At Li Lulu's request, Kane put all the 6 big-eared kittens in a transparent steel box, and let them reunite with their mother first.

Then put the transparent steel box into Li Lulu's fairy tale world.

After doing all this, Kane clapped his hands and said, "Okay, now the goal has been completed, it's time to see where these two creatures appeared, which happens to be in the ruins."

"Lilulu, let's talk." Kane said to Lilulu who was closing the rainbow-colored portal.

After Li Lulu heard it, she followed the egg next to her to look at each other, and then the egg began to fly forward, leading the way for Kane and the others.

Lilulu told Kane and the others about some of the information she had obtained while chatting with the two eggs during this time.

From Li Lulu's mouth, I learned that the area where these two eggs once lived was called the Platinum Land, but now it is very chaotic, and a war is breaking out that is sweeping all places and all lives.

The war lasted for a very long time, and I don't know when it started. It seems that this egg's race has a very vague concept of time.

A little longer and they are less able to remember.

According to the information that Li Lulu had chatted with them for so long, the place where this egg lived should also be a dungeon, because the egg itself knew that the world they were in had been destroyed.

It is said that such information is well known to them, and it seems that the war broke out because of a certain situation after the destruction of the world.

Because their race hid shortly after the war to avoid being swept away by it.

And their place is only the most prosperous part of the world, and the center of the world.

According to him, the fragment of the world they lived in was the essence of their entire world.

It's just that I don't know why, the broken world is still intact, but there is a fog that can't be seen clearly at the border.

This is clearly a feature of dungeons.

According to the description of this egg, their world is incredible, and it has to be regarded as a high-level dungeon.

Moreover, the structure of the dungeon is very special. It seems that there is no interference in the will of the dungeon, and the creatures in the dungeon are developing freely.

I just don't know what level of dungeon it is.

Along the way, various traces have appeared around, and looking at the traces, it should be someone who has come.

Looking at the extremely obvious footprints under these feet, there should be only one person. Looking at the appearance of these footprints, isn't this Funa?

No wonder there are only one person's footprints.

It seems that Fona and the others passed by here before.

In addition to various murals, there are also magical lines on the surrounding stone walls, but these lines no longer have the brilliance of magic.

Of course, from time to time, you can see the flickering magic light from some lines, indicating that the functions represented by these lines are working.

After going around for a long time, they finally came to an extremely wide area, the whole space was square, with tunnels in the front and right directions.

"They said this is where they landed."

Hearing Li Lulu's words, Kane began to look around. Claire and the others also spread out throughout the space, looking at the places they were curious or suspicious of.

Not far from the wall, there is a protruding stone platform with a circular protrusion the size of a human head.

It looked like a button, with a child-sized palm print on it.

This thing should be the button that the angel sister and brother pressed before. I didn't expect it to be so big, and it really doesn't look like a button.

The patterns around it look a bit strange, not like the pattern of a magic circle, but more like a channel for energy transmission.

"Have you recorded all the patterns on Yoyo's journey?" Kane asked Yoyo at his feet.

He felt that the patterns and patterns of these magics were somewhat familiar before, so he let Yoyo record along the way, of course only recording the places they walked.

Yoyo nodded, then spliced ​​the lines it recorded and projected it into the air.

These lines can be seen intermittently. After all, Kane and the others did not follow the lines, but followed the guidance of the target and the egg.

It's not too obvious just by looking at the patterns in the front, but with the patterns in this space, Kane is determined.

The magic circuit of this thing, and the energy circuit that I learned before, should come from the same world system.

This is interesting. I didn't expect that a dungeon produced by magic ingredients would actually have relics of mechanical information.

However, there were basically no equipment and dungeon monsters related to magical machinery on the way.

"You guys wait here first, I'll take a walk around here." After saying that, Kane took Yoyo towards the tunnel ahead.

Claire and the others didn't care either. After all, Kane's strength was there, they didn't need to worry too much, just let him be careful.

Kane followed the tunnel for a distance, and found a space with the same size and the same loop as the area just now, but there was nothing in this space, and there was no passage in front, and the other passage was to the right. Past.

Kane followed the passage around and returned to the area where he was before, but he came back from the passage on the right side of the space.

After seeing Kane, Claire asked, "How is it? Did you find anything?"

Kane smiled and said: "Of course, the harvest is still great."

After he finished speaking, he came to the upper right corner of the space.

According to his rotation, a total of 4 identical spaces are connected together through passages to form a square.

According to the crack of the circuit, he found a hidden switch, or it can not be regarded as hidden, it is a door switch, but it needs to be cracked.

A carving knife of the same size as the pattern appeared in his hand at the corner, and began to carve on the wall.

He has already made a simple crack through the loop map projected by Yoyo, already knows how to crack these loops, and knows how to change it so that he can become what he wants.

The circuit here is a grade or two lower than the energy circuit he would know, it seems to be an early technology, and what he knows is an innovative technology.

It shows that this ruin is in an earlier period than the dungeon where his energy drop technology is located.

Claire and the others were watching Kane's portrayal.

It didn't take Kane to carve for a long time, just a simple transformation of a few lines.

Then Kane touched a slate in front of him with his palm, and the magic power began to flow along the line, and the dim patterns around him began to emit blue magic shimmer.

With the influx of magic power, these blue lines began to connect together, and finally formed a door-like pattern.


With a sound, the pattern in front of it sags downward, and the entire slate sinks, and then moves aside.

A tunnel was revealed in front of Kane and them.

The tunnel was dark, and only light could be seen at the end.

"Simple protection password, the secret is revealed like this." Kane said with a smile.

Lombe looked into the tunnel and asked, "What's in here?"

Kane shrugged and said, "I don't know what's inside, but we should be the first to arrive, because the line here has no sign of being opened."

But thinking of something, Kane said again.

"No, we are not necessarily the first to come here. After all, this dungeon has already been controlled by others. It is possible that President Bogle has been here. It is unlikely that he does not know this place. He may have directly appeared in it through permission. Yes."

Kane said this, after all, he doesn't know what kind of authority he can have after mastering the dungeon, but he clearly knows that there should be various space environments in his dungeon.

After all, he can even transform all kinds of geological environments. It would be too strange if he didn't know such a trivial matter.

Afterwards, Lombé held up his shield at the head, and Claire's team formed a long formation and headed inward.

The more you go inside, the more intense the light becomes, and the space at the end must be seen to have some kind of strong luminous body.

Finally they made it through the tunnel, looked at the glowing room in front of them, and got in with their eyes blocked.

The entire room is filled with surging magic, and with every breath, you can feel that your magic is recovering quickly.

A huge crystal exudes a strong light, suspended in the center of the space in front of it.

Surrounded by all kinds of huge screens suspended in the air.

It's like a high-tech room.

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