At this time, Kane and the others, who were outside Xiaofenglin, looked at the information projected by Yoyo, and they all crowded around the tree curiously.

Kane touched the maple leaves on it, and it was no different from the maple leaves of other ordinary trees. It felt like ordinary leaves, and when he lowered his head and smelled it, he could smell an elegant sweetness.

Lombe jumped up because he was not tall enough, and folded a leaf in his hand.

The folded leaves instantly turned from soft to rigid, and then turned into a crisp maple leaf, and even became somewhat transparent.

It looked no longer like a leaf at all, but a candy cube in the shape of a leaf.

And the slight fragrance that was originally burst out in an instant.

Looking at the leaf in his hand, Lombe couldn't help licking it directly.

"Delicious!" Lombe's tone was a little surprised, he never thought he would say such a thing to a leaf.

Then he directly threw the whole leaf into his mouth and chewed it, and a crisp sound came from his mouth.

It's like eating a piece of sugar that has solidified with syrup.

Seeing Longbei's action, Li Lulu couldn't wait to fold a leaf directly. Since the maple leaf was quite big, it was bigger than Li Lulu's face, so she had to hold it with both hands.

Seeing Li Lulu, who was also solidified into candy pieces in her hand, bit it directly, a crisp voice sounded, a gap was bitten in the leaf, and Li Lulu was like a pest that eats leaves.

"It's delicious, Claire."

Lilulu directly stated her own experience and reminded Claire, after all, the two of them are the only two characters in the team who like to eat sweets.

Hearing Li Lulu's words, Claire finally couldn't bear it anymore, and she also folded a piece and ate it in her mouth. Looking at her tiny expression, she knew that the taste of this leaf was very suitable for her. Kane and Metzker saw it. In the crowd, he also folded a piece and ate it in his mouth, the taste really did not disappoint him.

The thin slices of candy melted instantly after being eaten into the mouth, and the sweetness instantly filled the entire mouth. This sweetness was not that greasy, but very fresh and elegant, with a feeling of sweetness into the heart.

It seems that I don't hate candy that much. Kane couldn't help but think so.

For such a delicious food, Kane and the others were not polite, and directly collected some leaves and packed them into their own space equipment specially used to store food.

Claire and Lilulu were even more unsympathetic, and bald the leaves of several trees.

Claire even collected some maple resin to put in a bucket.

Kane looked at the pipes inserted in the trees and watched the resin spew out like water from a faucet. He couldn't help but wonder how the tree got so much resin.

Forget it, to find reason in such a world is to find guilt for oneself.

Before leaving the seat belt, Kane and the others have harvested.

However, when she came to the edge of the seat belt not long after walking, Yoyo found something different, the same plant recorded in the illustrated book.

Last night, Kane entered all the illustrations they could buy into Yoyo's information database.

This food does not need a long description, Kane can recognize it, because he had nothing to do yesterday and also flipped through the illustrated book at random. He was very impressed with this plant, because the introduction on it was extremely outrageous.

What Yoyo scanned was the bright red flower in front of Kane. The reason why Kane didn't recognize it for the first time was because the color of this flower was not only red, but also different colors.

The name of this flower is called spicy fried flower.

Kane thought about looking at the introduction in the picture book before, and strangely pinched the whole flower from the tip.

Only the flowers are removed, while the leaves and roots remain.

According to the introduction, only the flowers can be eaten. When collecting, you only need to pluck the flowers and leave the leaves and roots. After a long time, the leaves and roots will grow back to the flowers.

Looking at the red flower in his hand, Kane threw it directly into his mouth.

Chewing the flowers in his mouth.

Not the softness of the plant, but a very crunchy texture, similar to fried puffed food, like the prawn crackers Kane used to eat.

Along with chewing the crispy taste, there is a spicy taste, which is not pungent or irritating to the mouth, but the spicy taste that stimulates the appetite and makes people want to eat more and more.

Next to Claire, they all stared at Kane nervously.

After Kane swallowed the flowers in his mouth, he looked at Claire and they gave thumbs up and said, "It's delicious."

However, this kind of flower does not grow in pieces, there is only one yellow flower and one white flower next to the red flower.

Lombe took off the yellow flowers and split them in half and gave them to Metzker, while Claire took off the white flowers and split them in half and gave them to Lilulu.

"Delicious!" ×4

Kane looked at them and couldn't help asking, "What does it taste like?"

This kind of flower has different tastes according to different flowers. It is called spicy miscellaneous flowers because the red flowers have the highest probability of appearing, and not every color is spicy.

Lombe first spoke of his experience: "The yellow flowers are garlicky."

"The white flowers taste like yogurt," replied Claire next to her.

"The red I just ate was spicy."

After hearing that the three flowers represent different flavors, Li Lulu said expectantly.

"Ah, I really want to eat flowers of other colors!"

Everyone nodded to Li Lulu's words.

However, the flowers are actually spicy, or fried and crunchy, which is really outrageous.

But outrageous, did not prevent Kane from falling in love with this dungeon.

Kane and the others are now at the very edge of their seat belts, and they took out the map and began to compare them.

The location of the weird red snake is in the middle and lower part of the right side of the map, not very far from where Kane and the others are.

It shows that Kane and the others are still very lucky. According to the records in the illustrated book, the number of red snakes is very large. They are not rare animals and plants, but they are located in specific locations.

The area where the red snake is located is called Cream Snow Mountain.

Just by hearing the name of this area, you can know the theme of this area, and when they saw the introduction of the area where the red snake is located, both Claire and Lilulu's eyes began to light up.

But the matter of leading the way should be left to Yoyo now. This is its position in the team. If someone else grabs it, Yoyo will be sad.

"Now the surroundings are no longer as safe as before. Be alert to the surroundings, and Metzke pays attention to the situation in the distance."

After Kane finished speaking to his teammates, he started to follow Yoyo's guidance.

And the seat belt that surrounds the building complex behind them is a forest.

And the middle of the road they are going to go through now is a wide plain.

When Kane and the others came to the plain, they hardly encountered any strange monsters along the way, all of them were small animals that ran away when they saw people.

And each of these small animals is still fragrant, it is the kind of smell that makes people want to take a bite.

If an ordinary person came to this dungeon, he would face the danger of obesity almost anytime, anywhere.

And Kane and the others don't need to care about these at all, they have to taste everything they can eat.

There is absolutely no risk of gaining weight.

"Is it delicious? Kane." Li Lulu looked at Kane, chewing on a slender piece of grass, and couldn't help asking.

Kane bit down half of the grass in his hand, chewed it twice, and said, "It's not bad to eat, but I don't know how to describe the taste. Maybe this is the taste of grass."

This kind of grass is not the grass roots that can be seen everywhere on the ground, but a large section of grass that grows longer than these ordinary grasses.

Very conspicuous on so many lawns.

It tastes like eating grass, but it tastes like eating some kind of sweet fruit. The sweetness is milder, but it is very refreshing and has a mint feeling.

After hearing Kane's words, Li Lulu couldn't help but try it.

"What?" There was a small black spot, suddenly rushing towards Kane from the ground, Kane keenly noticed that he grabbed the small black spot in his hand.

Hearing Kane's words, everyone looked over and became vigilant.

I saw Kane opened his hand, holding a large emerald green ant between his fingers.

The color of the ants is very close to the grass on their feet, and they can hide perfectly in it.

But Kane didn't know what kind of ants he was holding.

Yunyou consciously slid over and began to scan the ants in Kane's hand.

"Onion Ants"

He also projected the picture book information of this ant in front of Kane and the others.

This ant cannot be eaten directly, but is used as a seasoning. When mixed with other foods, it can emit a strong onion flavor.

Seasoning insects?


But it's good to know the information about this kind of ant. Although it sounds outrageous, this kind of ant is not a weak one.

Kane directly pinched the ant between his two fingers to death, and with the death of the ant, a strong scent of green onion permeated instantly.

It really smells like scallions. You can tell from the smell of this scallion scent. If it is used for cooking and roasting meat, it is definitely good.

"A few antelope-like animals rushed over." Metzker said suddenly, relying on the magical eyes carried by Yoyo in the sky, he sensed the movement in the distance.

"Can you describe his shape to Yoyo?"

Hearing Yunyou's words, Metzker spoke instantly and said, "The hair is short, the white is light green, and the two croissants are... like croissants?"

When Metzker offered his final metaphor, there was some uncertainty.

"Bread Antelope - Matcha Flavor"

It also projected the information of the antelope's pictorial to Kane.

This antelope is very fond of insects with a strong spice smell similar to the onion ant, which may have been smelled by these antelopes after Kane pinched it to death.

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