Near noon.

Kane and the others passed through the protective belt made of forest and headed to the south of the dungeon, and the circular restaurant where they rested was at the far southeast corner of the map.

Covering his eyebrows with his hands, he looked up at the sun.

"Yuyou, project the map of the dungeon and plan the closest route to the target location."

"Okay, Master" After hearing Kane's words, Yoyo flew to him with the propeller on top of it, and then the blue light in his eyes projected, weaving a three-dimensional map in mid-air.

After the three-dimensional map was projected, a red line curved from where Kane and the others were now, extending to the southwest corner of the dungeon.

Yes, that's where their mission objective is located.

There is a forest area.

For the circular restaurant where Kane and the others rested, it was just on the other side of the map.

Kane looked at the map carefully. The fastest route was not on land, but by a waterway.

There is a river in the dungeon. The main stream and branches of this river extend almost all over the map, and it happens that the destination that Kane and the others are going to reach is edged by the main stream, so they can quickly reach through the river.

After researching for a while, Kane said, "Then let's go to the north for a while, and then we will talk to the bank of the river."

After speaking, they took their teammates and started to go towards the river, where they will take the waterway and quickly go to their destination.

The area near the seat belt is also a forest, but it is much shorter than the tall trees in the seat belt, maybe only half the height, so the shading effect is not very good, and the trees are also thinner and smaller.

Kane, who was facing the scorching sun, didn't walk long before they saw a wide river in the distance.

The rest of the river, Kane did not know that the width of the part of the river in front of them was about eight or nine meters wide.

The sun is reflected on the river surface, revealing a dazzling light.

"This river is very clear." Lombe looked at the river from the bank, and could clearly see the bottom of the river.

Some swimming fish in the water, swimming gently.

It stands to reason that in such developed waters, there should be many explorers who choose to reach their destinations through waterways, but no one like Kane can manufacture vehicles anytime and anywhere to facilitate their travel.

Taking into account the particularity of various dungeons, Kane has manufactured and designed a lot of vehicles, but of course the most used vehicles are vehicles, but Kane, a vehicle like a ship, will not fall either.

In addition to flying in the sky too much magic power, running on the ground in the water, Kane did not fall, and also made different models according to different terrains.

Looking at the river in front of me, after carefully comparing the map, the narrowest part of the main river should not exceed 5 meters.

Then, Kane stretched out his hands, magic poured out of his hands, and began to construct a slender yacht on the river in front of him.

Then a conical-topped, arrow-like yacht was built by Kane.

The yacht looks extremely plain, without any bells and whistles.

Limited by the width of the river, Kane chose the one he designed. Of course, the smallest model is certainly not comfortable enough to meet the requirements, but after all, it is still a little hardship in the exploration, and there is no problem.

Afterwards, Kane and the others sat up one by one according to the seats on the cruise ship. Due to the size requirements, they could not sit side by side, but one after the other like a queue.

The driving position is also reserved for Yoyo, which has the same base as the vehicle.

After everyone was seated, Kane reminded: "Sit firmly, the yacht is not like a vehicle that can move forward smoothly."

After saying that, Yoyo directly started the yacht and the whole yacht flew out like a sharp arrow.

The tail pulls out a nice splash.

Compared with the unevenness of the dungeon road, the vehicles that cannot drive fast, the yacht rushes straight on the water, and the experience of speed cannot be given on the ground.

In the slightly hot air, the breeze on the river, supported by the speed of the yacht, blew fiercely on everyone's faces.

"Woohoo!" After getting used to the turbulence of the yacht, Lombe stretched out his hands to meet the oncoming wind pressure and experience the thrill of speed.

This kind of speed experience, everyone feels very novel.

Although the waterway, coupled with the speed of the yacht, can greatly speed up the time for them to reach their destination, it still takes most of the day.

So after their initial novelty and excitement, they started sitting on the yacht, sitting in their little position, doing nothing.

Claire sat in her own position, feeling the oncoming wind pressure, squinting her eyes and looking at the surrounding scenery from time to time, passing quickly in front of her eyes.

Looking at the lake, she then gently stretched out her palm, extending slightly down from the edge of the yacht, and the water splashed by the speed of the yacht landed in her hand drop by drop.

As a chef, Claire immediately felt the difference in the water in this lake. She put the few drops of water in her hand in front of her, carefully observed it, and then sniffed it. Finally, she really noticed it, and finally extended it out. Tongue licked.

The slightly sweet taste penetrated into her mouth, and the water was actually a little sweet.

Lilulu and Claire shared a spot in the small depression in front of Claire, looking at Claire's behavior and asked.

"Clea, are you thirsty? How can you lick the water!"

Hearing Li Lulu's words, Claire leaned forward, reached out her hand and tapped her on the head, and said, "I'm not thirsty, but the water in this river seems to be sweet, if you don't believe me, try it."

Hearing Claire's words, Li Lulu rubbed her head, waved her magic wand in disbelief, and a ball of water automatically flew in front of her.

Looking at the clear water mass floating in front of her, Li Lulu stretched out her hand and dipped it a little, then licked it.

"It's really sweet!"

Then she hurriedly said her findings aloud and told them to Kane.

Kane, who was sitting at the front, turned his head and looked at the situation where everyone reached out to dip their hands in the river water and lick their food, and couldn't help shaking his head.

He pulled out the map in his space equipment and looked at the clear introduction on the river.

(The river water is sweet and edible.)


I really don't look at the map.

However, as mentioned above, many fish in this river can be eaten raw, and some fish even have their own sauces in their bodies.

Due to the great speed and movement of the yacht, there were no fish around Kane's yacht at all, and the fish in the small river were more vigilant and timid.

However, this still couldn't stop Kane. He sensed his surroundings, and then a white spider silk shot into the water, entangling and pulling up a river fish that fled far away.

The entangled river fish crossed an arc and fell on Kane's hand. Since the entangled spider silk only had one or two turns, it was still struggling.

The scales of this fish are extremely beautiful, shining a very beautiful silver luster, and the overall body length is as long as Kane's arm, which is very large.

However, it is not very wide, so it looks slender and slender.

Kane didn't go too far to look at the illustrations about the fish, so he fixed the fish and let Yoyo scan it to identify its type and how to eat it.

Yunyou instantly projected his picture book in mid-air for Kane and the others to understand.

The name of this river fish is, River Silver Line.

It is said that it is like a silver thread by the reflection of sunlight as it flows in this clear river.

The meat is very delicious and can be used in any cooking, even raw food without any problems, but to experience the perfect taste, it needs to be sliced ​​very thinly.

The internal organs of the silver thread fish secrete some sweet sauce, so if you are greedy and bring a knife, you can scrape it into thin slices and eat it on the spot.

For dishes that require heat or seasonings, Kane is of course not good, but if it is just a test of knife skills, Kane is more confident.

Then I saw a flash of swords and swords, and the slender silver fish was instantly descaled, gutted and boned, turning into thin white fish fillets.

Kane's luck was very good. Just shaving the fish into thin slices turned it into a magical delicacy that could identify its attributes, indicating that the level of the fish was very good, and the magic power in the body was also very strong. exuberant.

【Silver fish fillet】


[Color: Copper]

[Attribute: Increase magic power after use]

[Introduction: Although it is weak, it is extremely rare. It is beautiful and delicious. It usually only acts at dusk. 】

Kane suddenly felt that he was lucky. He just saw a fish at random and caught it on a whim. He didn't expect it to be a rare ingredient.

Moreover, the food produced still increases the magic power.

Since they came to this dungeon, Kane felt that their luck was much better than before.

In other dungeons, Kane only felt that they were in a state of bad luck except for explosive equipment.

And this dungeon does not explode equipment, I feel that everything is going well.

Perhaps this dungeon already has an owner.

After dividing it into 5 pieces, the trays constructed by magic were moved backwards and handed to each person.

Because of the occlusion of the people in front, Lombe and the others at the back could not see clearly what Kane was doing just now.

Only Claire and Lilulu, who were sitting behind him, knew that Kane was showing off his weak cooking skills.

However, when they saw the fish fillets floating in front of them, everyone was not polite, and just picked it up and ate it. In this dungeon, they were used to preparing delicious food anytime, anywhere. Maybe a stone on the side of the road was not too much. It's delicious.

Pick up a piece of thin fish fillet and lift it up, you can clearly see the sunlight passing through the fish fillet, the sunlight shining on the fish fillet has a slight temperature, and the fish oil on the fish fillet is exposed to a little bit. aroma.

Smelling this faint fragrance, it is obviously very subtle and elegant, but inexplicably makes people appetite.

Kane couldn't wait to throw the fish fillet in his hand into his mouth.

However, such a large piece of fish fell into the mouth, and before it had time to chew, it slid directly into the throat. During the sliding process, a faint sweet trail was left on Kane's tongue and mouth wall.

This kind of sweetness will not make people feel tired or disgusted. It is a kind of sweet, very subtle and elegant, just like the aroma of fish oil, but it is so memorable that I don’t know how to describe it.

Only then did he pick up a piece and slowly put it into his mouth. This time, he gently pressed the fish fillet with his tongue, and finally fixed it, and then slowly chewed it with his lips and teeth.

The fish meat is tender and smooth, with a hint of elastic teeth. As soon as you chew it, the light and elegant taste erupts directly in your mouth.

This time the taste is so dense, like sweet but not sweet, like meat but not meat.

But the taste isn't very strong, and it won't make you feel like your mouth is full of it.

Although it is not strong, it can let you know that he is the protagonist.

He may not know how to describe such a taste. He was short of words in his mind, and in the end he could only come up with the classic two words to express his evaluation of this fish fillet.

good to eat.

After eating this dish, Kane couldn't help but feel some regrets in his mind. He should leave the fish and hand it over to Claire to deal with. I don't know how delicious it can be.

It's a pity that it was wasted in his hands.

Kane and the others rode the yacht like this, admiring the lake views on both sides, and quickly traversing the clear lake.

The scorching sun, which was already hanging in the center, also slowly fell down the mountain, and the dim sunlight shone on the lake so warmly.

And Kane and the others, who had been advancing relatively straight on the river, finally saw the sharp turn of the river in the distance.

The corner was where they disembarked this time.

Yunyou controlled the yacht and slowly docked on a low shore.

Kane and the others jumped onto the shore and stretched their stiff limbs in place.

And in front of them is a forest with extremely tall trees, where the forest almost covers all the line of sight in front of them and cannot see the edge.

All the plants in the forest look very tall, even a small shrub next to it can reach the height of Kane.

The height of the tree reminded Kane of the dungeon he experienced for the first time.

But just the height, the two trees have no other similarities.

The dungeon used to be just tall and tall, but in the forest in front of Kane and the others, all the plants seemed to be magnified several times, even ten times.

Standing on the edge of the forest, Kane and the others were like ants crawling into the giant's forest.

In the depths of this forest, Kane and their target this time, Squeaky Syrup Slime, resides.

Kane and the others didn't say much. They walked directly into the forest. As they walked, they looked up at the fog in the trees and the surrounding plants. From time to time, they even went over to compare their heights with these plants.

As Kane went away, the yachts on the river gradually disappeared.

"This flower is so big!" Li Lulu flew to a flower next to it. The flower of this flower is not very bright and beautiful, but because of its huge size, it really feels novel to look at.

The flowers on the green branches can even be used as a room for Li Lulu.

Looking at Li Lulu who was looking at it for a while, Kane couldn't help reminding: "Be careful these flowers may be aggressive."

"Can Kane dig this flower out and put it in my world."

Looking at Li Lulu's star-lit, staring eyes, Kane said helplessly, "Alright, alright, we'll dig when we get back."

"Kane is the best."

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