The sun on the horizon has completely set on the mountain.

The sky was dark at this time, and the remaining light was the afterglow of the fierce sunset.

On the sparkling river, a slender yacht was docked on the shore.

Kane and the others landed on the land one after another. Because Kane remodeled the yacht with more power this time, they arrived earlier than Kane expected.

But the price is that Lombe is a little dizzy now.

Not only Lombe, but even Claire's footsteps were a little swaying when she landed at this time. She leaned on Kane's body to stabilize her figure a little, so as not to fall.

That's a bit more for the price, thank you.

Both Lombe and Claire are real terrestrial races, and neither of their races have had much surface sailing experience since ancient times.

It is genetically determined that they are less able to adapt to the feeling of the water.

Coupled with the sudden increase in the speed of the yacht this time, they were a little uncomfortable with the turbulence of such a fast passage on the water.

However, after all, they had strong physiques, and they recovered after a little relaxation.

Li Lulu was still sleeping soundly, but the sleeping position changed from Claire's horseback to Kane's shoulder.

Kane turned his head to look at Li Lulu's strange sleeping position on his shoulder, and couldn't help sighing.

The stomach and waist were on Kane's shoulders, and the legs and head were slumped on both sides in a curved shape. Looking at this sleeping position, Kane wondered how she fell asleep.

Is this kid a noodle?

Helplessly, he held Li Lulu on his shoulders in his arms, like a newborn baby.

Li Lulu's head rested on Kane's shoulder, and as she fell asleep, the saliva from the corner of her mouth slowly flowed out, wetting Kane's shoulder.

Feeling the wetness on his shoulders, Kane rolled his eyes helplessly. When she woke up, she must let her wash it off for me.

Claire, who was following behind Kane, looked at Li Lulu and couldn't help covering her mouth and snickering.

After a short journey, it didn't take long for Kane and the others to return to the ring restaurant through the seat belt.

At the reception at the intersection, there are still two women of different races receiving them. Even at night, they are still working. It seems that there are people on duty 24 hours a day.

Kane thought they came back so late, the place was closed for rest, and he was ready to come back tomorrow to hand over the task and draw the next target.

Unexpectedly, there are still people on duty, so in order to avoid trouble, I must hand in the task now.

Looking at Kane and the others, the girl on duty smiled. If I remember correctly, this girl Kane seemed to be the one who received them when they took on the mission for the first time.

Looking at Kane and the others, the receptionist asked with a smile, "Is the mission goal accomplished?"


"Okay, then please give me your task order and the entrusted target together."

After hearing her words, Kane took out the quest order he had drawn before, and the quest target was in Li Lulu's fairy tale world.

Looking at Li Lulu, who was still sleeping soundly on her shoulder, Kane was not polite and knocked directly on her forehead.

However, just as Kane was about to hit, Li Lulu, who was asleep, disappeared directly in a group of golden flashes.

Appearing directly on Claire's horse, she opened her sleepy eyes and rubbed it.

He yawned and looked at Kane and asked, "Damn Kane, why bother Li Lulu to sleep."

"The task is handed in, and I sleep like a pig."

Hearing Kane's words, Li Lulu fluttered her wings and flew, and looked around and found that they had returned to the circular restaurant.

"Ah, have you come back?" Li Lulu fell asleep before leaving the huge forest, but she didn't expect to go home when she opened her eyes again.

"Hehe." Looking at Kane's eyes, Li Lulu pinched the back of her head and smiled embarrassedly. Then she hurriedly opened the rainbow-colored portal and took out the transparent iron box containing the golden slimes. .

The receptionist hugged the golden slime, looked at it for a while, and nodded.

The parchment-like order turned into a shimmer and disappeared.

"Then are you ready to rest, or continue to accept the commission of the next level?"

There is nothing to tangle about this issue, and it must be the next level of entrustment first.

This time, it was still drawn by Li Lulu.

After drawing the target this time, Kane and the others returned directly to the resting hotel.

Everyone washed up in their respective rooms, cleaned up the exhaustion of the past few days, and then came to the living room.

"Ah, I'm a little hungry," said Lombe suddenly.

Hearing what Lombe said, Kane and the others also felt the hunger in their stomachs and went directly to the table to sit down.

They only discovered the new features of this dining table last time they came back.

Kane stretched out an index finger and pointed at the table, and then a trace of magic poured into the table.

Since this is a room for explorers, the activation of the dining table requires a little bit of magic.

With the activation of the magic power, a menu appears in the table with magic power, floating above the table.

The above is today's dishes, just click to place an order.

To be honest, when Kane saw this function at the time, he was really shocked.

Because of the different folk customs, the styles of the cities here are very different from each other, including the use of various magics.

For example, the city of lions, a big city that Kane visited first, is extremely developed in various magical industries, but there are also a lot of magic-powered vehicles, even many middle-class people have personal vehicles, a bit like the world in the past after the Industrial Revolution.

And then went through the important cities and royal capitals of several countries. It seems that there are no street lights on the side of the road back in the Middle Ages, but the use of various magics at high levels is extremely exaggerated.

There are also devices like Furnace, where all kinds of magic-driven equipment are extremely rare.

But now the city of food has brought him a brand new feeling. Under the simple and traditional appearance, there is a very advanced magic technology application technology.

All kinds of knowledge, magic and power brought by the dungeon, as well as different races, have made the world go further and further towards the hodgepodge.

But it is this hodgepodge that keeps people curious about the world forever, because every city, every kingdom, and every region can give you insights and experiences that you have never had before.

Recovering their thoughts, after each of Kane ordered their favorite dishes, a teleportation circle appeared on the table without waiting for a minute, followed by a ding dong.

The dishes they had ordered before appeared directly on the table, steaming hot.

It is worthy of being a city famous all over the world for tourism, and it has achieved the top level in terms of convenience and service.

During the meal, Kane opened and checked the order that Li Lulu had just drawn.

On the top of the order was written the words "hunting", indicating that the goal this time only needed the corpse.

The picture in the middle of the parchment is a fish shaped like a puffer fish.

It has a spherical body that seems to be inflated, round and dull eyes, a round mouth, spikes that are densely covered on the body, and the small fins on both sides of the body, and a slender and flat tail.

So next time, Kane and their target are the creatures in the sweet river that connects the whole dungeon?

This was Kane's first thought when he saw the picture, and the name of the target this time was called drifting dolphin.

"Yuyou, check the picture book of the fluttering dolphin."

After taking a bite of the fleshy leg in his hand, Kane said to Yoyo who was playing with the marshmallow beside him.

Hearing her master's voice, Yunyou immediately turned around and emitted blue light in her eyes, projecting the information of the illustrated book to the center of Kane's dining table.

In this way, Claire and the others can also clearly see the information in the picture book.

They also looked up at the picture book in the center while eating the food in their hands.

Kane carefully looked at the information in the picture book, which was completely the opposite of what he imagined. Sure enough, in such a dungeon, one cannot view anything with common sense.

This puffer fish is not a creature in the river, but a creature that can fly like a bird and barely touch the ground, living in the air all the time.

The difficulty of being rated as three stars is not how strong his strength is. The fluttering dolphin has almost no aggressiveness. When encountering an enemy, he only makes the spikes on his body more slender to defend against other people's attacks. The spines have very painful neurotoxins.

The difficulty of their three-star rating is because they float in the air and almost never touch the ground and explorers have to stay in the air for long periods of time to catch them.

Moreover, the area where the fluttering dolphins inhabit is a relatively dangerous area of ​​the sky. In addition to the fluttering dolphins, there are many more powerful flying creatures in that sky.

So if the explorer's flying ability is not strong, or if he can't counterattack and evade in the air, drawing such a task can almost declare the dungeon clearance failure.

However, after Kane and the others saw the picture book information of the fluttering dolphin, they did not feel so difficult and unlucky.

After all, they have marshmallows, and now the shape of the marshmallows drags them all up and floats freely in the air without any problems at all.

The largest size that Marshmallow can change now is extremely wide, and it can fill the living room where Kane and the others are now.

So Kane and the others attacked Marshmallow without any problems at all.

The only regret may be on the cotton candy. If there are more people, its flight speed will decrease. The more people there are, the slower the flight speed will be.

It wasn't Kane's weight that put pressure on Marshmallow.

It's a marshmallow. If there is another object on the body, it can't be turned into a mist at will in order to carry the object.

In this way, its speed is naturally greatly reduced, and it can only act as a solid condensed white cloud.

However, according to the information on the diagram, the flying speed of the fluttering dolphin itself is not fast. In addition, if Kane enters the demigod form, the flying speed is also acceptable. If you are willing to consume more magic power, you can still fly. faster.

It is really impossible to use the combination of the source skills and the spider silk to make Kane swing quickly in the air without any problems.

With a variety of skills, Kane can handle most situations.

It is at this time that the setting of the panacea is vividly reflected.

But it's not too early now, let's take a good rest and talk about tomorrow's things tomorrow.

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