Sixth day of survival.

In the exquisite double-storey stone hut, in a bedroom on the second floor, a fat woman was covering her neck and fell to the ground.

The blood gushing out of his neck stained the yellow sheets and bedding.

The quilt that was torn off the bed was stained in the blood on the floor and turned into a bloody cloth, marking the death of its owner.

However, when the woman was completely silent and turned into a piece of fly ash, the bedding that had been completely dyed red suddenly became clean, but the surface was covered with a thin layer of dust.

Li Lulu flew over Kane's back, rummaged through the dust for a while, and picked up a white and red honey fruit.

The appearance of Miguo made the happy smile on Li Lulu's face even brighter.

"Eat it yourself, I don't like this stuff."

Hearing Kane's words, Li Lulu happily hugged Miguo and took a bite.

The sweet juice invaded the whole mouth.

This sweet and greasy fruit is Li Lulu's favorite.

Kane is not very interested in this kind of thing, because this fruit is not ordinary sweet, but the kind of sweet that makes one's throat a little itchy.

Lilulu and Claire were the only ones in the team who liked this fruit.

"Okay, come on, let's start running for your life."

After listening, Lilulu fluttered her wings and flew to Kane's back.

"Don't rub that juice on me."


Kane held an iron basin in his mouth, smashed the window, cut through the air, and landed firmly on the ground.

The sound of broken windows was so harsh on a quiet night.

However, Kane still felt that this was not enough, he put the iron basin on the ground and slapped it hard with his tail.

"Bang bang bang!"

The crisp metal knocking sound woke up the whole quiet night.

You can hear a lot of movement from almost all the houses.

Kane felt uneasy about this, raised his neck and howled fiercely at the moon.


Li Lulu also lay on Kane's back, imitating him to scream at the moon: "Wow~"

Many humans, with their clothes a little messy, rushed to the street with all kinds of weapons.

Looking at their expressions, it seems that they have not rested at all, their expressions are a little broken, and the madness in their eyes is not as strong as before.

Kane jumped up and stomped on the face of a human who was rushing towards him, and then carried Li Lulu through the middle of the townspeople.

From time to time, some people will be tripped to the ground.

In this way, behind the gray giant wolf, followed by a string of humans who kept yelling.

All kinds of knives, forks and sticks were thrown towards the giant wolf in front.

And Kane is dodging gracefully among these weapons.

When they saw that the townspeople behind them could not run, they would stop and wait for them, and howled at them.

Kane did this all night yesterday.

This is the 2nd time tonight.

After all, they bullied Li Lulu so badly a few days ago, what if they didn't take good revenge these days?

Still want to sleep.

People are crazy, and when they sleep, they all give me a hard time to get up and exercise.

These people were slipped all the way by Kane, running around the whole village.

At this moment, Kane, who was running in front, heard the screams from behind, stopped and looked back.

I didn't know when Claya rushed out, rushed into the team behind, knocked them over, and the weapon in her hand was still shimmering with magical power, reaping the lives of those humans.

However, after only one charge, she ran towards Kane from the other side.

"Lilulu, let's go."

After speaking, he ran towards the forest, and Kane had no choice but to follow.

After confirming that no one was following behind, Claire stopped.

"How is Li Lulu, are you alright?"

Claire came over, picked up Lilulu from the wolf's back and asked.

She seems to see Kane as a beast controlled by Lilulu.

After all, the little fairy is friendly with all kinds of natural creatures, and it is reasonable to have a giant wolf to help.

Li Lulu fluttered her wings and flew up, clenching her fists and waving it in the air.

"Of course it's okay, Kane is helping me get revenge on those who bullied me."

"Kane?" Listening to Li Lulu's words, Claire was a little puzzled, then turned her head to look at the giant wolf on the ground.

Thinking of Kane's strange skills, he couldn't help but ask with some doubts: "Kane?"

The giant wolf's expression was so humane that he rolled his eyes, and then changed for a while, returning to Kane's appearance.

After transforming into a human form, he stepped forward and hugged Claire fiercely.

Take Claire to the cave of the giant tree before.

Sitting around the fire, they began to communicate about their respective situations in the past few days.

Claire also appeared around a human gathering place. After a day and a night of observation, she found the difference between these humans during the day and night.

Then, relying on the advantage of the race, a wave of raids was carried out on the villagers who had gone mad.

It was discovered that after the death of these monsters, the survival materials that survived would explode.

For a race like Claire, which consumes a lot of water and food, the supplies for survival are always the most important. After knowing the source of the supplies, I finally breathed a sigh of relief.

It took two days to clear the entire village.

With the explosive materials, I wandered around the entire dungeon by feeling, and finally found Kane's mark and came all the way.

After hearing about Claire's experience, Kane couldn't help frowning while sighing at the racial superiority.

Since the theme of this dungeon is trials, it certainly won't make it easier for them.

If you can easily traverse this dungeon, you will not achieve the purpose of the trial.

Now this will only mean that there will be more difficult times ahead, and Akron will not let them pass the level so easily.

The cold wind of the night came again.

The fire around which everyone was sitting was also flickered by the cold wind.

The temperature at night was getting colder by the day, and it seemed to be part of the trial.

Feeling the cold wind, Claire couldn't help shivering. She was wearing the same common clothes as Kane and the others, but it was much wider to cover her legs.

Her skin is not animal leather, but human-like, so it doesn't have much thermal effect.

"Now that the night is getting colder, let's go in."

Fortunately, the tree hole was big enough to accommodate Claire's figure.

In order to keep warm, Kane also changed from a human body to a wolf body.

In the stage of ordinary people, the physique of the wolf king is much better than Kane's current system.

There are also several thick blankets spread in the tree hole.

As for where the blanket came from, it's thanks to the donations from the wealthy townspeople.

Without their charitable donations and self-serving devotion, this night would have been even harder.

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