at this time.

Kane and the others looked at the situation in front of them and couldn't understand.

If I remember correctly, this should be the location where they charged before. It was still a plain an hour ago, and the ground was just some dirt and grass.

But now, a military camp has been erected inexplicably.

The scale of this barracks was larger than the barracks they had just stayed, and it was more refined.

According to the changes of the tent, it seems that there are different functions.

The entire barracks was even surrounded by a circle of wooden walls.

"It's too fast, how did they do it?" Lombe asked in confusion.

A military camp with such a large area was built by Kane with his source skills, and it was almost the same speed.

Metzker was still treating the wounded here just now, which means that just as they were counting the spoils, a military camp was erected here.

This speed is a bit exaggerated.

At this time, Claire suddenly pointed diagonally ahead and said, "Look there."

Kane and the others turned their heads, and at the moment when they turned their heads, a tent suddenly appeared. This tent was not the kind of tent that was propped up at will, but the kind that needed to be cut down and then built.

The phantom of a tent appeared next to it, and then it became reality after a while. There was a craftsman in red and white cloth next to him, who was hitting with a wooden hammer in his hand.

This scene is inexplicably familiar.

"Captain Kane, thank you." While Kane and the others were watching intently, Horn's voice came from behind.

At this time, the armor on Horn's body became inexplicably new, and he brought two messengers behind him to Kane and them.

Kane was instantly attracted by the clothes of the two messengers. The two messengers were spotless, as if they had never experienced war at all, and there were no scars on their bodies.

Even though many of the wounded were treated by Metzker, they were always covered with bandages. Metzker only treated those wounds that were prone to infection or life-threatening. He would choose to ignore some minor wounds.

After all, there are so many soldiers, it must be the focus.

As for these two messengers, various things on their bodies indicate that they have not participated in the battle before, but it is impossible. The entire camp was evacuated before, and even the medics rushed to the battlefield. After all, it was the last battle to the death. .

While Kane was thinking.

Captain Horn came up and hugged Kane fiercely, his excitement could be seen from his expression.

"You are really amazing. In such a desperate situation, you can lead us to a victory and occupy this area near the exit." Horn praised.

In the face of such praise, Kane just nodded and said slightly modestly: "There, you have passed the award."

"Hahaha." Horn smiled proudly.

"Young people with talent are really humble."

After he finished speaking, he waved to a messenger behind him.

The messenger nodded, then walked forward and walked in front of Kane and the others, his body straight and solemn.

He cleared his throat slightly and said, "Kane, Claire, Lombe, Lilulu, and Metzker will take orders."

take orders?

Hearing what the messenger said, a doubt flashed in Kane's mind for a moment, and then he recalled the dungeon information he had seen.

There seems to be some kind of upgrade mechanism in this dungeon, and the general source is military rank.

After leading their own forces to expand the results, explorers can have the authority to lead troops.

So now it should be some kind of scene that Kane and the others will go through after they level up.

Thinking of this, Kane immediately put his right hand on his chest and watched Kane's movements. Claire and the others also learned the same way.

The messenger nodded and took out a piece of parchment from his arms.

"Everyone is brave and good at fighting, leading the soldiers out of the desperate situation. At this time, you are specially promoted to centurions."

After finishing speaking, the parchment in the hands of the messenger scattered directly, turning into 5 light spots and appearing on Kane's chest.

The dots turned into circular red and white badges with a flag engraved in the center.

After all this was done, the messenger saluted Kane and the others, and retreated behind Captain Horn.

Captain Horn came up and said to Kane and the others with a smile: "Now you can't wait to get your own soldiers, so I won't bother you. If you have time, remember to come to the central camp. It won't take long for them to counterattack, and we need to have a good discussion about the next battle."

After speaking, he nodded to Kane and the others, and left with two messengers.

After watching him leave, Kane looked at the badge on his chest and said, "I said so, but where are you going to recruit soldiers?"

"The information is not very detailed," Claire said.

The data did say that when the number of enemies killed by the explorers reaches a certain level, they will get an increase in military rank and the ability to lead troops, but they did not say such detailed things as to where to lead troops.

This kind of unspoken thing should be very easy to obtain information, which may be like common sense in the dungeon.

Looking at the soldiers busy in the barracks, Kane said: "These soldiers can always know, just ask."

After that, Kane and the others walked into the barracks.

The barracks not only expanded in size, but also had several times more soldiers than before. The armor and weapons on these soldiers were all polished, but they were only bronze-colored.

As long as the magic reaction in the body is silver, it is almost all veterans with scarred bandages on their bodies.

"Centurion Kane!"

"Centurion Claire!"


When two veterans with bandages saw Kane and the others coming, they immediately stood up and saluted and called out respectfully to Kane and each of them.

Seeing them nodding, then Kane looked at the appearance of the two, and a trace of familiarity flashed in his mind.

Wait a moment.

Aren't these two disabled soldiers in the camp who said that Kane and the others were very unlucky?

But they should have very obvious disabilities on their bodies, but now the two of them are no different from normal people except for a little scar.

At this time, Kane couldn't help but asked, "You shouldn't be..." before finishing his words, but Kane pointed to his arms, legs and eyes.

Looking at Kane's actions, the two veterans instantly understood what he meant and explained: "Injuries like this kind of disability can be recovered as long as they are treated in the medical camp, if they win a big victory. If so, it can be restored.”

Can this thing recover?

You can also recover after winning, but you can't use the blood-sucking effect, right?

The bonus effect of a hearty victory is yes.

Do you think you have a digital body?

Digitization? Kane suddenly thought of something.

"Do you have time to show me around this barracks? By the way, what are the functions of these tents?"

Hearing Kane's words, the two veterans stood up instantly, bowed and said, "I'm very happy to help you."

"Please come with us." After speaking, the two veterans stood on both sides in front of Kane and guided them.

The first is the largest number of ordinary tents: "This small red and white tent is where our soldiers rest. The small patterns marked on it represent what kind of soldier's resting place."

One of the veterans of the speaker also pointed to a pattern next to the camp, which showed a red figure with a shield and a gun.

Not far away, there are figures with bows and arrows and figures on horses. According to the different patterns on them, it is possible to distinguish what kind of soldier's resting place this camp is.

"This is the arsenal." The veteran pointed to a huge tent next to Kane and the others.

"If the weapon or armor is excessively damaged, it can be replaced here."

This area seems to be some kind of functional area, all kinds of large tents.

And next to this side is an open-air canteen supporting shantytowns, with many fire pits dug out and huge pots next to them.

"This is where the soldiers eat." One veteran pointed and said, and the other added: "It's simple and convenient to eat, but it doesn't taste very good."

Not far from the cafeteria, there is a large rectangular tent. The color of the entire tent is white and occupies a large area, with only a red stripe in the middle.

"This is the treatment camp. If you are injured, you can come here for treatment. Depending on the degree of injury, the time you have to stay will vary."

"Staying here for a few days, it's better to go and win a battle."

"I also think that if I stay here too much, my body will rust."

The two veterans chatted a few words on their own.

It can be seen that many soldiers with missing arms, broken legs and covered with bandages were carried in by his comrades, and the soldiers who came out of the camp were almost all intact and alive, except for their weapons and armors.

Going forward, there are several large tents side by side, and you can see all kinds of soldiers coming out of them. The weapons and armors on these soldiers are brand new, and there is no damage to them.

It won't be here.

"This is the recruitment area. This is the camp for ordinary infantry recruits. I came out of this."

"This is a recruiting tent for recruiting various long-range archers and crossbowmen." There was a shooting range behind the tent he pointed to.

There is also a tent next to it with a structure like a stable. There are also a few war horses in the stable. You don't have to think about it here. It must be an area for recruiting cavalry.

The more Kane visited, the more serious the sense of seeing in his heart.

It's too similar.

Walk through the recruiting area and head inside.

There is a huge circular camp here, with several flags hanging next to it, and soldiers lining up to patrol here.

"This is the central tent, and the generals are here to discuss the next battle."

Looking at Kane and the others, the two veterans bowed and said, "This is the structure of our camp. If you still need help, please let us know."

"It's alright, thank you for your help."

"You're welcome, then we'll take our leave." After finishing the two soldiers left.

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