After Kane and the others killed the two soldiers blocking the way, they quickly rushed outside.

The sound of hooves was behind them, and it was already close at hand, and if they didn't hurry up, there would be no chance.

An arrow that flew at a very high speed rubbed Kane's wolf fur and shot on the ground in front of him.

Kane, who once again transformed from a human body into a wolf shape, has exhausted the magic in his body.

This means that this fight, he has one more chance to transform from wolf form to human body, there is no more magic power to transform him into giant wolf form.

It costs mana every time you change from a human to a wolf, and it doesn't take any to turn from a wolf back to an adult.

After dodging a few arrows, the two rushed into the woods across the road.

The snowstorm has gradually started to stop. If you don't get rid of them before the night disappears, you can't run away.

Or kill them before the night is gone.

After walking around the forest with Claire for a while, the sound of horse hooves still followed closely behind.

While running, Kane frowned, and his heart sank to the bottom. It seemed that the possibility of getting rid of this group of soldiers was very slim.

There was no other distraction, and Kane didn't believe it with a single toe.

"The group of soldiers at the back should not be able to get rid of it. Take advantage of the fact that the night has not left, and fight." Kane said to Claire who was beside him as he ran.

"I haven't felt this way for a long time, haven't I?" Claire said lightly with the corners of her mouth slightly raised.

Hearing Claire's words, Kane couldn't help shaking his head and laughing.

Yes, except that I first experienced the feeling of life and death fighting in [Crystal Arena].

It's been a long time since there was such a sense of urgency.

The two people who were running forward tacitly ran away in different directions on the left and right sides.

The four light cavalry chasing from behind, the leader thought for a while, and finally divided into two groups. Two by two, they chased after Claire and Kane.

Kane, who was running towards the other side, heard that the sound of the hooves behind him was significantly reduced, and a humane smile appeared on the hideous wolf's head.

Now Claire and Kane want to cooperate to kill the four well-trained light cavalry, as well as those soldiers who are coming from the rear, which is extremely difficult.

However, the four light cavalrymen were separated, and one person dealt with two, and slowed down the rhythm of the soldiers in the rear to support them.

The chances are much greater.

Thinking of this, Kane tried his best to speed up again, pulling the distance between himself and the cavalry.

Footsteps on the snow, showing Kane's path, was able to take the soldier where he wanted.

Kane, who was running wildly, saw a haystack in front of him, and quickly changed from the form of a giant wolf to a pedestrian, and rolled forward to stop the speed.

Behind him, the two light cavalrymen who were looking for the footprints on the snow, chasing them all the way, were spurring their horses to increase their speed to quickly catch up with Kane.

"call out!"

An arrow pierced the air.

It hit the neck of the horse fiercely. There are many important parts on the horse's body, all covered with a layer of simple leather armor.

However, the neck is not completely protected.

The war horse was in pain, kicked its legs and stood up, struggling frantically to throw the cavalry on its back.

His comrades-in-arms did not immediately help him up, but drew out their weapons and looked around vigilantly.

The pained war horse jumped on the spot for a while, and then fell to the ground. The arrow had penetrated into its neck and hit its vital point.

And the cavalry rolled a few times at the moment of falling to the ground, dodging the attack that might follow.

Then he got up quickly and pulled out the crossbow machine from his waist to be alert to the surroundings.

The cavalry on the warhorse seemed to sense Kane's position and pulled the trigger on a tree trunk.

Kane, who avoided the flying arrows, knew that he had been exposed, and jumped towards the surrounding tree trunks to stay away from the sight of the soldiers.

The two soldiers followed closely behind, chasing them all the way up the tree in the direction of movement.

And kept filling the crossbow machine in his hand, shooting in the direction of Kane.

Kane could only do his best to dodge among the trees.

There were many wounds on his body.

After chasing it all the way, the warhorse under the cavalry on the warhorse suddenly began to struggle in place and was unwilling to move forward.

It swayed from side to side, and finally fell to the ground staggeringly, staring, and the horse's mouth was already foaming.

At some point, the horse was poisoned by Kane.

Now both soldiers have lost their most important capital, their mounts.

Can only back to back, not chasing, but vigilant around.

Of course, Kane will not miss such a good opportunity.

An arrow flew out of the tree trunks behind him.

It hit the knee of a light cavalry fiercely, where the armor was extremely weak, with a large gap.

"Ah!" He screamed and knelt on the ground, clutching his legs, already losing the ability to move.

Another arrow flew past, hitting his unarmored palm, making him no longer a threat.

Kane has already revealed his figure from behind another tree trunk.

In his hand is the long spear stored on the horse that had just died under his arrow.

The uninjured cavalry took out the sword from his waist and walked slowly towards Kane.

Kane was too lazy to spend time with him. There were still many infantrymen coming quickly behind these soldiers.

In the other hand, he grasped the dust-packed cloth bag and threw it towards the soldier.

Looking at the object flying towards him, the soldier with the helmet did not notice what it was, so he subconsciously swung his sword away, and the dust in the air blocked his sight.

Before the dust had dispersed, a long spear had penetrated his chest.

The long spear was drawn, and then it was stabbed fiercely towards his neck for the final repair.

Looking at this knight, after turning to ashes.

Kane carried his spear over and over to the soldier who was hugging his legs and huddled behind the tree trunk.

He had taken off his helmet, his dirty face and the black and yellow teeth in his open mouth, howling at Kane.

You can even see a white object crawling in the mouth.

Kane didn't grumble and stabbed a gun into his head.

Picking up the spoils in the ashes, he came to the warhorse that fell to the ground.

He took the crushed herb out of his pocket and smeared it on a small wound on the horse's leg.

Then divide another half and feed it in the horse's mouth.

In less than a minute, the warhorse stood up, completely not as ill as before.

Kane didn't actually poison it, just simply paralyze the grass.

the other side.

Beside Claire was a war horse that was spinning around, with a thin layer of ashes on its back.

And in front of her was a cavalryman with a spear who was confronting Claire.

This is the captain of this squad.

Holding the horse's belly, he charged towards Claire with the spear in hand.

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