Day 21 of survival.

Kane had found Metzker and Lombe last night.

In this way, their team finally assembled after 20 days after arriving in this dungeon.

It's been too long, and the colder nights and the blizzard that could break out at any time have blocked their best time to act.

The chasing troops that followed 10 days later made them exhausted and could only flee and hide, and the meeting of teammates could only rely on luck.

Fortunately, none of them died. Lost the qualification for the trial, but all the members survived.

As for the scars on their body, they will disappear naturally after 30 days.

As for why Kane is so sure, in addition to Ekron's guarantee before they entered the trial, it is also because he has never called out the [Book of Adventure] since he came to this dungeon.

【Book of Adventure】There are only two situations in which there are no corresponding calls.

One is that it is completely blocked, but as for this hidden dungeon, Kane doesn't quite believe it.

Otherwise it's too outrageous.

The other is that Kane and the others did not experience this trial with their real bodies, but entered some kind of illusory space or dreamland.

The second is the possibility that Kane thinks is the most likely.

At this moment, in the gap between the cliffs, there were bursts of crying.

"Woooooo..." Lilulu fluttered her wings and fluttered around Metzker's broken arm. Tears fell unconsciously when she looked at Metzker's missing arm.

Lilulu has regarded this team as her other home, and regarded Kane, Claire, Lombe and Metzker as her family.

Looking at the crying Li Lulu, Metzker reached out and touched her head, comforting her, "It's alright."

"But, but your hands are gone, how could it be okay? After I go out, I will definitely let Sister Chikurili grow your hands back."

Claire came over, took Lilulu into her arms and wiped her already crying cheeks with wet clothes.

"This time the space is unlikely to be real. When we go out after 30 days of survival, these injuries should all recover."

I don't know where Claire felt it, but she also came to the same conclusion as Kane.

Afterwards, he lit a fire next to him, and started to cook a simple meal with the ingredients that burst out, which is considered a sumptuous lunch at the moment.

Everyone also sat around the fire one after another, chatting with each other about their experiences in the past 20 days.

Holding a wooden stick, Longbe stirred the fire in front of him, and couldn't help but sigh: "I haven't been so embarrassed for a long time. I think it might have been when I formed a wild team with other people last time."

As for Claire, Lilulu, and Metzker, it was the first time they had experienced such a difficult time.

After all, they are either exploring the dungeon for the first time, or they have already formed a team with Kane and the others after exploring the dungeon for the second time.

Except for the pain in the earliest crystal dungeon, this journey has always been relatively smooth, and even if it is injured, it is not life-threatening.

This time, they have honed their ability to withstand pressure and vigilance.

"Although we have converged now, we still can't relax our vigilance. Instead, we must be more vigilant. In the last few days, plus we have converged together, Ekron will not give us a big one, I I don't believe it."

Hearing Kane's words, everyone nodded in agreement.

After all, they have also realized that this former soldier is not a human being.

When they first fell into the dungeon, according to their abilities, they actually had a good time. Even if the night became colder later, it still didn't make them sad.

Until later there were chasers.

When they know that there are pursuers and get rid of them, they will not be so embarrassed as they are now.

Who knows that when there are more and more chasing soldiers and they can't get rid of them, they will really have a hard time.

I knew in my heart that it must be the god of war who was stumbling them.

At this time, Akron, who was observing Kane and the others, nodded with satisfaction after seeing their evaluation, with a hint of pride on his expression.

His gaze returned to the crevice of the rock wall.

Lombe seemed to suddenly think of something, and asked Kane opposite: "Kane, what happened to the giant wolf you transformed into before? Is it your new skill? Why have I never seen you use it.

Don't you say that the wolf looks so handsome, won't you feel uncomfortable when you become a wolf? It's the feeling of four feet on the ground, will you feel..."

Seeing that Lombe wanted to continue speaking, Kane quickly interrupted: "Stop, stop, one question at a time."

It seems that in the 20 days since entering this tunnel, he has either acted alone or acted with Mezick, who is not very talkative, causing him to accumulate a lot of words. Now that they see Kane, they want to say enough at one time.

"I have the ability to transform into a giant wolf before, but there is no need to use it outside, so I have never used it."

After speaking, he changed the subject and asked Longbei, lest he continue to ask questions, endlessly.

"Speaking of which, what skills did you and Metzker choose?"

After hearing Kane's words, Lombe first said: "I chose the taunting skill, you know, dwarves themselves have almost no magic power before they become explorers.

So I'm in a state of no mana right now, but taunting gives me a certain bonus to insults, it doesn't require mana. "

It is said that the dwarves were famous for their powerful magic resistance in the period when the fog was not formed, and naturally they had no magic power.

It wasn't until later when the Mists began to bring dungeons that the dwarves were able to possess magic powers and still retain their natural magic resistance.

This is something that Kane didn't expect, and thought he would choose the iron wall shield defense.

Unexpectedly, ordinary dwarves have no magic power at all.

After listening to Lombe's answer, Kane turned to look at Metzker.

Metzker did not speak, but showed it directly.

The red particles began to pour out of its hands, splitting into two and drifting in the direction of Kane and Claire.

The kinds of Metzkers that he needs to control. The glowing particles that can stack buffs are his skills as an alchemist.

And he chose red particles with excellent healing effect.

This is expected by Kane, and it is exactly what they are desperately lacking in the team now.

However, this kind of particles can only speed up the healing of wounds, and cannot fill in the missing large pieces of flesh and blood on the wounds.

After a good meal, everyone began to rest in the gap.

And Li Lulu, who had rested all night, flew out of the rock wall to help everyone guard the surroundings.

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