10th day of survival.

1/3 of the 30-day survival requirement has passed.

Although Kaien, Lilulu and Claire have been together for several days.

But the nights are getting colder and colder.

Forcing them to fight against these crazy humans during the day, and to fight against these people at night, they must brave the cold weather.

Perhaps the enemy has not been strengthened, but it has also been weakened by the cold.

They didn't dare to get sick at all until they rendezvous with Metzker.

Being sick in such a place is undoubtedly giving up the opportunity to pass the trial and choosing to fail.

As for the herbs in the forest, Kane only recognized some simple trauma medicines.

The scarlet sky overhead.

Facing the crazy townspeople rushing out of the small town, Claire rushed in and killed a few people with the advantage of her size, and then walked away.

And those crazy townspeople were in hot pursuit. These few days of cold winter nights caused Kane and the others not to harass them. These townspeople were extremely comfortable resting at night.

After these people were seduced, Kane took Li Lulu to the side of the corpses that had just been killed by Claire.

The corpse had already been reduced to ashes.

Li Lulu flew over quickly, got the explosive materials from the ashes, and left the scene with Kane.

And Claire circled around with a madman and returned to the town gate.

At this moment, a giant wolf suddenly rushed out of the bushes next to it and attacked the last few humans in the team. After biting their throats, they immediately turned around and ran to the opposite position.

Just as these crazy townspeople turned their heads, Claire had disappeared.

These people had no choice but to chase after Kane, who was fleeing ahead.

After they left, Li Lulu flew out from the side again, took the supplies from the piles of ashes that appeared on the ground, and slipped into the forest.

And Kane quickly threw the humans away and got into the woods.

In this way, the three of them gathered in the tree hole in the forest.

They have been changing tricks these days to fight against these crazy humans, reducing their numbers and stockpiling more supplies.

For the crazy human beings under the scarlet night sky during the day, Kane and the others did not dare to fight head-on.

One or two can be easily resolved, once clustered the crazy behavior of these people and the ability to be enhanced by the scarlet celestial body.

It will definitely give them a good meal.

"Pack up and pack up the supplies, let's go to another place, this place shouldn't be allowed to stay any longer."

Kane looked at the two people who were eating and said.

Hearing Kane's words, Claire asked with some doubts: "Why, aren't we hiding well? After throwing them away every time, we came back here after a circle."

Hearing Claire's words, Kane shook his head and said.

"It's different, these people are just crazy, but not stupid, and their perception is very keen during the day. We have harassed them for so many days, they can basically determine our location, there are many traces along the way. We can't handle it either."

After hearing Kane's explanation, Claire had to nod her head and start packing the collected supplies with Lilulu. After all, Kane is an expert in this regard.

It's best to listen to Kane when it comes to activities in the forest.

In particular, their current strength has been suppressed to the level of ordinary people.

After packing up the supplies, Kane began to cover up some obvious traces around.

In the past few years when he was hunting in the Raqqa Forest, it was a truth that Kane believed.

As long as you feel something is wrong in your heart, you must do it according to the worst plan.

Perhaps most of them will be useless, but one or two of them are accurate, and that is to save my life.

And another hidden location, Kane has already found a location.

Just under a hillside four kilometers from the town, there is a cave with a narrow entrance but a very wide interior.

And there are also very dense trees around it, which makes it extremely hidden.

These trees can also block the cold wind and snow at night.

Yes, it's snowing at night now.

There is a big trend towards a blizzard.

Akronne is becoming more and more impersonal in order to test them.

At this moment, next to the statue, Akron was adjusting various parameters of Kane's space.

As well as the number and distribution of various dungeon monsters.

He is trying to increase the difficulty for Kane and the others, but not to the extent of destroying the trial too much.

I feel inexplicable resentment, but it doesn't matter, the trial is more important.

And Kane and the others have come to the cave, hid the supplies in the cave, and began to collect wood around.

At night, furs and blankets could not stop the cold winter, and fires had to be raised in the caves to maintain their body temperature.

Kane also needs to carefully arrange some vigilance traps around.

And watch for strange marks.

The grey wolf ran through the woods, laying out improvised traps with some canes and berries.

Not far ahead, it was already beyond the woods.

There is a dirt road that connects the town.

Relying on the sharp eyes of the wolf king, Kane stood in place and looked at the strange traces on the dirt road.

Come to the dirt road and check it carefully.

This appears to be the trace of a horse's hoof, which appears to have horseshoes on it.

Counting the traces around, there are at least 4 warhorses in this team.

The traces sank deep into the ground, either with heavy materials on the horse's hide, or a person with armor on his back.

No matter how you look at it, it is not a sign of good things to come.

Keeping the idea in mind, Kane turned back.


"Are you going out to investigate at this time? But doesn't it matter if there is a lot of snow outside?" Claire asked in the cave by the firelight, looking at the gray giant wolf that was burrowing out of the cave.

The giant wolf did not look back, but drilled towards the hole, but explained it anyway.

"When I set up a vigilance trap outside during the day, I found bad traces. Now I want to go out and verify if I'm thinking too much. You should pay attention to the surroundings."

After speaking, he drilled out of the cave and disappeared in the snow.

Claire pushed the fire to a hidden corner, and used a forehead cover made of tree branches to block the entrance of the cave to block the fire.

The cold wind outside was mixed with snowflakes.

Of the three, only Kane transformed into a giant wolf, able to rely on his thick fur to act in the cold wind, rain and snow at night.

Claire acted like an ordinary person in such an environment, at least she had to risk getting sick.

It is impossible to get sick without medicine.

It didn't take long for Kane to arrive not far from the town.

Looking at the fire in the town, I sneaked over in the wind and snow.

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