Since Lilulu still has to think, wait for a while, Kane experimented with the skills he had just acquired.

The first is the new skill [Archangel's Breath-Love] that can enhance the buff.

The skill stone has already been pressed into the skill grid, waiting for Kane to use it.

"Come to me, everyone."

After Kane finished speaking, he came to Claire's side, and Metzker and Lombe also came over.

As for Li Lulu, she is still thinking and feeling her new skills on the other side.

Kane first said to Metzker: "Metzker, you use it first, all the buffs you can add to us."

Afterwards, he turned his head and said to Claire who had just stood up: "Clea, switch out the suit and use various buffs and auras."

"Lombé also uses all the buff skills. Whether it's a single buff for himself or a group buff, try to use it as much as possible, and drink all kinds of potions."

Although several people doubted the purpose of Kane's actions, they all acted according to Kane's words.

At this time Kane stated his purpose.

"My new skill can enhance the gain effect, and I want to try which gain effects are counted in the range that can be enhanced."

After hearing Kane's explanation, everyone nodded, adding a buff to the buff?

Various halos, buffs, and phantoms appeared on everyone's bodies, turning everyone's bodies into colorful, like rainbow warriors.

What followed was a substantial increase in strength.

Seeing that everyone used the skills and drank the potion, Kane immediately entered the demigod form and the dragon man form. He wanted to see if this form was also counted as a gain effect.

If it is also included in the gain effect, then the importance of this skill will quickly increase one position.

When everything was ready, Kane used his skills.

Archangel's Breath.

The magic power began to disperse from the body and condensed towards the sky.

An angel's upper body phantom appeared in the air, and you could see that the angel's facial features were very delicate, her expression and temperament were very delicate, giving people a sense of love and peace. She smiled and blew a breath at Kane and the others below. .

After the breath came down, it attached to Kane and the others.

The original gain on Kane and the others has been strengthened again, and the duration has also been increased. As for the specific growth effect, we will not know until the effect is over.

At this time, Kane directly removed the skill from his own skill slot, but the effect on them continued and did not disappear because Kane removed the skill.

It seems that the effect of this skill will not disappear when the skill is removed, but will exist after use.

Then when facing the enemy later, you can use the skills first, then remove the skills and switch to other skills, which will not affect Kane's battle.

However, the effect of Kane's two forms has not been strengthened, and the duration has not been extended. It seems that the switching of these two forms is not a gain effect.

It's a pity, but I think it's true, if even this form can be strengthened, it's too strong.

However, the potion and aura he drank strengthened. As for the duration, he couldn't feel it, but it definitely increased.

In this way, Kane understands the specific scope of influence of this skill, and what skill gains can be affected by him.

After getting a general understanding of this, Kane turned to look at his teammates and asked, "How is it? Which of your skills' buffs didn't work?"

Hearing Kane's words, Burton and the others began to talk about which skills they did not feel strengthened. After all, other skills felt very obvious. If they didn't feel it, they should be gone.

After listening to the words of a few people, Kane found that it was similar to himself. They were all similar to the form transformation and enhancement spells, and they would not get the gain effect.

The magic of this effect should not be counted in the buff.

After everyone here was almost done, Kane came to Li Lulu's side, watching Li Lulu's brows still furrowed, and the magic wand in her hand was unconsciously waving.

"That's not what Li Lulu wants. If you can't do it, you have to study it carefully." Li Lulu muttered to herself.

Then she fluttered her wings and flew back to her room slowly. It seemed that there was something wrong with her this time.

"What's wrong with her?" Claire couldn't help but ask Kane behind her with a thoughtful expression as she watched Li Lulu fly by in front of her.

Kane shook his head: "I don't know, maybe I was stumped by some problem. I don't know much about this."

But looking at Li Lulu's appearance, the skills Kane gave her this time really gave Li Lulu more thoughts and ideas. Whether these thoughts and ideas can be realized depends on Li Lulu herself.

After all, as the only mage in the team, Kane and the others couldn't give Li Lulu any help or advice in this regard.

Although Kane is also learning the knowledge of magic during this time, he is learning the branch knowledge that is not related to magic, such as magic circles, rituals, and enchanting, as well as the most basic magic theory.

And at Kane's level, to be honest, in front of Li Lulu, she is like a baby. If you go to help Li Lulu, maybe Li Lulu's thinking will be like a book to them.

However, Li Lulu also went in, and Kane and the others were doing nothing outside. The effect of the skill has been basically tested. This is the first day of rest, so there is no need to be so tense.

After all, Kane and the others have always been one kind. For other explorers, it is a relatively high-intensity time to explore the dungeon.

With their current strength and time, it is a sure thing to be promoted to gold within three years, so they are no longer as impatient as before.

Fighting too often is not necessarily a good thing for intelligent life, and many explorers will develop mental illness in the middle and late stages of exploration.

If you don't take good care of yourself, you leave the scene early because of psychological problems, or you die in a dungeon for no reason. There are countless examples of this.

Therefore, the Mist Council often distributes various propaganda posters and knowledge, telling the explorers that haste is not enough, and you must leave enough space for yourself to rest between each exploration to adjust your mentality.

Kane is also thinking and reflecting during this time, and he is too urgent. Although Claire and the others have no complaints, every time they have just explored a dungeon, they go to another dungeon with Kane, but now Kane needs to think about these issues carefully.

At the dinner table in the house, Danforth, the mother of the two of them, did not come back for dinner at night. It seems that she has to be a busy person during this time.

After thinking for a while, Li Lulu returned to her original innocent and heartless appearance while eating. I don't know if she thought well or gave up thinking.

Kane looked at the people at the table and suddenly said, "Let's rest for a while this time, and then go to the next dungeon to explore in a month."

Then he turned to Claire and said, "It's just this month, Claire, you can also think about where we will go in the next dungeon."

"Okay, it's good, and exploring all the time makes people feel tired and restless."

Except for Claire, everyone else nodded in agreement, and indeed they should have a good rest.

It's great to just stay in your room, relax, and do what you want instead of playing around.

Burton next to them looked at them and nodded with relief. Since he told Kane and the others about the Ring of the World before, he could clearly feel that Kane and the others were working too hard.

Or too impatient.

However, exploring the dungeon cannot be done quickly, taking it slowly and giving yourself enough time is the right choice.

And now Kane they finally realized their problem, which is very good.

After eating, everyone returned to their rooms.

After Kane returned to the room, he lay down on the bed with a big character, finally stood up after thinking for a while, came to the desk and sat down, took out a lot of various data on the desktop, and opened the [Book of Adventures]. ], turned to the page of his skill grid.

Take a deep breath.

Put [Smart Learning] into the skill slot.

When this skill was put into the skill for a moment, countless inspirations emerged from Kane's mind like a tide.

These emerging inspirations and knowledge quickly filled his entire head, and Kane could feel that he couldn't handle it when he still had [Smart Learning].

But even so, Kane is still eagerly absorbing, intercepting every inspiration, putting it in his mind in an orderly manner, and arranging it in his mind.

Kane's current brain is like one bookshelf after another. He is collecting the knowledge that appears in his mind by category, controlling it one by one, and placing it on the bookshelf.

These inspirations make Kane ecstatic. Many of the problems that have plagued him for countless hours have finally been solved. He feels that he may spend this month in this room.

When he thoroughly understands all the problems that once troubled him, his advanced mechanical theory will surely rise to the level of a master.

With the help of skills, many magic theories that I just started to learn can be recalled very easily. I just feel that it is very easy now. The knowledge that was memorized in my mind is just memorized and it becomes my own thing.

Kane cleared the messy thoughts in his head, took a deep breath and calmed down, completely focused on the inspirations that appeared, cut out the more important parts of these inspirations, and began to think carefully.

In the process of thinking, blueprints and knowledge of structures are constantly appearing in the brain. With the knowledge in the brain, the magic power is constantly pouring out of the hands. One after another, the mechanical structures with clear water chestnuts and clear structures, from The hands in his mouth appeared and disappeared, deformed again, condensed and then disappeared, and so on.

During this process, the inspiration in his brain was quickly consumed, and Kane also unconsciously took out some energy bars made of high sugar from his space equipment and put it into his mouth to replenish the energy in his body, and Brain drain.

Smart learning brings not only the enhancement of inspiration and learning ability, but also the mental calculation. You may feel that your brain is like a computer now. Many calculation formulas that used to be completed with the help of Yoyo are now only needed in It can be done with careful thought in the mind.

This skill is really satisfying to use. This skill can be regarded as the most satisfying skill in this wave of Kane's extraction and upgrade.

It is also the most in-demand skill for him now. After all, Kane still needs to learn some basic knowledge of magic theory and machinery. He can also rely on some cognition from his previous life to learn quickly, while magic is a completely new field. .

Now that I have this skill, I can finally solve it with ease, which completely relaxes Kane's heart.

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