
Metzker folded his hands together.

He slowly exhaled a mouthful of turbid air, and then the anger-like arrogance on his body dissipated.

The tombstone of the last explorer was also placed in place.

This siege by one enemy five explorers was killed by Kane and the others.

In the end, all four teams were wiped out, and one team escaped.

Only then did Kane relax and look at his teammates.

Metzker has many skin wounds, and Claire also has minor scars.

The only ones who were not injured were Kane and Li Lulu.

Kane hasn't been hurt for a long time since he started fighting in a mech.

As for Li Lulu's words, the flickering has been engraved in her instinct, unless someone can block the surrounding space, it is almost difficult for Li Lulu to be injured.

Even if the surrounding space can be blocked, there is still Metzker's ancestral medicine that can break the blockade of space.

But this kind of medicine was not researched by him, but passed down from generation to generation by his ancestors, improved from generation to generation, and now it is in his hands.

Lombe was the most seriously injured. When he stepped back from the greystone titan form, blood was dripping all over his body, and there were potholes and wounds everywhere.

After all, he almost blocked half of the explorers, and all the attacks of this half of the explorers were thrown on him.

Seeing this, Metzker ran over quickly, and the bright red particles in his hand began to pour into Lombe's body under his control.

By the way, he also instilled a few potions into Lombe to help him recover from his injuries faster.

As for Claire, the scars on her body can be resolved by applying some healing potions.

The scars on Claire's horse's back were not easy to deal with. Kane wanted to help, but Claire's red hair suddenly floated up. She picked up the red potion and poured it on some hard-to-reach places. Wound.


"What's wrong? Kane, why are you so unhappy?" Li Lulu fluttered her wings and asked as she sat on Kane's shoulders.

"Oh, nothing!"


After hearing Kane's words, Li Lulu no longer looked into it, but a flash appeared directly on Claire's shoulder, and said to her, "Clea, let me wipe it for you."

Hearing Li Lulu's words, Claire didn't delay, she said with a smile, "Okay, come here, here it is."

Handed the red potion in his hand to Li Lulu.


Kane shook his head regretfully.

There was movement in the sky at this time.

Kane and their avatars were reflected in the sky again, and 20 avatars appeared directly next to them, which were divided into 4 rows according to the composition of their respective teams.

4 red lines crossed these heads from the middle, and then exploded and shattered, while Kane's heads slid to the middle, and the glittering light was attached to their heads, which was very conspicuous.

? ? ?

All the explorer teams who felt the sky was different and looked up were lost in a state of confusion.


Why did 4 teams get wiped out at one time?

The Mist Squad again.

Can you kill four teams at once?

I have only ever heard that there will be several teams on the display of the annihilation party. I haven't heard of several teams appearing directly from the annihilated side.

Now that mad dog-like fog team has successfully broken such a record, becoming the first case.

Such a scene is also very easy to judge, that is, it must be the 4 teams who reached an agreement through some method to combine them to hunt and kill the fog team, and then be killed by them. Looking at the situation, the fog team has no members. loss.

While everyone was shocked, they couldn't help but worry, because in this case, the fog team would basically lock half of the last 10 places.

"In the future, when we see the fog team, we will directly detour, or we can run one by one, and don't stay in the muddy water."

This is the original words that the captains of all squads are saying to their teammates at this time.

They have already tacitly agreed in their minds that there are only 5 places left in the end, and they are now fighting for these 5 remaining places.

At this time, in the sky, instead of disappearing, Kane's avatars were directly enlarged and turned into wanted orders one by one, hanging side by side in the sky.

The style of these bounty orders has also changed a lot compared to before.

The border changed from silver to gold, and the color scheme of the entire reward order became more ornate.

The most important thing is the bounty below the bounty order, and the previous ×2 has become ×3.

This means that Kane and the others, the points of the 45 people on their backs at this time, once they are killed, they will be directly multiplied by three times.

Anyone who has such points at this time will be crazy.

There will always be many explorers who are not rational.

More than that.

A map in the middle of the dungeon appeared directly in the sky.

A red dot appears in the middle of the white map.

This red dot represents exactly Kane and the others.

This red dot will broadcast in real time for all the explorers present, Kane's position of action.

Under such circumstances, the number of desperate explorers will increase greatly.

Kane and the others looked at the map in the sky at this time, a little speechless.

"It seems that the journey in the future can't be leisurely all the time. We must be vigilant at any time. After all, our position has been completely exposed, and we can't get rid of it if we want to." Kane said calmly.

But this is really impossible.

After Claire heard Kane's words, she nodded in agreement, looking at their exposed positions in the sky, she couldn't help but say.

"The feeling that this position has been exposed to the enemy is really annoying."

"Who said no, and my face." Looking at the wanted notice in the sky, Lombe looked sad.

The style of the wanted order has been changed, can't I also change the avatar in it? Why is it so stingy and inhumane?

At this time, watch the inside of the venue.

When they saw those, ambush Kane and their 5 explorer teams died and ran, everyone quieted down.

Such a situation, even they have never seen.

"Ah, it looks like another team of rising stars blooming before us."

"Yeah, I didn't expect that I was lucky enough to see such a scene."

"Maybe, when the Mist Squad becomes famous, I can still brag to my children that I used to be the one who witnessed their rise."

The people present no longer discuss the strength of Kane and the others, nor whether they can clear the dungeon or not, and they have no idea of ​​recruiting them.

Such a genius is not an existence that they can meddle in. Such talents should be handed over to those real big forces, the forces that can really cultivate them.

The observers of these guilds or chapters are not fools, and they cannot afford such positions.

To put it in a bad way, even if it is the leader of the Guild Leader of their union, at this stage of Kane and the others, they have to be severely crushed by Kane and the others.

So why recruit them? If you can't take out something that can attract them, it's just a fool's dream.

At this time, behind these people, there is an area where no one dares to be around them.

The woman composed of blue crystals and a sturdy man with a big back were still leaning against the wall of the house chatting, and looking at their eyes, they knew that they must be talking about Kane and their performance.

"That centaur girl and that four-handed boy are too suitable for our way of martial arts. It seems that we should inform the master and the others." The man with the big back looked at Claire and Metzke on the screen. 's melee martial arts performance, and said with light in his eyes.

"Ha ha ha ha."

Hearing his words, the crystal girl next to her covered her mouth and laughed.

Hearing her laughter, the man with the big back turned to look at her and asked, "What? What are you laughing at?"

"I smiled, I thought it was quite beautiful."

"What do you mean?" The man with the big back said unhappily, "Why, aren't we worthy of them in the way of Shenwu?"

After laughing for a while, the crystal girl eased her emotions and replied, "Yes, of course you are worthy of the road to martial arts, but I think there is little hope."

"What? Don't your Bright Chamber of Commerce want to recruit them? How many have you seen such good seedlings over the past few hundred years?"

"Of course we also thought about it. Who wouldn't want such a talent." The Crystal Girl looked at Kane on the screen and said.

"However, I feel that there is little hope."

"Why do you say that?"

The crystal girl looked up at the man with the big back, and said with a look of pity: "It seems that you are really lacking in the road to martial arts."

"Just talk about it, don't scold me around here." Da Beitou said with a displeased expression.

"Okay, then I'll tell you mercifully, lest you make a fool of yourself."

"I told you that the captain of the fog team, Kane, is the first clearer of the first dungeon of the border. Do you know what that means?"


"Are you illiterate? You don't even have to read such important information. Don't tell me that you don't have this information on the road of Shenwu."

Listening to the surprised voice of the crystal girl, Dabei turned away embarrassedly and said, "Well, I don't like watching these things very much."


"As the first clearer of the first dungeon, when the fourth ring of the world appears, Kane will be the opener of the gate of the world ring, and must also be the first to enter."

"It's useless, it's just a ritual, but if Kane's strength came to gold when he appeared in the Ring of Worlds, it would be very different, and he would definitely get certain privileges."

"The Council will give him, and the Mist will give him."

"He must have gotten such news from somewhere, otherwise he wouldn't have worked so hard to promote his explorer level as he is now."

"And he is desperately trying to improve his level, not to join other forces, but to have his own power and ambition."

After speaking, the crystal girl turned her head, stretched out her fingers and tapped the sturdy muscles on her back and chest, and said, "Now you know, our chances of recruiting him are almost zero."

"Really?" He seemed a little unwilling to give up.

On the other side, Master Rob was working with Burton and the young man with a happy face, drinking small wine and eating meat.

The young man said proudly: "I knew they would definitely be able to destroy the team of explorers who besieged him."

"Hahahaha, amazing! Come and drink." Burton raised his glass with joy to touch them.

"Brother Burton, I no longer expect you to persuade them to join the Mechanical Council, but I must persuade him to hang an honorary reputation on our Mechanical Council. It doesn't really need to join, it's just an honorary member. "

"When the time comes, let's communicate with us about the art of machinery. This young man is really a genius."

"Hahahaha, it's easy to talk about it."

Just being an honorary member is fine, as long as I don't persuade them to join your council, Burton thought.

Then raise a glass and continue drinking with them.

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