"Dong Dong Dong!"

Early in the morning, in the hotel room where Kane and the others were.

They were eating breakfast together when they heard a knock at the door.

When the knock on the door rang, Kane's eyes turned into eagle pupils, and the flashing magic light made Kane look towards the door.

This was his subconscious reaction.

And there were indeed three groups of magical responses at the door, a human-like magical response and two child-sized responses.

With this combination, Kane guessed who was knocking at the door at once.

"It's Funa and the others." Kane said to everyone at the table.

After hearing that it was Funa and the others, Li Lulu appeared at the door in a flash, and then opened the door.

As soon as the door opened, two little angels flew in directly from the door.

"Hey! You two are coming back soon. How can you go in directly? It's so rude."

Fona's voice in the back did not affect the two little angels in front at all.

Xipu flashed the wings behind her, and hugged Li Lulu directly.

"Li Lulu, long time no see, I brought you a present."

Seeing that her two teammates flew in on their own, Fona reluctantly stepped in at the door, and then looked at Kane and said embarrassedly, "Sorry, I'm here to disturb you at this time. "

"Nothing, come in quickly." Claire walked over and hugged Fona, pulled her in, and then closed the door.

"Have you eaten breakfast? Do you want to come and eat?" Claire looked at Fona and asked.

Hearing Claire's words, Fona waved her hand and said, "We came to look for you after breakfast, and Xi clamored to come over to look for Li Lulu."

At this time, Xizheng took out a headband made of rattan from his space equipment and put it firmly on Li Lulu's head.

The rattan woven into the headband shone with a transparent green color and looked very bright and beautiful. The headband was not some kind of equipment, but was folded and woven from some kind of plant.

There is nothing special about it other than the fragrance on it.

But looking at Li Lulu's expression, she knew that she was very satisfied with this gift.

Kane and the others also finished eating the food in their hands. After cleaning up, they came to sit on the sofa in the living room.

"Have you completed your entrusted goal, have you come back?" Kane looked at Fona and asked curiously.

He wondered a little about what the most disgusting area of ​​the dungeon was like.

Hearing Kane's words, Fona smiled awkwardly.

"We were going to go, but we came back after arriving at the destination." Rui said directly after seeing Fona's embarrassed smile.

After hearing Rui's words, Lombe became interested and asked directly, "Oh, what happened?"

Lombe's words seemed to hit Rui's words just right. He sat up directly from the sofa, flapped his wings and hovered in the air, and said with a look of disgust.

"That ghost place is even more disgusting than the legend. We smelled the stench before we even got close. It almost took our breath away. I have never smelled such a pungent smell."

"Afterwards, we relied on magic and resisted the smell and reached the top of the location. As a result, the scene below directly broke our limit. There were densely packed various disgusting maggots, like a group of snakes, overlapping and intertwined with each other. ."

Seeing Rui's affectionate appearance, he seemed to want to describe it more specifically, but before he could say it, he was punched in the stomach by Xi next to him.

"Okay, don't say it anymore, it's all your fault for being so unlucky."

The punch from his sister's surprise made Rui fall onto the sofa, clutching his stomach. After easing for a while, he didn't say a word, and stretched out a holy light-colored line from his hand to wrap around his sister and pulled her off.

Then the two of them beat each other regardless of the strange eyes on the scene.

They beat each other and cursed each other.

Listening to their cursing tone, it is impossible to imagine that they are a holy family of angels.

In the end, Fona couldn't stand it anymore and pulled the two apart again.

Seeing that the two were sulking, Li Lulu pulled Xi directly and took her to the other side.

Leaving Rui and Kane together to continue chatting.

As soon as his sister left, it was obvious that the stinky expression on Ruina's face had eased.

Then he directly took out a magazine from his space equipment and put it on the table, stared at Kane and asked.

"Is this above you? You are the misty team mentioned above."

After hearing Rui's question, Fona also looked at Kane and the others curiously. On the other side, Xi, who had just been taken away, fluttered her wings and flew over again when she heard her brother's question.

This is what they saw on the newsstand outside after returning from the dungeon yesterday morning. It wasn't that they had the habit of reading magazines, but that one of them saw that there was a picture of Kane and the others on the cover of this magazine. They were curious. Bought a copy.

It’s okay not to look at it, but it surprised them when they saw it. It clearly recorded the process of Kane and the others’ upgrades, how they upgraded to silver in less than a year, and how they were in the silver dungeon. Kill the Quartet.

And they reported their performance in Yongsheng Prison in great detail.

Especially in the end, Kane and the others took a lot of photos on the magazine with the scene of 5 vs. 60.

Recently, when Kane and the others became popular, their previous journey of exploring the dungeon was easily dug up. After all, this is not much secret news, and Kane and the others have never hidden their whereabouts.

Kane took the magazine over and looked at it curiously. Although they knew that they had been reported, to be honest, except for the first issue of the newspaper, they did not read the various special magazines specially made for them later. .

When Kane saw the words in the magazine boasting about them, he couldn't help but blush a little, which was too outrageous.

"Yes, that's really us."

After hearing Kane's words, Rui suddenly became excited and asked directly: "Did you really compete against 60 explorers just based on the number of your own teams as mentioned above? And they are all silver peaks and bottlenecks. the strong."

"Hahaha" Lombe took a sip from the small jug at his hand and said, "Of course, little devil, how about it? We are very good."

Lombe has always been willing to brag from outsiders, and he will not refuse anyone who comes, and he can bear the words of bragging again.

After hearing Lombe's words, Rui said decisively to him: "Then can you tell me the details? I want to hear the details of your duel."

"Oh haha, of course that's fine."

After speaking, Longbei took a hard sip, stood directly on the coffee table, and began to describe their previous actions in Yongsheng Prison with emotion.

Of course, after all, it is a narration, and his processing of various details is indispensable.

When Lombe started to speak, all three of Funa sat firmly in their seats and listened carefully.

As for Kane and the others, except Li Lulu who was listening with interest, Kane and the others rolled their eyes helplessly.

To put it simply, too much art processing has almost made Kane and the others suspicious. Has he really done this?

It was noon when Lombe finished telling their story.

Claire looked at the time and said to Fona, "It's noon, do you want to stay for a meal? We have also caught a lot of good ingredients these days."

"Why is this so embarrassing." Fona said politely.

"It's okay." After saying that, Claire got up and walked towards the kitchen of the room.

If there is a kitchen in the room of other city hotels, it is a rare or outrageous thing, but if it is in the food capital, all this is reasonable, but there is no kitchen. criticized.

After watching Claire get up and walk towards the kitchen, Fona also stood up and said, "I'll come with you too, we've caught a lot of ingredients these days."

"Really, let's come together then."

Claire had no intention of rejecting Fona's proposal at all. They were all people who liked cooking. Having new ingredients and making them the way they wanted was their hobby.

It would be rude to refuse.

"We'll come too." After seeing the two of them walking towards the kitchen, the two angel brothers and sisters Xi and Rui immediately fluttered their wings and followed.

The three of them are all people who love to cook. When they heard that their captain and Kleiyang were going to the kitchen to cook, they still didn't get new ingredients these days. How could the two of them hold back.

"Li Lulu, I'll go to the kitchen first, and then we'll play after we've made a meal."

Xi turned around and spoke to Li Lulu, then increased her speed and rushed towards the kitchen like a sharp arrow.

And when he passed his younger brother, he turned back and made a face.

It made Rui also suddenly speed up.

In the living room, Kane, who was using his original skills to simulate the construction of a mechanical device, saw this situation and couldn't help but said, "It seems that we can eat again today. There are 4 chefs cooking for us."

"That's great, I wish the four of them would get together every day." After hearing Kane's words, Lombe took a bite of the fruit in his hand and said.

Metzker prepared the potion in his hand, and said without raising his head, "Indeed."

It didn't make Kane and the others wait too long. In about an hour, Claire and the others finally finished the meal and brought it to the table.

Instead of each cooking a dish or two to show off their craft, today they work together to make a big platter.

When the lid on the dish was opened, tiny silver light spots floated out and filled the air, and the strong fragrance directly filled the entire living room.

Seeing such a situation, Kane waved his hand immediately, and the curtains of the floor-to-ceiling windows were drawn together, making the living room plunge into darkness.

When the living room fell into darkness, the faint silver light on the table was even more conspicuous.

Food that shines.

Even if Kane hadn't been appraised and had not gone up to taste even a sip, he knew that he would definitely be feasting today.

Glowing dishes = unparalleled delicacy

This is the formula etched in his mind, built up from his childhood.

"Okay, stop being stupid, come and try it." Seeing Kane staring blankly, Claire said with a smile.

Hearing Claire's voice, several people woke up like a dream and came to the table to sit down.

Looking at the large plate of food in front of him, he went straight up to be an appraisal, and his curiosity was about to overflow.

【Silver Line River Cruise】


【Color: Silver】

[Attribute: Permanently increase the magic power after use, and obtain the buff 'freshness' for 10 days. ] (Fresh: Any attack by taste and smell will be decontaminated and ineffective, and any unpleasant taste and smell will be purified when inhaled.)

[Introduction: Using rare and precious silver thread fish as the main raw material, supplemented by any ingredients and seasonings that are not inferior to him, and then controlled by skilled cooking skills and precise magic power, they are cooked together. 】

It is indeed a silver delicacy.

The name of this dish is very vivid.

Different vegetables and meats are cooked separately and laid on the chassis, just like the surface of a river. And above it there is a silver thread made from the flesh of the silver thread fish hovering over it.

This silverfish was encountered by Kane at dusk when they were on their way back.

Not only is the appearance exquisite, but the effect of the bonus is also very good, and it comes with one. Needless to say, the gain effect is also known. It must be prepared for Fona and the others.

"How's it going? Does the identification result in any way to freshen the air, or is it a buff to protect against odors?"

After watching Kane's identification, Claire asked from the side.

"Yes." After speaking, Kane introduced the buff to everyone.

"Yeah!" The four chefs gave each other high fives in celebration.

"Since the goal has been achieved, let's eat quickly and taste the meticulous craftsmanship of the four of us." After Claire finished, she urged everyone to taste it quickly.

Kane, who couldn't wait for a long time, quickly took their own tableware, picked their favorite place, and tasted it.

This delicacy didn't disappoint anyone, it satisfactorily satisfied their exuberant appetite and satisfied their need for delicious food.

Kane was able to taste the middle one, the silver thread formed by the silver thread fish, which should have come from Claire's handwriting throughout the whole process. It may be that he has tasted a lot of Claire's various hand-training dishes during this time. He was able to taste Claire's craftsmanship in different dishes.

It can be clearly felt that Claire's craftsmanship has improved, and it is not an illusion caused by high-quality ingredients.

While helping to learn cooking at Claire, Kane followed her past to taste her experimental dishes, and inexplicably reached the level of food appreciation.

Of course, these are also taught by Yorkson.

In his words, there is always someone around who can taste, and the cooking skills will improve more rapidly, not to mention the fact that the appraisal by Kendall is also very outrageous.

Being able to help Claire, and being able to taste delicious food, why not do it?

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