Early morning light, cast from the stars in the sky.

This feeling is even more obvious when you are on an empty island at an altitude of 1,000 meters.

However, the sun today is not very strong, and the temperature is not as hot as yesterday, which can be regarded as a good weather.

At this time, Kane on the ground and the others were following the direction of the compass pointer and continued to chase their target, the Winged Hunter.

Sure enough, things were similar to Kane. When it was close to the morning, the pointer that kept turning left and right all night finally stopped and pointed in one direction.

At this time, they were moving in this direction.

However, the location of the target is somewhat confusing.

With the compass in his hand, the pointer was pointing straight ahead. Kane took two steps forward, and the pointer immediately reversed and pointed to the back.

"What does that mean?" Lombe asked, looking at the pointer moving back and forth.

"Underground." Metzker broke the point.

Hearing Metzker's words, Kane nodded: "It should be underground here. No wonder it's hard to meet this animal and it is usually underground."

Saying that, Kane took a step back and picked up the compass upright. The pointer really pointed to the ground under their feet.

"How do we go down here? We can't make holes, and we don't know what depth we are in," Claire said.

Claire's words really made Kane and the others feel a little awkward.

If a hole is drilled on the spot, it can definitely be installed in the position, but such a movement will definitely alert the target below, and then it will be another chase.

Moreover, according to the information of the flying wing hunters, their speed is extremely fast, similar to ghosts, and their talent points are all on the speed.

When there is a vigilant target, it will be even more difficult to capture.

"What now?" asked Lombe.

After looking at the ground under his feet, Kane frowned and thought for a while, then stretched out his hand, the magic in his hand poured out and the fine metal structure began to be constructed in his hand, and then combined and condensed.

A pointed mechanical creature in the form of a small snake was constructed, the size of which was only the size of Kane's palm.

"Use this thing to probe down first. His movement is very small. I just hope it doesn't exceed 10 meters." Kane said.

After speaking, he walked a distance of five or six meters to the side, put the creation in his hand on the ground, and began to control it.

The small snake-like object, with its sharp head, began to rotate rapidly. There was almost no sound in the rotation. In an instant, a small hole was drilled in the ground, and the entire body was drilled down.

Drilling down about seven or eight meters, I encountered an extremely hard rock.

Kane closed his eyes and released his perception, focused on controlling the mechanical structure, and began to feel the slate carefully.

As the hole dug by the structure becomes larger and larger, the area of ​​the entire stone block is also revealed, and the slate and the slate are embedded very firmly, and at a glance, it is known that it is a man-made object.

Kane began to control the mechanical construct along the surface of the smooth slate, drilling a hole toward the target's location.

Finally, with a slight movement, I came to the position of the target. The only question now is whether the target is above or below the slate.

Kane controlled the structure and began to slowly rotate upwards. As a result, he did not encounter any space, and he drilled out of the ground very smoothly.

Claire and the others looked at the structure drilled out from under their feet, and stared at Kane next to them.

"It seems that those flying wing hunters are hiding in the ruins." Those underground slates are obviously the ceiling of the underground ruins, and the ruins almost hollowed out the interior of the entire Sky Island. This is the information written in the tourist brochure.

These ruins have many exits. It seems that the wing hunters are hiding their whereabouts through the entrances of these ruins. Maybe there are many small holes that only they can drill into.

No wonder it's so hard to catch.

"Yuyou, is there an entrance to the ruins around here?" Kane asked Yoyo next to him.

All the information and map Kane in this dungeon have been entered into Yoyo's body, which of course also includes the topographic map of the empty island.

Hearing Kane's words, Yoyo projected the three-dimensional topographic map of the empty island into the air, marked the location of Kane and the others, and highlighted the entrance to the underground ruins.

Kane looked at it carefully, and on their left, there was an entrance to the ruins at a distance of 300 meters.

They walked towards the entrance.

The entrance was hidden in the big tree in front of them. The tree looked like a real number. In fact, the tree was a man-made fake tree with a hollow in the middle.

After Kane groped around the tree, he found a gap, reached out and grabbed a handle, and pulled it open fiercely. A door opened to reveal the internal structure of the tree.

There is nothing fancy about the inside of the tree, except that it has a downward clapboard on the ground.

Kane stepped forward and pulled the partition away, revealing a sloping downward staircase.

Seeing such a scene, Claire rolled her eyes helplessly. This was the terrain structure she hated the most.

Looking at Claire's expression, Kane smiled, patted her arm and said, "It's alright, I'll just fill up the stairs and turn it into a slope."

After he finished speaking, he let Lombe and the others move down first, while he and Claire moved.

As they stepped up the stairs, Kane filled the surface of the stairs with a flush, rough structure, and the slope of the incline allowed Claire to enter smoothly below.

The downward tunnel is not dark, there are glowing moss all around, and groups of groups are neatly attached to it. At a glance, it can be seen that it was planted by later explorers, or the maintenance staff of the dungeon.

After walking down for a while, they came to a flat area.

The entire ruins are composed of various tunnels and spaces of different sizes. It is unknown what role these ruins have.

The useful information components, as well as the damaged equipment, have been licked clean by the explorers who came before.

What remains now are either various buildings integrated with the entire ruins, or equipment embedded within the buildings.

The interior of the ruins is still surrounded by large clusters of luminous moss, which are used to illuminate the entire interior space.

The ground and walls of the entire ruins are covered with thick dust, indicating that no one has been to this area for a while.

But that's right, except for curious explorers, most explorers don't have much interest in this kind of place, after all, hundreds of years have passed.

And curious explorers may not be able to reach the location of the empty island.

Kane and the others began to spread out, and each looked at the entire space, because there were various murals on the walls of this space, recording the information of dungeons and empty islands.

These murals do not need Kane and the others to interpret, because they have already been interpreted and written in the travel manual. Kane and the others are just satisfying their own curiosity.

The story recorded in the murals here is roughly how the empty island floated up. It is said that because of a powerful energy core, the various magic runes created made the empty island float.

After looking at it for a while, and satisfying their curiosity, they continued their original goal.

With the team, began to follow the pointer on the compass to explore.

Following the pointer, I went around and around, and after passing through two tunnels, I saw in the distance, a nest built by the roots of various turf trees.

The stench of blood and corruption was so far away that Kane and the others could smell it clearly, but it wasn't the cat litter that gave off the smell.

Instead, in a small depression next to them, various feathers and corpses were piled up. At first glance, it was known that it was the masterpiece of the flying wing hunter.

Kane held his breath for a while, opened his eagle eyes, and looked into the cat litter. Through the glowing moss, he could see a black fur cat with a pair of huge ears curled up and resting in the cat litter.

There are several little milk cats crawling around on his body, playing around.

Kane and the others slowly touched them.

With two soft clicks, two white spider silks shot towards the black big cat who was curling up and resting.

When the quickly shot spider silk was about to hit the target, the big black cat seemed to be alarmed, and then directly transformed into a black mist and ducked to the side. The white spider silk could only trap a few kittens. wrapped together.

The big black cat condensed by the black mist next to him roared at Kane and the others angrily, and then turned into a black mist, rushing towards Kane and the others.

However, at this moment, a rainbow-colored ray shot out from Lilulu's staff, directly hitting the black mist that was rushing towards them.

The black mist instantly turned into the entity of a big black cat, and began to change and distort with the rainbow-colored light, until it turned into a small white rabbit that fell on the ground and ran around.

This is Lilulu's fairy tale magic, which is often used by Lilulu to control the enemy. After the enemy who is not stronger than her is hit, it almost declares defeat.

Kane walked over, and a transparent rectangular transparent steel box closed the rabbit.

With the merging of the boxes, Lilulu canceled her magic rabbit and instantly turned into a huge black ocelot about one and a half meters long.

The most noticeable thing is his huge ears, which do not hang down to the sides, but float gently.

These are the wing ears used to assist him in flight.

The ocelot that was locked in the transparent steel cabinet was still grinning at Kane and the others, growling and slapping the glass cabinet with his palm.

Kane looked at it and ignored it, but walked into the cat's nest, where the group of kittens that were trapped in spider silk and were meowing non-stop.

All the kittens had a white spider silk tied around their necks to prevent them from running around, and then Kane swept away the spider silk that was wrapping them.

Looking at the six kittens in Kane's arms who kept nibbling at Kane's armor and nibbling, Li Lulu's eyes flashed with starlight.

Li Lulu looked at the leopard cat, who was locked next to him, who was frantically running around the transparent steel plate with a tangled face.

"What's the matter? Li Lulu."

Hearing Kane's question, Li Lulu said, "Can you catch another one? I want them to enter my fairy tale world together."

Looking at the ocelot in the transparent steel plate behind, Kane smiled and said, "It's alright, the requirement for Lilulu's mission is to capture it alive, and we can buy it back after we return the mission."

"Is it still possible?"


Kane is not lying to Li Lulu, but there really is such a rule, which was only known when chatting with Fona and the others before. I didn't expect it to suddenly be useful.

The so-called entrusted mission targets, as long as they are targets that require to be captured alive, are almost always of a relatively rare variety.

And after these targets are delivered, they are all released, and if they can be used as ingredients, they will be slaughtered.

And the wing hunter itself cannot be used as an ingredient, because it is not delicious, so it must be released, it is better for Kane and the others to buy it.

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