20th day of survival.

There is still the last 1/3 before the trial is completed, and victory is not far from them.

Although it was a cold night tonight, the blizzard was much calmer than before. It seemed that Akron was finally a man.

Kane was riding on a warhorse, traveling with Claire on the road at night.

As time went by, the number of chasing soldiers behind them became more and more, and they became more and more cunning than before, trying to attract them by smearing blood was no longer effective.

They just got rid of those chasing soldiers during the day, but at night they saw the wind and snow outside stop.

They just took this opportunity to drive a distance, after all, they were not satisfied with the previous hiding place.

Due to the fact that Kane and Claire are traveling at night, the clothes on their bodies are relatively thick. As for where you said these clothes come from, you have to thank the rich townspeople again.

"Ah, this journey is really hard." Claire looked at the three moons in the sky and couldn't help but sigh.

Kane controlled the warhorse and approached Claire's side, pulling Claire's scattered red hair behind her ear with his hands.

Feeling Kane's movements, Claire turned her head to look at him with a slightly reddish complexion, which was so moving under the illumination of the moonlight.

Kane smiled at her, looked at his reddish cheeks and said, "Yeah, this brings me back to the days when I used to hunt in the forest."

"The panic of being chased by the prey, the passion of ambushing the prey."


The conversation between the two of them walking under the night sky seemed to be a little awakened, and Li Lulu, who was buried in Claire's chest, stuck her head out.

"What are you two talking about?" Li Lulu rubbed her eyes and asked sleepily.

Claire stretched out her finger, nodded Li Lulu's head on her chest, and said, "Nothing to talk about, just sleep, or you'll be out of energy tomorrow."

"Ah" Sighing, Li Lulu closed her eyes and went back to sleep.

During this period of running around, Li Lulu blamed herself very much, because she was the only one in the team of three who didn't contribute at all, and couldn't help in any way, she could only hold back.

As a result, the smile on her face during this period has not been much, and sometimes she will even sigh, no longer as cheerful as before.

However, this is also something that can't be helped, but it is also the reason why it is necessary to team up to explore the dungeon.

After all, no one can guarantee that they will play a good role in every dungeon. There are always times when they are restrained and times when they are powerless.

At this time, you need to rely on your teammates, so that you can travel longer on the road of explorers.

Finally, in the second half of the night, when the morning was approaching, they finally found a suitable hiding place.

It was a small gap between two cliffs, sheltered by a protruding stone, resulting in a closed space inside, just for rest.

"Then I'll explore the surroundings first, be careful." Kane handed the backpack on his body to Claire and asked her to take Lilulu to rest for a while.

Then jumped off the war horse, turned into a gray giant wolf, and turned around.

As for where this war horse came from, it was naturally snatched from the knights who were chasing the soldiers behind.

Kane, who turned into a giant gray wolf, began to probe around the new hiding place and set up some simple warning traps that matched the environment, in case they didn't notice, to alert them to the arrival of the enemy.

Suddenly Kane stood up, shrugged his nose, and smelled the familiar smell in the air.

This seems to be the smell of the medicinal herbs that have been prepared all the year round on Metzker.

This means that he is not far away, or passed by not long ago.

Kane began to smell the smell in the air and rushed in the direction of the strong smell.

As the smell in the air became stronger and stronger, Kane knew that he was about to find Metzker's location.

However, there is not only the smell of medicinal materials in the air, but also a strong bloody smell. This bloody smell is different from the stench that usually permeates the air, but is relatively fresh.

Are they hurt? Kane thought so, and quickened his pace.

Then, not far ahead, saw a place of ashes.

Finally, Metzker was found next to a boulder, not only Metzker, but Lombe was also beside him.

It seems that the two of them converged first.

Lombe, who was resting, noticed Kane's arrival. He picked up the one-handed axe next to him and stood up, staring at Kane with bloodshot eyes.

Metzker also struggled to stand up. He was not wearing a robe, but a thick bodysuit.

It was only at this time that Kane discovered that one of his arms was missing the strong bloody smell, which was emanating from here.

"Metzker are you injured?"

Hearing Kane's voice from the giant wolf in front of him, both Lombe and Metzker were a little shocked.

Lombe asked in disbelief, "Kane?"

It was only at this time that Kane remembered that he was in the form of a giant wolf, and then canceled the skill, and returned to his human form in a while.

Watching the giant wolf transform into Kane, Lombe relaxed and sat on the ground again. It seemed that he was really tired.

Kane walked over quickly, helped Mezke, who was a little unstable, to sit on the ground, and then looked at his broken hand wrapped in cloth and asked.

"What's the matter? How did you get hurt so badly?"

Metzker did not speak, while Lombe, who was next to him, helped to explain.

"When we first encountered pursuers 10 days ago, we were not alert, and finally fell into a siege. When breaking through, Metzker's arm was chopped off."

Kane saw that there was also a missing piece on one of Lombe's shoulders.

Looking at their tired faces and bloodshot eyes, I don't know how long they haven't rested.

Just now, Kane looked for the ashes along the way, indicating that they should have just finished fighting the pursuers.

It is true that they had a miserable time during this time, but now that the whole team has converged, it is much better than before.

"Are you alone? Kane." Lombe asked, looking at Kane alone.

Hearing Lombe's words, Kane shook his head and said, "Of course I'm not the only one, I've already joined Lilulu and Claire.

After he finished speaking, he lifted Mezik from the ground, and then said: "Don't rest for now, follow me first and go back to our hiding place. When we get there, let's talk about other things. It's not safe here, and there are chasing troops at any time. Come on, let alone you still have such a big wound on your body."

With the two of them, they walked towards the gap in the rock wall they found earlier.

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