Extract Skills and Explore Dungeons (Random Skills: Exploring Dungeons)

Chapter 331 The Three Magic Stones and the Long-Lost Dungeon Vegetable

The churning lava snake swam recklessly in front of the sun.

The lava and the afterglow of the scorching sun will burn the horizon as red as blood.

The scorching sun is about to fall on the mountain top, the heavy snow in the sky is fluttering again, and the cold wind swept in indicates that the blizzard is about to come again at night.

A vehicle galloped across the snow.

At this time, inside the vehicle, you stood on his exclusive pedestal and controlled the vehicle to move forward smoothly.

In the sky, Kane's wanted list, and the map that marked Kane and them at any time also disappeared.

The wanted notice and the map hung in the sky for about three hours, and every day after that, it would be displayed to everyone in the sky until Kane and the others died.

Lombe, wrapped in bandages, fell in his place and fell asleep. Kane has also stretched his position into a bed that suits his size.

Not only Lombe, but Metzker was also wrapped in a blanket in his seat, leaning on the seat, and fell asleep.

And Claire, who was next to Kane, also fell down and put her head on Kane's thigh and fell asleep beautifully.

Seeing that Claire still had the habit of pulling blankets, Kane straightened the blanket and put it over her.

Looking at Li Lulu lying on his other leg, Kane tapped the back of her head with his hand.

"Li Lulu, why don't you sleep?"

Li Lulu impatiently stretched her hand to her back, driving away Kane's fingers: "Damn Kane, don't bother Li Lulu, didn't you see Li Lulu busy?"

"Today, Li Lulu must finish this puzzle." As she said that, she rubbed her sleepy eyes with her hands, cheered herself up, and continued to work on the puzzle in front of her.

Yes, Kane finally came up with a treasure that can use up Lilulu's vigorous energy, and that is the puzzle.

When Kane created a puzzle by relying on his original ability, this novelty completely fascinated Lilulu.

At this time, Li Lulu had been fighting on Kane's thigh for a long time.



Hearing the movement on his thigh, Kane looked down.

It turned out that Li Lulu finally couldn't hold on anymore, fell on the jigsaw puzzle that she had done more than half of it, and fell asleep.

Seeing that more than half of the puzzle pieces that had been completed were smashed by her own head and flew in all directions, he could already imagine what Li Lulu looked like when she woke up.

Seeing that everyone in the car fell asleep, the feeling of drowsiness also disturbed Kane himself.

They were besieged before, although they didn't suffer any serious injuries, and they didn't pay the price for attrition, but that kind of battle consumed a lot of their magic and physical strength, so they really needed sleep.

Kane yawned and said to Yoyo next to him, "I'm going to bed first, Yoyo remember to be alert."

"Okay, master."

Then he stretched his position to the side, dropped his head, and fell asleep.

The sun also slowly fell from the horizon, and the entire dungeon fell into darkness. Only the full moon in the sky could bring a ray of light to the dungeon.

The whistling sound of wind and snow outside the vehicle also indicates that the blizzard has come.

The transparent car cover was quickly covered with a thick layer of snow, causing the entire vehicle to fall into darkness.

Only Yoyo's camera was still flashing a little blue light, but Yoyo noticed that everyone was fast asleep, so she didn't turn on the light strip next to the inside of the carriage, which would disturb their sleep.

Now it has a very good subjective initiative, but it has not yet found the so-called emotion.

In his sleep, Kane heard Li Lulu's sad cry in a daze, and slowly opened his eyes.

"Wow ah ah ah! Li Lulu's one day's achievements have just disappeared." Li Lulu cried sadly as she looked at the shattered puzzle in front of her.

Bean-sized teardrops fell from her eyes, and there were a few puzzle pieces on her face, and many puzzle marks were printed around her face.

In front of her, Claire looked like she wanted to laugh but couldn't laugh, wiping away Li Lulu's tears and comforting her.

"It's alright, don't cry anymore, I'll fight with you, it'll be done in a while."

The surrounding Lombe and Metzker have also woken up. They are playing in the rear position. Kane has taught them chess before.

These chess and card props have long been turned into entities by Kane's golden crucible skills.

Pulling on the blanket that was covering him inexplicably, Kane got up.

Looking at the sad Li Lulu, Kane shook his fingers.

The puzzle pieces scattered around fly up.

Started to splicing one by one in the air in an orderly manner, and then changed back to the way Li Lulu did before she went to bed.

Kane had recorded what Li Lulu had done before he went to sleep. He had already prepared and knew that Li Lulu would definitely cry.

Looking at the missing pieces in the middle of the puzzle, Li Lulu hurriedly tore off the pieces that were stuck to her face and put them in.

Seeing such a situation, Li Lulu burst into tears.

Fluttering his wings, he flew to Kane's chest, hugged him, and then turned his head on Kane's clothes, wiping tears on his body.

Looking at Kane looking down at herself, Li Lulu raised her head and smiled brightly and said, "Thank you Kane, Kane is the best."

Fluttering his wings, he happily continued to complete his great cause.

Just like that, Claire watched Kane's movements with a warm expression on her face.

And Kane looked at the large group of tears on his clothes and shook his head helplessly.

Kane felt the vehicle under him stop, and turned to look at Yunyou.

"Master, it's already here."

Hearing Yoyo's voice, Kane swept away the snow covering the transparent car hood and looked outside. However, the moonlight was not bright tonight, and it was dark outside, making it impossible to see.

Controlling the magic power, a huge searchlight was created on the roof of the head car, and it was searched around.

In front of them is a small plain, and behind them is a forest. They officially came here through the woods, and there is a small river where the two sides connect, and there is a small mountain about two or three hundred meters on the river.

This place is really good, as long as Kane and the others build the wooden house on the top of the mountain, even if someone comes to attack them, it is easy to be discovered.

As for the location of the top of the mountain, it is too conspicuous, and it is very easy to be exposed to the enemy. Whether it is conspicuous or not, it has long been meaningless.

"Okay, let's go to the top of the mountain, ready for me to pull you up." Kane swayed the vehicle away and said to the people behind him.

After watching everyone get ready, several spider silks wrapped Claire and the three of them, and then led the three of them to the top of the mountain.

And Li Lulu, fluttering her wings, followed closely behind.

Of course, they can also ride the cotton candy, or go around the mountain road next to them, but this is too troublesome, and it is also good to try the swing of the spider silk.

After a few ejections, Kane brought them to the top of the mountain.

After putting down the crowd, insert the skill stone of the child of the forest into the strengthening grid of the original skill, and Kane began to build a small cabin on a relatively flat position on the top of the mountain.

This time, Kane also specially reserved a place for Marshmallow on the roof. The terrain here is higher, and Marshmallow no longer needs to stay high above their heads. Right on their roof, the view is already there. wide enough.

This time, there may also be a crossbody baffle around the silent surroundings to prevent wind and snow.

So everyone walked into the wooden house.

"Huh, it's much warmer in here." As soon as Lombe entered, he rubbed his hands together and said.

Li Lulu flew in in a flash, then found a table, put down the puzzle in her hand, and continued to put it together seriously. She is now completely obsessed with this thing.

Seeing Li Lulu so obsessed, Lombe gathered around curiously. After watching for a while, he asked Kane next to him, "Good brother, can you give me one of these too?"

Looking at Lombe, Kane rolled his eyes speechlessly, then constructed a picture and handed it to him.

After Lombe took it, Pidianpidian ran to the side and began to study it.

At this time, Claire clapped her hands to attract everyone's attention: "You should be able to relax for a while today. Do you have anything to eat? Everyone can choose a dish, only for today."

It seems that Claire is in a good mood today.

Kane raised his hand first and said, "I want to eat prawns with mixed fruits." This is a famous frontier dish, and I studied and ate it with Claire when they were in the City of Lions.

Lombe is close behind: "Dwarf-style roast beef shank." This dish is also very well done by Claire.

After all, this is Burton's specialty, and the details and cooking techniques from start to finish are completely taught to Claire, so Claire's flavor of this dish is not inferior to Burton's at all.

Metzker raised his hand and said: "Crystal minced meat" can be seen from the name, it is a special dish of Crystal Town, and Claire also learned this dish from Burton's hands.

"White Honey Fruit Honey Egg Yolk Pie, Li Lulu wants to eat this." Li Lulu fluttered her wings and said as she surrounded Claire.

Hearing this dessert, Claire's eyes lit up and she nodded.

Hearing the name, the three of Kane frowned in disgust.

Is this stuff eaten by humans? Kane was fortunate enough to taste it once, and with just one bite, his taste was almost lost by the sweetness.

"Okay, that's all, just wait a moment, it won't be long." Claire put on her apron and walked into the kitchen.

At this time, Lombe pointed to the magic stone on Kane's neck and said, "Hey, Kane, your magic stone seems to be full again."

Hearing Lombe's words, Kane nodded, and then took out two other magic stones that had turned silver metallic color from his pocket.

"Actually, there are already three full of them. I'll draw skills later after dinner. God bless me."

"Who is God?" Longbei asked curiously, he had never heard of the belief in this place.

This question really stumped Kane for a while, he nodded his head, and after thinking for a while, replied: "The god of our place, you can treat him as a mist-like belief."

Lombe wasn't too interested in these things either, and nodded to show his understanding.

Kane looked at the three magic stones in his hand.

In fact, he has almost calculated how many explorers can fill a magic stone.

After killing and calculating during this period of time, it takes about 11 explorers to die for each magic stone before the intercepted energy can be filled.

And Kane and the others killed a total of 45 explorers during this period, and they just had 4 magic stones, and one magic stone was only charged for a section.

After chatting for a while, Claire had already prepared the meal and brought it to the table.

But in addition to the dishes that each of Kane ordered, there was also a large plate of fried fish in the middle.

The smell of the fried fish overwhelmed the smell of all the meals present, and the whole living room was filled with its smell.

"Isn't this dish?" Smelling such a strong fragrance, Kane already had an idea in his mind.

Hearing Kane's words, Claire nodded hurriedly, and then said, "It's just what you think, quickly identify it and see if I've got it right."

The magic ingredients in the dungeon were indeed sold at Furnace Castle before. I didn't expect Claire to buy one. This may be the first time she has made magic ingredients, so she was a little excited and didn't know if she had done it well.

I want Kane to verify whether the effect of the ingredients is brought into play.

Kane nodded, and then stretched out his hand to the large disc carrying the fried fish.

【Mengjiao Swimming in the Starry Sky】


[Color: Copper]

[Attribute: Increase sensitivity after use]

[Introduction: Ordinary swimming fish living in the sea of ​​​​stars, together with fiery peppers grown in volcanic lava, are fried together with skilled technology. The technology is a little rudimentary, but it is more than enough to handle copper-colored ingredients. 】

Looking at the evaluation identified by the food, Kane told it to Claire.

"It said above that your technology is more than enough to handle copper-colored dungeon ingredients, and if you work harder, you can handle silver-level ingredients."

Hearing Kane's words, Claire narrowed her eyes and looked happy.

Everyone knows that Kane's appraisal is very powerful, and it is an existence that can be completely believed.

"Okay, then let's eat as much as you like."

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