late at night.

Under the moonlight, the cold wind whistled around with the blizzard wrapped around it.

Once at night, this boring blizzard will block the sky and make it difficult for people to walk, so there are almost no records of kills at night.

There is only one vehicle, roaring forward in the blizzard of the night, unaffected by it.

The light strips around the car emit a dim light, which means that everyone in the car has begun to fall asleep.

However, the situation in the car was not like that. In fact, only Kane was lying on the back of the seat and fell asleep, while Claire and the others were still fighting in front of the screen.

The entire screen has been remodeled by Kane and divided into two sides, each with a Tetris game on it.

Claire and Lilulu were fighting with the handle, and Lilulu's handle was specially designed for her small palm.

On the standings next to him, the score behind Kane's name swayed ahead, leaving Lombe and the others below them in a state of being out of reach.

"Someone is camping not far ahead, a team of 5."

Hearing Metzker's voice, everyone turned their attention directly, and the game was no longer important.

Kane opened his eyes directly and ejected to his feet.

"Then don't let me rush over. We finally caught a team and wanted to run."

Hearing Kane's order, Yoyo drove the vehicle directly and started to turn, rushing towards the camp not far ahead.

And Claire and the others were all rubbing shoulders and preparing to fight, and they were finally able to fight, and their bodies were rusting.

Looking at the way Kane and the others are now, it's hard not to believe that they are not mad dogs who are specifically chasing after the explorer team.

Being seen by others, the title of mad dog cannot be washed away.

Perhaps the previous explorers were not wrong, but they had the name of foresight.

As for the team that was preparing to rest in the camp, there were no large-scale reconnaissance personnel in their team, and they were on duty at night.

"Be careful!"

A human ranger finally saw the vehicle that Kane and the others rushed over and shouted at his teammates.

Their teammates did not delay, and immediately dodged towards the surroundings without seeing Kane and the others.

However, Kane and the others did not expect to hit these people with vehicles, otherwise it would be too insignificant. The vehicles rushed directly into their mid-air and disappeared, seeing them fall directly in the middle of the camp.

The captain of their squad, a sturdy man with horns, saw Kane and the others and shouted: "It's the Mist squad, we are being targeted and run away."

As their captain's voice fell, the rest of the teammates moved in different directions and started to flee at their fastest speed, with no intention of stopping.

Kane, who had just landed, and the others were all stunned. It was the first time they had met. When they saw the team that they ran straight away, they would have played against them no matter what.

But there is nothing to hesitate now. Kane said to his teammates: "One person and one direction scattered chase, don't let them run away, otherwise we will be too stupid."

Hearing Kane's words, Claire and the others searched for one person each and went after them.

Kane ran directly to their horned captain and chased them out. The spider silk and the source skills linked together, making him fly across the plains extremely fast.

However, their captain's speed is not slow, and he rushes in one direction with his head sullen, and the snow in front of him is scattered.

Kane changed a set of skills on the spot, then the spider silk disappeared, Kane fell to the ground, and then a two-color ball condensed in his hand and flew towards him, the enemy captain rushed over and hit him behind.

Then I saw that the bull-headed strong man suddenly stopped and started to retreat backwards. Before taking two steps back, he realized that something was wrong with himself, and he began to fall to the ground and struggled strangely on the ground.

Kai walked over slowly, watching the Tauren man on the ground pull out his crystal spear and stab him in the back, piercing out of his chest.

The tauren looked at the whole process like this, trying to block, but struggling but reacting strangely. Can't stop, can't fight back.

It turned into a tombstone with a head of a bull's horn.

The 1-to-1 effect of this skill is simply a magical skill. After being hit basically, it can only be slaughtered by others and has no power to fight back.

Kane turned his head and walked in the direction where Claire and the others were.

At this moment, Metzker's voice came from his ruby ​​lavalier.

"I saw another team of explorers at my location, and they didn't realize that our identities were coming towards my location."

Hearing Metzker's voice, Kane began to rush in the direction that Metzker had just chased out, and the traces along the way were very obvious.

By the way, he also met Claire and the others who had already finished their opponents.

It didn't take long before I saw Metzker standing in the snow in front of him. At his feet was a tombstone with a statue of a human head.

Kane and the others ran over and immediately asked, "Which direction did that team come from?"

Metzker then pointed in a direction, and then ran in that direction with Kane and the others.

Not long after running, it happened to collide with the team.

The moment they saw Kane and the others, the team stopped on the spot.

"It's the fog team, don't hesitate, teleport." After one of their team shouted, a blue sign appeared on everyone's head, and then they all disappeared.

Looking at that sign, if I remember correctly, Kane seems to be one of the bonuses that he can get after occupying the landmark building before.

This shows that the team just now is a powerful team that occupied the landmark building.

However, looking at the team that suddenly disappeared in front of them, maybe they could only stop silently.

Watching them use the buff to escape without hesitation, what? You can all occupy landmarks, don't you want to touch us?


Kane sighed, and then reconstructed the vehicle in place.

Everyone filed in, and after a while, the vehicle started and continued to walk towards Yoyo's original location.

It is reasonable to say that it has been a whole day. Even the distance of 600 kilometers should have already arrived. However, the so-called distance of 600 kilometers is actually only a straight line distance. This map is full of various plains, forests and mountain walls. It is impossible Let Kane and the others arrive in a straight line, so they always go around, and the actual distance is much farther.

Then he finally showed his body that was about to rust. After Claire and the others returned to the car, they did not continue playing the game. Instead, they found a comfortable position in their respective positions and fell asleep.

Looking at everyone who was asleep, Kane also closed his eyes, and then turned off all the lights in the car.

the other side of the map.

In a dense forest, several large trees are intertwined and grow upward.

In the inner space surrounded by big trees, there is a team resting here.

This is where the Amis team camped.

With the weakest strength of all the explorer teams, they should have long since retired, but they are still strong.

It's not because of anything else, it's because they're lucky, they haven't changed since they entered the dungeon and found this location for camping, and every time they are included in the safe range.

So they rested in the camp with peace of mind and had no idea of ​​going out. They just used the entire forest as an eyeliner to avoid other explorers from finding them.

As for why not take the initiative to attack and get points. They are still very self-aware. Kane and the others have just gained a firm foothold in the silver level and dare to kill everywhere because they are really outrageous.

As for the strength of their own team, they are very well aware of it, and it is true that they have just stepped into the silver level.

What they see on the surface is their full strength. If they want to fight against those teams in the dungeon whose strength has reached the peak and the bottleneck period, it is completely dead on their own.

And they also saw it and watched them show their great power, so they just guaranteed their own safety in place, and then contacted Kane and the others at a suitable time.

However, just as they were leisurely spending their days with each other, a blood-red portal appeared in the camp.

"Be careful."

All of them were instantly vigilant, and they took up their weapons and faced the portal.

In the portal, the scarlet devil took it with him, and the other 4 explorers came out.

Watching the vigilant Alice and their glasses-wearing captain come out, they bowed and said slowly, "Don't be nervous, everyone, I came here with no ill intentions, but to discuss and cooperate with you."

"We don't want to discuss cooperation with you, please leave."

For Amis and their merciless words, he just slowly pushed the glasses off the bridge of his nose and continued to speak gently.

"I came here to invite you to join us to encircle and suppress the Mist Squad. I believe you have also seen that the strength of the Mist Squad cannot be stopped by one team and two teams.

So I need everyone's strength, I believe you don't want to be hunted down by him, and you don't want someone to get the last five people's places so easily. "

Amis and the others looked at each other, exchanging information frantically in their eyes.

After thinking for a while, Amis stood up and said: "I believe that if I don't agree, it seems unlikely that you will let us leave, so we agree, but how to cooperate, we have no basis of trust."

"No, no, even if you don't agree, I won't do anything to you. But since you agree, everyone will be happy. This is the meeting place tomorrow. When we come to discuss the next thing, of course you also It’s okay to wait and see on the outside for a while, and then come back when you feel safe.”

After he finished speaking, he took out a map and folded it, threw it away, then gave Amis and the others a graceful salute, and left with his teammates.

After watching they did leave.

Chase, the elven archer in their team, hurriedly asked his captain, "Why do you agree to their cooperation request?"

"Their target is obviously Kane, so why did they invite us? Don't they know that we and Kane are likely to be together." Mage Rock said suspiciously.

Amis said quietly: "Whether they know our relationship with Kane or not, but since we are invited to go, it doesn't matter, if it can really endanger Kane and them, we can also notify them in advance so that they can have Prepare."

"And even if there is a trap, don't we still have that thing? It can definitely guarantee our safe departure. As long as we can find out a little news, we will not lose."

"And in a situation like that just now, we can't help but refuse, don't we?"

"Without Kane and the others, we can only fail, but the main problem now is to change to another camp. It is no longer safe here."

After speaking, he left with his teammates, an open space intertwined by several large trees.

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