Sunny in the sky.

The sun in this dungeon is not as rigid as the celestial bodies in other dungeons.

It is extremely similar to the scorching sun outside, and even gives the illusion that it is the sun outside, and I don't know if it is the reflection of the sun outside.

The copper-colored dungeon has no weather changes, no seasons, no sun and moon.

And the silver dungeon will have these, but it will make people feel unnatural.

In the bright and boundless grassland, three antelopes with white and light green fur are running wildly with their strange horns.

If a person with bad eyes looks at it from a distance, he will think that this is a bizarrely shaped cake that moves.

On the other side, there is already a team of explorers, waiting for the three antelopes to throw themselves into the net.

The three antelopes ran very fast, and there was a matcha scent in the running, with a hint of sweetness.

This sweet and greasy smell attracts the saliva of sweet tooth lovers.

Not to mention that these sweet and greasy smells are also mixed with the aroma of bread, which is as if these breads have just been baked.

Kane looked at the three antelopes and rushed towards them without hesitation. These antelopes had their heads lowered slightly and used their bread-like horns to face the enemy.

Their rushing momentum seems to have no sense of how huge the strength gap between them and Kane is.

It's a bit strange. It stands to reason that this kind of animal looks like a herbivore in the wild. It should be very vigilant to have a clear perception of various powerful creatures.

But these antelopes do not have this feature at all.

The information map that Yoyo threw into the air next to it also showed that the strength of this antelope was only one star.

The only attack feature is that their skulls are very hard. Their croissants in the form of bread are not as soft as they look, but are actually very hard. Coupled with their speed, they can cause very violent impacts.

For such animals, Kane did not have the slightest idea of ​​accepting their attacks. Kane had already smelled the scent of these goats from so far away.

In the air beside Kane, a few white spider silks suddenly appeared in the fluctuation of magic power, and quickly shot towards the antelope that was rushing towards them.

The silk was entangled with each other as it shot towards the antelope, forming a huge spider web.

The cobweb that was heading towards collided with the antelope rushing forward without hesitation, and then the cobweb slammed the three antelopes together and adhered to each other fiercely.

As the antelope struggled, the webs became more and more secure.

When Kane and the others came over, every time these antelopes struggled and kicked, they would drive the limbs of their compatriots.

"It tastes so good, Li Lulu really wants to take a bite." Li Lulu fluttered her wings and took a deep breath towards the position of the three antelopes.

But what Li Lulu said was right, Kane and the others did feel a little appetite when they smelled this smell.

But they wanted to taste everything along the way, edible plant leaves, resin, flowers, and even chewable stones.

It would be a pity if they met these Kanes and didn't try it. It tasted good and satisfied their curiosity at the same time, so why not do it.

Of course, these also brought some minor consequences. To be honest, they all had a slight satiety due to their physique.

"It's so fragrant that you should be able to eat it, or what part of it is delicious?"

Kane asked as he crouched down and looked at the bound antelope.

At this time, Yoyo projected the antelope's illustration into the air again, but this time it displayed the second page of the antelope's illustration, which showed the edible parts of the antelope and how to eat it.

Breadbucks have different tastes depending on the color of their fur.

The slightly greenish fur in front of Kane and the others is the taste of matcha tea. The matcha taste here does not refer to its meat, but to its bread-like croissant.

This kind of creature has almost no natural enemies. The way they hinder the natural enemies is that once they die painfully, the various edible parts of their body will become extremely unpalatable.

According to anonymous tastings, it was said to be like shit, which caused their enemies to have the inedible genes inscribed in their DNA.

They can live so leisurely now, of course, because their reproductive ability is not very strong, not to mention short-tempered, and often kill each other because of the competition for mates.

The survival rate of the cubs is also not very high, because they will kill their siblings in order to enjoy the feeding of their mothers.

But they are a rare delicacy, and to maintain the quality of their flesh and the taste of the horns on their heads, they must be fed the Fruit of Serenity.

The Fruit of Serenity induces emotions in the animal, causing them to die in a state of extreme anger.

After reading the introduction of these antelopes, Longbe couldn't help complaining: "It's too troublesome to want to eat this animal."

"It's not troublesome!" Youyou said.

Then he projected the introduction of tranquil fruit.

This is a translucent light blue fruit that grows on trees, so it is difficult for antelopes to eat, but breadbucks like to forage under this fruit tree.

Because their favorite snack, the onion ant Kane killed earlier, the ideal nesting place is the root of the Serenity fruit tree.

The hunting level of Tranquility Fruit is also one star. For intelligent life, this fruit can calm people's minds, refresh people's minds, and increase intelligence (to be studied).

"Oh, it looks like it's around here." Claire said after seeing the introduction projected by Yoyo.



After hearing Kane's call, Metzker nodded, he quickly understood Kane's meaning, and began to close his eyes, focusing on using the magical eyes of the sky to explore the surrounding situation.

He used the clear observation range of the magic eye in the sky to solidify a magic eye to strengthen his exploration range.

After a simple sweep, he locked on the target.

Metzker pointed to the direction in which the antelopes had just run: "There is a forest here, and there are translucent blue fruits on it."

"Then what are you waiting for? Let's go." Lombe said excitedly.

Kane used his magic power to condense a miniature truck next to it, and the body of the truck was just enough to hold three antelopes.

"Okay, Lilulu, let's go!" Kane said to Lilulu after throwing the antelope into the bucket.


Li Lulu appeared in the driver's seat of the truck with a flash, and began to operate according to the operation method Yoyo taught her before.

Following her operation, the truck slowly started and began to move forward, but the speed of the truck was unusually slow, similar to the speed at which Kane and the others walked.

However, such a slow speed still can't affect Li Lulu's mood to control the truck now.

Lilulu had been whispering in Kane's ear before, wanting Kane to build her a car and let her drive it, but Kane refused, citing the difficulty of manipulation.

After hearing Kane's refusal, Li Lulu began to learn how to control the vehicle from Yoyo, but Kane had no choice but to agree, and he could build one for Li Lulu later.

And now that I'm free, I'll let Li Lulu be a free driver.

Following the direction that Metzker pointed, Kane and the others didn't go very far. After a while, they saw the grove not far away. A grove appeared on the grass in a plain. It was indeed very eye-catching. .

But it's not very strange. When the fruit of tranquility is not in the planting season, it will hang on the tree until it is rotten, and it will not fall off. This kind of rotten fruit will not be eaten by antelope. , but will become their meal.

However, once it enters the planting season, the fruit trees of the tranquil fruit will deliberately shake off the fruit that is not rotten, and the antelope will be very violent after eating, running until death, so the antelope will be the seed Take it far away.

The dead body of the antelope will become the birth gift for the next fruit tree to grow.

The ants under the fruit tree will eat these normal fruits, thus protecting the number of antelopes and maintaining them to a certain extent.

When Kane and the others approached the forest, they clearly sensed the ants under the tree, but this time they did not jump up to attack Kane, perhaps because of the struggling antelope next to them.

There are only two fruit trees in Tranquility Fruit, and there are some ordinary plants and trees next to them, and the shape of these crushed plants should be the habitat of the three antelopes.

4 blue magic palms appeared directly on the fruit tree and began to pick the fruit from the tree.

These fruits grow very quickly, so Kane and the others don't need to be polite at all, they picked all these fruits at one time, and there was not one left.

Looking at the translucent blue fruit in his hand, Kane sniffed and didn't smell anything, and then threw it directly into his mouth.

To say it is fruit, it is better to say it is juice wrapped in a thin layer of skin.

The tranquility fruit thrown into his mouth was squeezed lightly by Kane with his tongue and upper jaw, and it burst open, and the juice filled his mouth.

The taste brought by this kind of fruit does not make people feel sweet and greasy, but very refreshing and delicious. After drinking it, you can obviously feel that your spirit has recovered.

There was even an illusion of less fatigue on his body. As for the calming effect, Kane was in a relatively calm mood and didn't feel anything.

Compared to Kane who only tasted one, Claire and Lilulu next to them ate them one by one, with no intention of stopping at all.

"Okay, let me see what the state of the antelope that eats this fruit will be like." Lombe said, and took the fruit to the side of the antelope that was bound together.

After taking out three fruits and feeding them into the mouths of these antelopes.

After a while, the fur of the antelope, which was originally a little green, began to turn slightly red, and it was not the hair but the skin that was red.

Even the antelope's eyes turned blood red, and then they saw the three antelopes start to struggle frantically, constantly kicking with their feet, as if they were running.

The nostrils are still breathing heavily. Because they are too close together, these antelopes will tilt their heads and attack their compatriots with their long horns.

"They are so angry!" Li Lulu, because of her ability to perceive emotions, could clearly feel the anger in the hearts of the three antelopes.

The struggle of these three antelopes even gave people the feeling that they could tear off Kane's spider silk, but since they were only animals with a one-star hunting difficulty, they wanted to tear Kane's spider silk, but it was just an illusion. .

An hour has passed.

The three antelopes are still struggling tirelessly. Due to their mutual attacks, it can be seen that the fur on their bodies is somewhat damaged, and light red blood flows from these tiny wounds.

Even the blood smells of matcha, which is really weird.

Anyway, you can change the color to light green, so that people can accept it.

Looking at the three antelopes, who would not die for a while, Kane and the others began to sit around and do their own things.

Kane and Claire were sitting together, one of them was studying the recipes purchased in the food capital, and the other was looking at the illustrations of all kinds of strange animals and plants.

Claire is learning how to cook bread antelope, because she doesn't have to think about it to know that the ingredients on this antelope must be magic ingredients.

And Kane was completely aroused by this dungeon. He wanted to take a good look at these illustrations, and what other species could destroy his three views.

As time passed, the sky became a little darker.

Dusk comes.

"Oh, my God, they're finally out of breath." Lombe, who had been doing nothing, saw the three antelopes, and sighed when he finally died.

However, as soon as the antelope died, it heard the sound of sparse and dense insects crawling.

It was the onion ants that had been staying under the fruit trees, and they really were afraid of the breath of the antelope.

As soon as these ants came out, they began to collide with Kane and them desperately.

Looking at the ants jumping over them, Cainlai couldn't help but said, "The condiments are automatically delivered to the door."

Claire was telling him just now that the onion ants and the meat of the bread antelope are a delicacy, and they must have more when they leave later.

Unexpectedly, these ants came to the door by themselves.

Just as Kane and the others were about to launch an attack to kill these ants.

"Don't move, it's time for Li Lulu to appear."

Li Lulu waved her hand directly after speaking, and a colorful portal appeared in front of her.

A fluttering butterfly with colorful wings flew out from the silkworm delivery door. The butterfly was extremely huge, with a wingspan of more than two meters.

It was Li Lulu's previous mount, that alpine butterfly.

However, it has long since left the ecological bottle, and was raised into her elemental plane by Lilulu. After being infected by the spiritual enlightenment technique and the abundant fairy tale magic power of the elemental plane, it has become what it is now. More and more in the direction of fantasy.

After the butterfly flew out, without Li Lulu's order, it directly flapped its wings, and the colored powder floated towards the ants in a wave.

The ants that jumped over fell to the ground densely.

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