View inside the venue at this time.

The screen in the center did not show the picture of the fight, but the picture of Raphael and the explorers conspiring to encircle and suppress Kane.

"Last time, he took the four explorer teams and went to ambush the fog team, right?"

An observer who was watching this scene at the bottom of the screen asked the person next to him.

After hearing his question, the observer from another guild next to him didn't turn his head and replied, "Well, it's him too, but they retreated after taking advantage of the chaos."

The conversation between the two of them instantly aroused the desire to speak to the people around them, and everyone began to talk to each other about the situation on the screen.

"It seems that he is not convinced and wants to find his way back."

"This team seems to be quite famous. I have heard of them before."

"This time, the Mist Squad may not escape bad luck."

"This can't be said nonsense. Even in such a situation, I still feel lucky to think that the Mist team may fight back." This person seems to be afraid of being beaten in the face before.

"Why don't we take a bet on whether the fog team can survive this time."

This person's proposal made everyone present interested. After all, people who can be sent here by their respective trade unions and organizations to recruit new people are either on vacation or have reached a bottleneck period. Come here to relax, Always in a state of boredom.

"it is good"


"It's interesting."

After hearing that everyone agreed, the proposer took out a large pile of recording and gambling tools directly from the space equipment and stacked them in front of them.

This scene made everyone next to him look stupid.

Who would carry these things with them?

However, after seeing the sign on this person, he nodded clearly. There was an icon of a dice drawn on the back of this person.

The person who made this proposal came from the lucky dice guild.

And the Lucky Dice Guild is exactly the organization that opened the game on the periphery, betting on the 10 people who won the final victory in this exploration.

The chairman of Lucky Dice is famous because his original skills have a great gambling nature, and just before he became an explorer, his gambling skills were very superb, so he joined forces.

And most of the people in the guild are people who like gambling, which are exciting activities, or people whose original skills have the nature of gambling.

Sure enough, as a member of such a guild, he can think of ways to gamble anytime, anywhere.

And the area where the crystal girl and the big-backed man are located in the back.

At this time, there was a huge round table in front of them, and the round table was filled with all kinds of meat, which made people feel very appetizing just by looking at the appearance.

However, only the man with the big back was eating frantically on the table, while the woman made of crystals sat beside him and silently watched the picture on the screen.

"Why don't you eat it?" The man with the big back took a bite of the corbel in his hand and said to the crystal girl opposite.

After hearing his words, the crystal girl turned her head and didn't speak, just stared at him silently.

"Oh yes." The big-backed man suddenly realized, patted his head and said, "Forget it, you don't seem to eat food."


After the man who knew he was wrong could hear her scolding, he would not refute it.

The big-backed man asked, "How about it, how do you think they can escape this crisis this time?"

"How do I know, I don't have the ability to predict, stop talking, just watch it" There was a strong impatience in the tone, and it seemed that he had not recovered from the emotions just now.

"Okay, okay."

The big-backed man said helplessly, and then stopped talking.

It seems that whether it is made of flesh or crystal, the nature of gender has not changed, and the nature will not change.

Burton's location on the other side.

Master Rob looked at the picture above and cursed at Raphael in the picture: "This kid knows how to call people together if he can't win, he's really a waste, how can he become gold and how can he be promoted to his explorer level, alas , what a shame."

"Cool off, cool off." The young man beside him kept slapping Master Rob's back on the back, telling him not to get too excited.

"I seem to have seen their information about this team before, and it seems to be quite famous."

After hearing his words, both Master Rob and Burton turned their heads and stared at him, the meaning was very obvious.

"It seems that in the dungeons of many multi-player expeditions, with their low strength, they have entrapped their competitors."

"It's not a good reputation anyway, but it's really strong."

"The configuration of their squads is also very eye-catching. They are all from many rare races. In addition to their own original skills, they also have many characteristics related to races. It seems that even their captains are human-like, but also Not human."

After listening to the young man's words, Master Rob suddenly realized: "Ah, it turns out that he has always been such a sinister person. No wonder he is so despicable. He was killed in the first encirclement and suppression, and he came to do it for the second time."

Compared to Master Rob who has been cursing and pouring out the negative emotions in his heart, Burton just leaned on his hand and stared at the screen tightly.

In this case, you can only choose to trust Kane and the others.

After all, Kane and the others are the most splendid team he has seen for hundreds of years in his life.

As for Master Rob, he didn't meet Kane and the others even once, but he protected them like this.

There's a reason for that too. Because he saw Kane's mechanical structure technology, he also learned about Kane's age from Burton. Such a young man has such superb mechanical structure knowledge and technology, as well as a lot of innovation ability.

I think he is a genius, such a person is not a genius, then who is a genius.

From the heart of love.


What kind of bad guy can a mechanic be?

In the dungeon at this time.

Amis and the others returned to the place where they were hiding through the disposable teleportation device in their hands.

"Sure enough, they're not so kind. I'll just say it. It's unlikely that they don't know our relationship with Kane and the others."

"Okay, let's not talk about this for now. Let's move quickly and find a hiding place again. It's not safe here."

After finishing speaking, Amis took his teammates and left the place again, looking for a hidden place again.

And they took out another prop and swayed it on everyone. This thing could block most of the tracking. After all, they didn't know how Raphael found them one day.

It didn't take long for them to find a place to hide again.

This is in a dense forest on a certain mountain, and under the control of Phyllis's skills, these trees began to change slowly and quietly, and then twisted into a ball, so that there was an open space in the middle for camping.

And there are large tracts of woods and plants around, these will become Phyllis's friends, become her helpers, and report the dangers around to her at any time.

After settling down here, Amis and the others sat around the middle of the camp.

"The first thing now is to pass the information we know before to Kane and them, let them hide or prepare."

Amis said this to his teammates.

At this time, the mage of their team, Rock, said: "But our means of ordering are limited. The transmission to Kane and the others is determined according to the distance. If they are too far away from us, it may take a day or two to receive the information. , if the time comes, those people have already gone to encircle and suppress them, and our information will be too late."

After hearing Rock's words, Amis frowned and said helplessly: "There's no other way, let's send the information first, we can only resign."

After hearing the words of his captain, Rock nodded, then took out a piece of white paper from his space equipment and folded it into the shape of a bird, and then began to depict its information on the paper with magic power. When the information is depicted on the paper, it disappears immediately, and it seems that it needs to reach the hands of a specific person to show that the effect of saving the information has been achieved.

When this series of things was done, Rock took out a piece of hair with a message that Kane had given him before and blended it into the paper bird.

In this way, the paper bird will automatically fly in the direction of Kane and the others, and will not deviate from the route or send it to the wrong person, of course, provided that the hair is indeed Kane's.

Then Rock used his magic power to click on the bird made of white paper, and the bird immediately seemed to be a real bird, shook its body, and then fluttered its wings and flew out.

"This is the only thing we can do now. Now we can only hide here and wait for the news, hoping that we won't see the sign that Kane and the others were killed in the sky."

Amis said quietly.

At this time, Raphael had begun to discuss with many explorer teams how to kill Kane and them.

Those who stayed were all the explorers who would go with him to encircle and suppress Kane and the others.

Now there are more than 60 explorers with them on the scene. With so many explorers, he doesn't believe that he can't take Kane and them.

"The Mist Squad's reconnaissance ability is very strong, so if we encircle and suppress it now, it is very likely that they will find it and escape, so we need to wait for the next safe area to appear."

"After my observation during this period of time, I found that every time the fog team narrowed down in the safe area, they would go all the way to the location of the safe area on the second day, and their direction of action would be marked on the map. We just have to wait and see."

"Now let me tell you again, the previous duel with the fog team was theirs, the skill characteristic."


Here we are discussing how to deal with Kane and the others.

As the parties involved, the Kane team is still doing their own things leisurely in the wooden house.

unaware of the impending crisis.

Kane, who was reading a book at this time, suddenly had a cold war.

The skills of [Shenwu Shi] are also placed in his skill grid.

Just now, his vigilance suddenly stinged him, indicating that danger was coming, but the sting was extremely small.

After feeling the sting, Kane immediately opened his eagle eyes and glanced around, but found nothing strange.

"What's wrong?"

Looking at Kane's strange behavior, Claire asked next to him.

After taking a look around, Kane shook his head and replied, "My alertness was triggered just now, and it seemed to be dangerous, but the response of the trigger was not very big."

"Maybe it's somewhere, someone is thinking about harming you, be careful."

Listening to Claire's words, Kane nodded: "Don't say it, there is such a possibility."

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