Perhaps because of the wind and snow, there were extremely obvious horseshoe prints on the thin snow on the road leading to the town.

The wind and snow was mixed with a language that Kane could not understand, and it seemed to be the language used by those crazy humans.

Sneak into an alley.

Get close to the source of the sound.

Look carefully.

I saw four light cavalrymen, wearing light armor and riding on warhorses, with a few dried heads pinned to the back of the warhorses.

The armor of these knights was also covered with blood and a faint stench.

There are two teams behind the knights, a 12-man infantry team.

And 8 of them were carrying bows and arrows behind their backs and crossbow machines hanging from their waists.

They were standing in neat ranks, and a light cavalryman on a warhorse was talking to the town administrator.

Obviously these humans have fallen into madness, but they still retain a certain social system, and their madness seems to be aimed at relatively normal people.

And now in this space, the only normal people are Kane and the others.

Why did regular soldiers suddenly come to the town? It is almost certain that they came to trouble Kane and the others.

Kane and the others have been raging in this town for 6 days. Someone should have gone to the middle city and called for support.

The soldiers also had the city's badge on them.

It is exactly the same as the badge on the marker of the city in the center on Kane's map.

It seems that the conversation was over, and the manager of the town in the snow brought the soldiers to a certain building.

Seeing them leave, Kane disappeared into the night.

Hearing the howls coming from outside, Claire removed the barrier that was blocking the entrance of the cave.

The giant wolf shook the snow on his body and got into the hole.

"You're back, how is it? Did you find anything?" Claire asked Kane.

There was a very humanized and solemn expression on the wolf's face.

"We will leave as soon as the wind and snow stops tomorrow morning. A group of regular soldiers entered the town, four light cavalry and a lot of long-range soldiers. This kind of force is incomparable to us now. Once they are caught If we stay, then our exploration will be over."

Hearing Kane's words, Claire nodded solemnly.

If there are just ordinary soldiers, that's fine, because if you can't beat them, you can at least run away.

But with light cavalry riding a warhorse, it would be dangerous. Except that Claire could have a certain advantage in speed, Kane was likely to be caught up before he could escape.

By then, it will be dangerous.

Claire blocked the entrance of the hole again. Now the nighttime blizzard kept restricting their movements at night, so they could only rest well and deal with the day in perfect condition.



There was a crisp sound from the cave.

Hearing this sound, Claire and Kane immediately woke up.

This is the vigilance trap set up by Kane, and now the sound sounds to indicate that the trap has been triggered.

Kane rushed out of the cave directly, and Claire picked up Li Lulu and followed closely behind.

It was still snowing outside, but it had stopped a lot compared to the middle of the night, so the night should be almost over.

Kane stood in the snow, his ears were shaking constantly, trying to distinguish the strange sound from the distance from the whistling of the wind.

The crisp sound of hooves and the sound of armor rubbing against each other.

Kane didn't think so.

The soldiers who arrived in the town last night actually started searching the forest before the wind and snow had stopped.

The warning trap just now was touched, and it is very likely that these soldiers will find it. It is not that he is not confident in his own trap, but that he completely trusts Ekron's quality.

How could it be possible for Kane and the others to have a better time.

"Come on, let's go this way." After that, Kane took Claire and ran away in one direction.

As for the obvious footprints behind him, it was too late to cover up, now is the time of life and death.

After a while, there was the sound of horseshoes chasing behind them, and it seemed that the footprints of their escape had been discovered.

Torches and all kinds of shouts pierced the forest where the cold wind was howling.

Kane, who was escaping forward, stopped.

Because he felt that there seemed to be people ahead, the captains of these soldiers had already arranged people to guard the main road outside the forest.

It can be felt that these people have become surrounded by Kane and the others.

Now we have to think of a weak direction to break through.

Kane pricked up his ears and began to carefully discern the direction of the hooves.

Most of the hooves came from behind Kane and the others, and the slow-moving infantrymen blocked in front of Kane and the others.

"There should be soldiers in front of this direction, we two quickly deal with it and then escape."

Hearing Kane's words, Claire nodded, and finally the two rushed towards the direction outside the woods.

The location where Kane and the others are located is only a relatively dense forest, and there are very few areas that can hide their stature.

So they are heading towards the other side, which is the direction where Kane and the others were before the tree hole. There is a whole larger forest, and only there is it possible to escape the tracking of these soldiers.

Before taking two steps, he saw a guard with a spear, and a long-range soldier with an archer and a crossbow beside him.

Kane and Claire scattered directly, attacking the two soldiers.

The two soldiers had obviously heard the sound of Kane and the others rushing over, and were watching the surroundings vigilantly.

Relying on the meat pads under his feet, Kane touched the back of the long-range soldier covertly.

Then he rushed directly behind the soldier. Due to the protection of the armor, Kane's mouth couldn't bite his neck, and he could only slam him to the ground.

But that's enough.

Without the long-range threat, Claire rushed out from the other side.

Facing the long spear stabbed towards her, the blade in Claire's hand slid away with a slant, then turned the blade, and slashed the soldier with force.

The tip of the sword slashed in from the place where the armor was not protected, and blood sprayed out.

The giant wolf lying behind the remote soldier quickly turned into Kane's appearance, his hands quickly stretched out to hug the soldier's head, and twisted backwards.


A sound of dislocation of bones sounded.

The soldier, who was struggling hard, fell to the ground softly without making a sound.

Kane quickly took over the bow and arrow and crossbow machine on the soldier, but only a few arrows were taken out, and the rest followed the soldier and turned into a piece of fly ash.

Claire also quickly removed the spear from the soldier in front of him to prevent the spear from turning to ashes along with the soldier.

Lilulu pierced through Claire's arms, quickly picked up the exploding spoils, and shrunk into the backpack containing the supplies.

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