't this skill just enough to help them find the place where the seal was broken?

Switch the skill into your own skill slot.

Magical power began to pour out of his hands.

A golden pointer with patterns appeared in Kane's hand, followed by a circle of roulette surrounding the pointer.

The entire roulette wheel was covered with patterns that Kane couldn't understand from the inside out. These patterns seemed to have some kind of charm that made Kane stare at it, making him dizzy.

Shaking his head, awakening himself from this strange feeling, now is not the time to study these patterns.

After that, he began to think about the characteristics of the seal site in his mind.

The place where the demon seal is broken, the place where the evil energy is scattered, the place where the demon ritual is carried out.

As the three characteristics were fixed in Kane's mind, they were transmitted into the compass.

The magic power poured into the compass again, and the golden pointer began to spin wildly in the compass, and finally stopped.

No matter how Kane changed direction and position, the pointer was firmly pointing in one direction.

found it.

"Find the place, let's go." After saying that, Kane jumped off the city wall directly, and below it was the war horse that Diberio had already prepared for them.

Claire and the others followed closely behind.

Looking at the golden roulette that Kane held in one hand, I thought that it was a new thing that Kane did not know when.

As they moved, many demons and skinned monsters around them discovered them.

In the queue of demons, some demons followed Bartos from beginning to end, and saw Kane and the others at a glance.

Then he turned his head, and when he didn't find it, he suppressed the thought of going up and attacking.

However, there are more demons who have just been summoned from hell. These demons are instantly affected by the crescent moon in the sky.

Seeing the human being who appeared in front of him, he rushed up directly, and the bloodthirsty desire had already filled the entire heads of these demons.

The other demons who knew the power of Kane's team didn't mean to stop their companions at all, but instead looked at the show with schadenfreude.

You can't expect a demon known for its evil and chaos to have any companionship.

To be able not to hack behind his back and hack his comrades to death is to be merciful.

In the group of demons, it can be called a kindness.

Kane and the others didn't stop at all, and four floating cannons with huge bubble tubes floated beside Kane.

This is what Kane has improved again during this period of time. The bombing-type floating gun upholds the high firepower to subdue all dissatisfaction.

The muzzle of the black hole turned directly to the ones aimed at, towards the demons rushing towards Kane and the others.

With the rear of the barrel, the position of the ball lit up with bursts of blue brilliance, and the conical shells were ejected from the muzzle, dragging a long tail flame.

The sturdy demons were directly hit by the sudden shell, and the powerful explosion blew them away, and some of their bodies were also seen to be blown out.

It seems that this war has nothing to do with them.

And those demons who were not good at physical fitness were directly blown into a mass of ashes, rushed out of the abyss for thousands of miles, and died before they saw blood.

But they are all replicas of the world, and it doesn't matter if you see blood or not.

As for the skinning monsters who followed, Kane didn't bother to pay attention to them, and created a lot of round spheres to lay behind them.

These spheres stood in place, and after sensing the skinning monsters running beside them, they were directly attached to them, and their bodies then flashed with drops of red light.


As the explosion sounded, nothing was following behind Kane and the others.

The adsorption ball bomb is small in size, accurate in identification and concentrated in explosion. It is specially made for those monsters who are agile.

Along the way, I could see from time to time the organized demon team running towards the battlefield.

These demons don't need to think much to know that they must have just been summoned from the ritual circle.

For such a team, when Kane passed by, he directly shot a powerful cannonball in the past, which could kill some or some, and also relieve the pressure on the soldiers on the volcanic barrier.

All Kane and the others can do now is to rush to the target they are facing, hoping that those legions will last until they return.


The walls of the volcanic fortress.

Countless skinned monsters and demons are swarming up.

Some demons that were able to fly passed through the city wall and plunged directly into the pile of soldiers below, recklessly harvesting the lives around them with their own limbs.

Looking at his captain holding an iron shield, compared to the demon, Jianshuo's weak body tried his best to block his attack.

The captain turned his head and glanced at him, the heavy helmet covered his head, he couldn't see his expression clearly, only his heavy and steady voice could be heard.

"Don't worry Cole, I will stand in front of you, pick up your long sword and give it to him, the devil is nothing special."

The evil and ferocious demon stretched out his red-stained claws and swung it down hard, and the captain who was standing in front of him, his heavily armored body was torn to shreds along with his shield.

Hot blood sprayed on his face, and a head wearing a helmet rolled quietly at his feet, unable to see his face.

The steady voice still echoed in his ears, "The devil is nothing special."

"Ah!" Cole roared, picked up his long sword and rushed towards the demon, a roll forward dodged the demon's tail blow, and came to his abdomen.

Both hands clenched the grip of the long sword and thrust upward with force.

Hot blood like lava poured on his body.

The stinging blood burned his skin, but Cole still did not let go of his long sword, but stirred vigorously.

"Demon, nothing is great!"

The demon was in pain and couldn't help but shouted: "Damn ants, actually hurt me, I'm going to tear it to pieces."

He stretched out his slender scarlet arm, and the sharp claws were stained with drops of scarlet blood. As he waved, the blood flew aside.

A thick and huge lance suddenly passed through his back, and the slender point of the spear pierced out of his chest.

The hot, magma-like blood slid down the tip of the gun like a stream of water.

The huge lance dashed forward again, and a female knight in heavy armor was pushing forward hard.

The blood like water jets out like a shower.

The demon raised its head and let out a heart-piercing roar, and then the tall body fell down.

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