In a small courtyard.

Kane and the others are in a huge kitchen in another courtyard.

The entire kitchen has an area of ​​at least 300 square meters, and all kinds of kitchen utensils and stoves are readily available. Many equipment Kane can't quite understand its purpose. Knowing that these are definitely related to all kinds of food production.

Claire is already showing off her skills, and Yorkson needs to know how powerful Claire is now before she can formulate the next teaching plan.

Kane had heard Burton talk about his teacher before.

According to time calculation, it should have been known during Burton's Silver Age.

According to Burton's current age, the rat man in front of him is at least 300 years old.

It's a bit incredible to think about. Pure orcs have different lifespans depending on their species, but generally they are almost the same as humans.

Even if there are individual races, the overall life expectancy will not exceed that of humans.

But Kane can feel that Yorkson's strength is not even at the silver level.

But his current physical quality can be known to be very healthy and strong just by perception. If it weren't for his speech and behavior, he would not be considered an old man at all.

However, considering that Burton has the ability to make gold-level food, his teacher cannot be weaker than him, otherwise Burton can teach himself, why should he recommend Claire here?

Thinking of the permanently improved physical fitness of those delicacies, Yorkson must not know how much he has tasted, and his physical fitness has long been superimposed to a limit state.

Since the first thing Claire wants to learn is dessert making techniques, she is now making some simple desserts.

It is said to be a simple dessert, but with the support of these materials of Yorkson, no matter how it is made, it is a copper-colored magical food.

Kane idly looked around in these kitchens, taking a look at the construction of these kitchen utensils.

These kitchen utensils should be commissioned by the Machinery Association to build, and there are very strong traces of the Machinery Association, as well as their most typical energy core energy technology.

And the production is very good, most of them are custom-made products.

Without letting Kane and the others wait long, Claire finally came over with three fruit cakes.

It was divided among three people.

Looking at the fruit cake in front of him and feeling the magic fluctuations on it, Kane habitually identified it.

【Sweet Fruit Cake】


[Color: Copper]

[Attribute: Permanently improve physique after use]

[Introduction: It is made from three magic fruits and gray cream, and the production technology is perfect and mature. 】

There was no problem with the identification, and the production technology was very mature. Kane picked up the cake and took a bite.

A sweet feeling surged into his heart, causing Kane to narrow his eyes while eating.

Yorkson couldn't help but look at Kane and Li Lulu after eating the cake, and then turned to look at Claire.

And Claire was also nervously waiting for Yorkson's comment.

"Your cooking skills are very good. To be able to reach this level at your age can be called a genius."

"It shows that you are very talented in this aspect, and your food has been able to convey your emotions, which is great."

Hearing Yorkson's words, Claire couldn't help laughing happily.

"But one thing is deadly." Yorkson stretched out a finger and poured a basin of cold water on Claire.

"That's because your magic control isn't precise enough."

Saying that, Yorkson came to the place where the magic ingredients were stored, took out a magic fruit from it, and said to Claire.

"Although it's just ordinary cooking, it has magical attributes after all, and it is also a very important part to guide the fusion of magical power between ingredients when cooking.

Just like the pharmacist needs to mix the frequency between various medicinal materials, the blacksmith needs to reconcile the magic of various materials, and the same is true for the chef. "

After he finished speaking, Yorkson used a little magic power to guide the magic power of the fruit in his hand to burst out. A faint, sweet smell of fruit permeated, and the fruit in his hand looked even sweeter and fresher for no reason.

Kane and Lilulu also poured out a little bit of magic power from their hands. They collected the magic power scattered into the air from the fruit, and put it on their nose to smell it.

It's actually the magic power with fragrance, this is the first time I've seen it.

Sure enough, no matter what kind of occupation, there is an incredible ability to achieve the ultimate.

Yorkson also saw the actions of Kane and Lilulu, and said to Claire.

"Look, if you can achieve half the level of magic control that your husband and your daughter have, you can quickly break through the bottleneck and make gold-level food."



Claire and Kane were a little stunned when they heard Yorkson's name.

But Li Lulu didn't care at all, and she didn't even know what Yorkson said.

Then Claire reacted instantly, her face swelled red, and she waved her hands in a panic.

"No, no, they're just my teammates, not the kind of relationship you think."

Hearing Claire's explanation, Yorkson was a little confused, and then asked in a puzzled voice, "But your cake just now..."

Suddenly thinking of something, Yorksong nodded and said suddenly: "Oh, yes, you are still young people, I understand."

"I'm sorry, I'm also a little old, I haven't been in contact with young people for a long time, and I forgot about this situation, hahahaha."

He smiled kindly as he spoke, and nodded knowingly as he watched Kane secretly give him a thumbs up.

After Claire calmed down for a while, her face recovered, but she could still see her mood at the moment from the slight redness at the base of her ears.

"However, the fine control of magic cannot be completed in a day or two. Let me teach you other skills first. These are still very practical."

After finishing speaking, Yorkson changed into a chef's uniform from the side, picked up the ingredients and kitchen utensils and started to make, and explained the main points to Claire, who was carefully and carefully.

Afterwards, Yorkson and Claire kept making desserts through practice, while Kane and Lilulu were by the side, playing while waiting for the desserts to appear, and then helping Claire to eliminate them.

Not to mention how happy Li Lulu is now, she now feels like a genius in her heart.

It was getting dark outside.

"Okay, let's go here today. Your cooking skills are very solid, so you should have learned all the technical points of dessert making. The main thing is to practice more in your daily life, and you can control the magic power finely."

After speaking, Yorkson took off his chef's uniform and hung it beside him.

"Next time, if you have anything else you want to learn, you can continue to come to me and teach a fast-learning genius to learn cooking. It is indeed a pleasure. You are very welcome to come next time."

After finishing speaking, Yorkson sent Kane and the others to the door, and then waved goodbye.

In Claire's food space equipment at this time, there are a lot of magic fruits, which are given to her by Yorkson for her to practice magic manipulation.

On the way back, Claire also held a fruit in the form of an apple in her hand, and kept stimulating it with the magic power in her hand.

And Kane and Li Lulu ate dessert for a day, and at this time they kept eating fruit while walking.

"The fruit after being inspired by Claire's magic is sweet, and the sweetness is about to penetrate my heart, just like the cake I ate today."

Kane was talking while eating, and he blinked at the gaze projected by Claire.

"Really? Why didn't Li Lulu feel that it tasted the same as the fruit just now?" Li Lulu also heard Kane's words, took another bite of the fruit in her hand, and said suspiciously.

Hearing Li Lulu's words, Kane smiled and then said: "Oh, then this may be customized for me by Claire!"

Hearing Kane's words, Lilulu immediately flapped her wings and flew to Claire's shoulder and asked, "Really? Claire, why don't you make Lilulu's fruit sweeter too."

Hearing Li Lulu's words, Claire's ears turned rosy again, and she clenched her fists and punched Kane, who was smiling beside her.

"Talking nonsense!"

Then, after missing Kane, he took Li Lulu and walked forward quickly.

Looking at Claire, with some rosy ears and the back of her neck, Kane smiled and chased after him.

"Wait for me!"

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