On the galloping warhorse, the captain with the spear in his hand charged towards Claire, who was standing still.

Facing the incoming attack, Claire's eyes were sharp, holding the blade tightly in one hand and holding the spear in the other.


The blade blocked the tip of the spear that was slid over, and then pulled it out. Claire turned slightly to avoid the incoming spear blade, then lifted the spear in her hand and stabbed it diagonally.

The long spear pierced diagonally pierced the armor of the cavalry captain's waist, a gap appeared, and blood leaked out.

He drew a spear to defend, but a faint magical light shone from the blade that had been freed, and with the waving of Claire's arm, he slashed with force.

The blade easily slashed the barrel of the gun that was blocking it in the middle, but its strength did not weaken, and then slashed on the cavalry captain's breastplate, leaving a huge wound on the armor and flesh.

This cavalry captain may be very strong in the category of ordinary people, but Claire's martial arts have been honed. Although her current strength has been suppressed, her skills and the knowledge and experience in her brain have not been weakened.

The cavalry captain's attack was full of flaws in her eyes, and in a one-on-one situation, he couldn't possibly be Claire's opponent at all.

The cavalry captain, who was already at the end of the crossbow, did not fall down. Instead, he tried his last strength and charged towards Claire again with the gun in his hand.

Facing the long spear that Claire had already stopped in front of him, he ignored it, and slammed into it, still shouting something.

The spear in Claire's hand pierced through him, and the spear he attacked failed to stab Claire, but fell to the side weakly.

"call out!"

Several crossbow arrows flew from behind the soldier captain, and some of them shot on the back of the soldier captain. Only one crossbow bolt successfully passed through the armpit of his gun and hit Claire's arm.

The cavalry captain already knew that the long-range soldiers he swung down had arrived, so he wanted to hurt Claire even if he wanted to die.

That shout was what made these soldiers attack.

Krea let go of the spear and let it stick to the soldier captain, then turned around with the sword in her hand, and left here quickly.

Claire, who was converging towards Kane, let the arrow stick to her wrist and did not rashly pull it out.

"Clea, how are you injured? Is it serious?"

Cain, who came over on a war horse, saw the crossbow bolt on Claire's arm at a glance, and asked with concern.

At this time, Kane also had scars all over his body, but the appearance didn't hurt the vitals, it was all skin injuries.

"Let's go first, there are chasing soldiers behind."

After listening to Claire's words, Kane nodded, and then the two rushed to the other village they had agreed to before.

Obviously I can't stay here anymore, no matter how to get out of here. It's important to find a place to rest for a while.


15th day of survival.

30 days have passed since the completion of the trial.

Kane rode a war horse and shot the soldier standing in front of him, piercing his chest.

Afterwards, he picked up the spoils in the ashes and quickly left this place of right and wrong.

There are also countless crossbowmen and archers behind them, shooting at Kane who was running away on horseback.

That night, after they killed the cavalry and successfully escaped the encirclement of these soldiers, they kept walking around the periphery of the map.

It seems that the difficulty of the trial has escalated, and the central city has begun to send troops to the periphery, biting tightly behind Kane and the others.

Kane dumped them once, and it didn't take long for them to catch up again, causing them to take a short break each time before hitting the road again.

The villages they encountered along the way became the supply points for Kane and the others, and when the mad villagers saw Kane and the others passing through the villages, they would rush to them regardless of their lives.

And Kane and the others needed supplies to maintain their stamina to get rid of the chasing soldiers behind them.

Therefore, the villagers who rushed up were always warmly welcomed and saved a lot of time for them.

Kane, who was going to the hiding place, looked at the ill look of the war horse under him, and knew that it might not be able to hold on.

After all, this warhorse is just an ordinary warhorse. Following Kane and the others, they fled all the way, and there is no fine feed to feed them.

They can only eat the grass on the roadside at will. As for whether it is suitable or not, Kane doesn't know. After all, they can't guarantee their own food supply, let alone this war horse.

Looks like it's time to drop it.

Kane cut a wound on his arm, and the dripping blood was smeared on the horse's body.

Then he jumped off the war horse, picked up an arrow and stabbed it in the horse's buttocks.

Looking at the warhorse that was hurt and galloping into the distance, Kane transformed into a gray giant wolf and got into the jungle next to him.

The act of smearing blood on the battle horse is to hold back those chasing soldiers behind him for a while.

After a few days of testing, he already knew how the chasing soldiers behind him were always thrown away by them, and they were able to find them again in a very short period of time.

It is their blood.

However, they could not precisely locate Kane and their location, but the location of the blood.

Especially the blood that dripped out and gave off a bloody smell.

The stronger the smell of blood, the more it can attract their attention.

So Kane they often rely on this to buy themselves time.

After rushing all the way, the gray giant wolf came to a hole at the bottom of a hillside.

Claire and Lilulu are hiding here.

"Kane, you're back." Seeing that it was Kane, Li Lulu flew down from a tree next to the cave.

Followed Kane into the hole.

Inside the cave, Claire was leaning against the wall and asleep.

A strip of cloth was wrapped around her left arm, and the bright red blood on the strip indicated that this arm was obviously unusable.

Although Kane has helped Claire deal with the injury, and found herbs that can deal with trauma from the surrounding woods.

But the crossbow arrow that hit her arm caused the wound to be deep and not easy to heal. Even with Claire's racial advantage, it would take at least 10 days and a half months.

Fortunately, some plants in this dungeon are no different from the outside world, otherwise.

Sensing the movement, Claire woke up from her deep sleep.

"You're back, how is the situation outside?"

Hearing Claire's question, Cainde shook his head.

"The situation is not good. We have to leave immediately and find the next hiding place. The smell of blood cannot hold them back for too long."

Then they quickly solved the food and water that burst out, recovered their stamina and left here quickly.

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