Watch them look at the camp ahead.

In Hawkeye's vision, evil black-red energy spreads throughout the area.

In the camp, the black and red energy even formed a vortex, absorbing all the surrounding magic into it.

The camp was extremely crude.

The demon magic circle in the center was completely exposed.

Black and red energy groups appeared continuously, and then a low-level demon from the abyss appeared.

The Winged Demon, who was surrounded by a big demon that Kane and the others met before, was still floating in the air this time, directing the ceremony.

"More, more demons, wah ka ka kaka..."

For such a situation, Kane did not delay at all, and the launcher with more than 20 barrels poured frantically in the direction of the camp.

These flying cannonballs were still accompanied by colorful stars falling from mid-air, and one of them was a large rocket, smashing directly towards the center of the circle.

Deafening explosions, fires illuminating the night sky, and dust filling the camp.

"It's you again, you goddamn little golden man. You were not there last time. Why are you here again this time?"

Hearing the harsh sound coming from the smoke, Kane couldn't help frowning.

What does this devil mean?

With the disappearance of the fire and smoke, Lombe fell directly from the sky, transforming into a tall gray giant.

Raise the giant hammer in his hand and smash at the demons who have just escaped the explosion and have not yet figured out the situation. Such an opportunity is only for this moment, and one can smash one by one.

A pale figure also passed by these demons who had not recovered, leaving only a headless corpse.

turned to ashes in the breeze.

Due to the tight timing of this battle, Yoyo has been following behind them, collecting loot in the ashes.

And that one, the winged demon surrounded by other demons, held up a scarlet shield to block the explosion.

A golden figure pierced his scarlet shield directly with a spear.

"you're free?"

Kane, who was chasing after Wing Xing Mo, also asked him his own questions.

The Wing Demon, who was smashed to the ground by Kane, got up from the ground: "Who are you and how did you get in?"

"It seems to be free." Kane muttered to himself, without answering the demon's question, and continued to attack him.

The current situation and the accident can also explain why. A spirit of freedom beyond everyone's expectations was born at this time.

Even if he was born, he just happened to have information that was fatal to the human side. From his appearance, he didn't seem to understand what happened in this world.

All the bad things come together, and the damn dungeon is targeting them again.

Forget it, after all, the love that carries the fog will naturally have to pay a certain price.

Nothing in the world is the best of both worlds.

There is no free lunch either.

After fighting the Winged Demon, Kane found that he was not that strong.

Then it's time to settle the battle.

In Kurus' eyes, Kane, who was facing him, suddenly disappeared, and then he felt a pain in his chest.

Looking down, a transparent crystal gun tip penetrated through his chest.

The power of the Holy Light and the unknown black energy erupted in his body.

Pain and a premonition of death came over him.

Then he lowered his head, turned into ashes, and drifted away in the wind.

Kahn watched as the winged demon hanging on the tip of his gun dissipated, and two objects with magical brilliance were falling down, and he caught them easily.

One of them was the round rune key that Kane needed.

However, now is not the time to look at these things, throw them directly into one's own space equipment, and fall towards the bottom.

His teammates have killed all the remaining demons below, and Yunyou has also collected all the spoils they exploded.

"Time waits for no one, let's go back quickly, the Volcano Fortress still needs our support."

After listening to Kane's words, everyone did not grumble, and started to follow Kane's original path back on the horse.

The warhorse under him also seemed to sense Kane's urgency, and it was one point faster than when he came.


Volcanic fortress on the battlefield.

The deafening screams and roars of demons echoed in all areas of the battlefield.

Many demons have rushed to the wall and are fighting each other with humans.

A random blow from these demons can take the life of a soldier in front.

The emotion of sticking to the defense line of the homeland and protecting the loved ones is helping these soldiers resist the fear.

A demon nearly three meters in size tore the soldier standing in front of him in half, tore off one, and bit the broken arm holding the shield in his mouth.

This brutal act finally shattered the hearts of the soldiers standing in front of him.

He screamed and wanted to step back, and fear began to fill the hearts of all the soldiers around him.

A large, heavy hand rested on the shoulders of the screaming soldier.

Diberio, who was wearing armor and holding a huge long sword, stood quietly behind him.

The large scarlet cloak embroidered with the text of the volcanic fortress floated backward with the cold wind.

"Soldiers, if you are afraid, stand behind me."

After he finished speaking, he held up his long sword and rushed towards the demon.

A sword was blocked, and the giant claws that were swung down towards him stabbed into the demon's chest with force, and then the hot blood of the long sword was drawn and sprayed on him.

Di Berio, motionless and unaffected at all, dodged several attacks, and once again swung down the long sword forcefully to cut off the demon's head.

Looking at the devil's head that rolled to his feet, he held the horns on his head and lifted it up.


The heroic performance and strength of the commander dispelled the fears of these soldiers, and their morale was picking up.


Roaring and slashing towards the surrounding monsters with a weapon.

DiBerio's performance also attracted a lot of demons, which gathered around him.

However, this is only a corner of the battlefield, and more soldiers have fallen into fear.

Countless soldiers with broken hearts wanted to escape, but were torn up and devoured by the skinning monsters and demons chasing after them.

Finaris, who was guarded by countless paladins in elite armor, watched this scene.

The eyes couldn't help looking at the direction where Kane and the others left, and the fortress was about to be captured.

It seems that on the contrary, he cannot fulfill his promise.

Quietly watching the pattern of thorns spread across his right arm, Finaris took a deep breath.


There is a firm light in his eyes.

She raised the huge golden scepter in her hand and slashed it towards the ground.

A beam of light soaring into the sky appeared on the battlefield.

PS: For so many days, ask for a monthly ticket


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