The scorching sun hangs high in the sky.

The wind and snow stopped in the afternoon, and the cold wind was not sweeping everywhere.

The short time of the day at noon is the time with the widest view of the day, and the rest of the time the environment is shrouded in blizzard.

The vehicle carrying Kane and the others came slowly from afar.

After nearly a whole day of driving, Yoyo drove the vehicle and finally arrived at its intended destination.

The ground here is covered with snow in a large area, as are the surrounding cliffs, but from the interpretation of the map, it should be a Gobi.

In the small dungeon space, almost any terrain is covered.

Feeling the vehicle stop, Kane opened his slightly squinted eyes and looked out the window.

Next to it is a place where the wall is recessed, and it is no problem to build a slender log cabin.

After the vehicle stopped, not only Kane, but Claire and the others were all refreshed, and the long ride made them a little sluggish.

"Okay, let's go down first."

Seeing that everyone was ready, Kane waved his hand, and the entire vehicle disappeared directly, and Kane and the others also fell steadily on the snow.

Kane looked at the surrounding environment. This is a Gobi Desert buried by snow. There is a very obvious depression in the mountain wall in front of them. This should be the place where Yoyo chose to build a wooden house for them to rest. Here also within a safe range.

He turned his head and said to his teammates behind him, "You guys should go around for a while. I'll build the wooden house first and then call you."

After speaking, Kane walked towards the depression.

There are subtle differences in each component of the wooden house. For example, in the depression area, there are cliff walls that block the wind and snow on three sides, so Kane only needs to fit the depression and build it, and then build a slope above it. Long ramps to keep snow from accumulating on the cabin.

Kane, who was building a wooden house, heard the movement in the sky and looked up. Another team of explorers had been annihilated. One team or two teams of explorers are destroyed every day, of course not every day, generally the second day after the collapse is the most.

According to the killing signs that appeared in the sky for so many days, it is simple to calculate that almost half of the explorers have been annihilated. Of course, half of the contribution of this small half is provided by Kane and the others.

After the house was built, Kane summoned the ruby ​​lapel pin on his collar to inform Claire and them.

After everyone entered the wooden house, Lombe lay down on the table with a look of boredom.

"Hey, we have to stay in this room for two more days, why is no one willing to kill us?"

Compared to the boring Lombe, the three of them were at the table, took out the book from the space equipment, and started to read.

Both Kane and Metzker have professional knowledge that needs to be read and learned at any time, and Claire has a hobby in this area. As for Lilulu, of course, she is fighting the puzzle on the other side.

Such a leisurely time is a good time to practice skills, but after all, it is in a dungeon, and no one can guarantee that he will not encounter danger at any time.

Therefore, it is necessary to maintain a good state at all times to deal with the incoming enemy, and such things as training can only be carried out after leaving the dungeon.

At the farthest point from Kane and them, on the other side of the map.

Amis and the others were invited, walked out of the hiding place, and headed towards the area marked on the map given to them by the team of explorers yesterday. Whether it was dangerous or not, they could not refuse now.

"Chase investigate, is there any danger in that area?" Amis said to the elf archer in the squad.

Chase nodded, and then a pair of dragonfly-like wings appeared behind him, fluttered twice, and flew high into the sky, seeming to have long-range vision similar to eagle eyes.

After surveying the surroundings, it flew down after a while.

After seeing Chase come down, Amis asked, "How is it, is the surrounding situation dangerous?"

Chase shook his head and said, "There are already several teams of explorers at the location marked on the map. Not only us but other teams of explorers are watching, so I should be worried."

"In that case, let's go over first, be vigilant, don't relax, take that prop, and teleport away at any time in case of danger."

After finishing speaking, Amis took his teammates towards the meeting point not far ahead, while Phyllis hid in her pocket and stretched out her head, carefully prying around.

When they came to this area, they saw that there were already two or three teams gathered around, everyone kept a certain distance, and beware of someone accidentally attacking.

Amis and the others stood at the outermost periphery and did not enter again.

As the weakest ones here, they have a clear understanding. They may not be able to react when someone sneaks up next to them. It is better to be on the periphery.

After their arrival, some teams who had been watching around also came one after another.

Finally, when the sun stands in the middle.

A scarlet portal appeared ahead.

The explorer with glasses walked out of the portal with his teammates.

This indicates that people are almost there.

Amis looked around and simply counted, there were already more than 60 people here.

More than half of the remaining explorers in the entire dungeon have come, and their purpose of coming here is very obvious, that is, to join forces to encircle and suppress Kane and them.

The initiator of this action, the man with glasses came out and said loudly facing the dozens of explorers in front of him.

"First of all, let me introduce myself. My name is Rafael."

"The purpose of gathering you here is to conspire with everyone to encircle and annihilate the Mist Squad."

"I believe everyone has seen this time, how rampant the fog team is in the dungeon, chasing and killing us everywhere.

And we participate in the exploration of such dungeons with such strength, and everyone believes that the purpose is the same, that is, to show our respective strengths, in order to hope to be valued by powerful forces and yearn for higher places. "

After speaking, he pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose.

"Now in our entire dungeon, almost all eyes are on the mist team, and our teams are hunted like prey, so how can we show our strength, our director, what we bring The impression here is only cowardice and embarrassment."

"Now, we have more than 60 explorers here, and with our strength, we will be able to annihilate the fog team here, don't feel how despicable this behavior is, because the fog team has fully demonstrated their power, now is the time to let They're out, and it's time for us to perform."

What he said, all the explorers below know clearly, otherwise they would not have accepted Rafael's invitation to come here yesterday and colluded together.

The reason they came here was just to see how many explorers Raphael could gather, and whether there was a chance to annihilate the Mist Squad.

For most explorers, the so-called bullying of the big and the strong is a very normal situation.

Not to mention Kane and the others, they have completely violated their interests.

At this time, one of the explorers suddenly said: "Then we can also not fight against him. The dungeon is so big, and they only need 5 places."

"5 places?" Raphael pushed the lens on the bridge of his nose. The lens reflected a strong light, and he couldn't see his eyes clearly: "What they want is not 5 places, but all the places."

After speaking, Raphael looked down, where Amis and his team were located at the outermost periphery.

Amis instantly felt the coming of strong malice and danger, and several teams of explorers next to him surrounded him.


Amis shouted to all of his teammates.

Afterwards, a certain item that they had been holding in their hands was crushed, and everyone turned into a blue light and disappeared in place.

Such a scene was clearly seen by everyone present.

The devil who had been standing behind Raphael immediately chased after him, but was stopped by Raphael.

Looking at the doubtful eyes of his teammates, Raphael just silently pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose and said, "Don't chase, although they ran away, I made some mistakes, but the effect is the same now, right? "

When the explorer below came back to his senses and turned his head to stare at Raphael again.

Raphael then said slowly: "Oh, they ran away, I believe you have seen it, maybe there are many people present who should know everyone's information.

That team had a good relationship with the Mist team, they even signed up together, and their strength was at the same level, but they really just stepped into the silver.

What does this mean? I don't need to say more, the fog team, what they want is not their own 5 places but all 10 places. If we don't unite, they will be wiped out first. Then we have no chance of winning this quest. "

Raphael's words can't be trusted by the explorers below, because many of them did know the relevant information, especially after Kane and the others became famous in the dungeon, they studied it carefully. .

Amis's team and Kane's team became famous when they were outside. After all, in this exploration, all the participating explorer teams reached the top level of silver, and two of them just stepped into silver. Dare to participate, there must be a difference.

Most explorer teams do not have the habit of underestimating their opponents, so they keep it in their hearts.

As soon as I saw the Amis team, the team went through their information in their minds, but as soon as Rafael was about to attack, they ran away.

Of course, if you have to say that this is a play directed and acted by Raphael, the more than 60 explorers present are not much worse than Raphael, and there are many explorers who are proficient in reconnaissance and discernment. will not see through.

"How are you, are you willing to join the siege of the Mist Squad? I have faced off against them before, and withdrew completely, so I have a lot of subtle information on their skills here for your reference."


With the consent of one team, the other teams all expressed their approval.

After all, if they want to win, they must first kill the fog team, otherwise there will be no chance.

Although they may not be able to go to the end without the fog team, at least they have a chance, not like now, there is no chance at all.

They have acquiesced in their hearts that the Mist Squad is not an existence that their two teams can stop.

There is one team, however, that seems to be at odds with their decision.

The members of this team are all dressed in white elements. Whether it is the clothes or the mental outlook of the team members, they give people an extremely holy atmosphere.

With a decent atmosphere, it will be easier to win the trust of others.

After watching these teams agree to encircle and suppress Kane and them, they silently turned around and left in the distance. They didn't seem to have any intention of joining forces with them.

However, looking at their appearance and temperament, if you go to beat Kane and the others, it will give people a feeling of collapse.

If you look at the gambling odds list, you can see that this team is the team that is firmly ranked first.

Rafael looked at the team and didn't try to stop it, because he recognized this team, which was very famous in the silver top circle.

And he didn't invite them yesterday, because he knew that this time the team would not go with them to encircle the Mist Squad.

I just don't know why they came here.

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