Kane stood in the barracks and watched the two veterans leave.

He gradually gained his own understanding of his conception of the world, but he couldn't draw conclusions yet. He had to first look at the form of recruiting soldiers in the recruiting area.

"Let's go to the recruitment area first and see how the recruitment of soldiers is going." Kane turned his head and asked with his teammates.


"Of course it's fine."

Rather, they were a little impatient.

Hearing the words of his teammates, Kane nodded and led his teammates to the recruiting area where they had just come.

Back on the same road, next to them is the cavalry recruitment camp with stables.

They pulled the veil over the tent and went inside.

The scene inside was not what they imagined.

After entering, there is a space like a small room. There is a small wooden table in front of it. On the wooden table, there is a note officer wearing red and white striped clothes, writing something.

Next to the small room was a space covered by a huge piece of cloth. From time to time, there were soldiers who drilled out of the room with weapons, and pulled out their mounts when they went to the side of the room.

Seeing Kane and the others coming in, the clerk raised his head and pushed the small round mirror on his nose.

"Are you recruiting new soldiers?"

Hearing the recorder's words, Kane nodded.

"Here are the prices of various arms. You can choose as much as you want, but you can only recruit as many as you can lead." The clerk said, and took out a wooden sign from the side.

Kane looked at it and saw that there were three arms written on the wooden sign, and there was a number behind each arm.

Heavy Cavalry 5 Light Cavalry 4 Horse Archers 4

"What is the number marked behind this?" Kane asked suspiciously.

Listening to Kane's question, the clerk flashed a puzzled look, but still said: "The number marked above is the military exploits it takes to recruit this kind of soldier."

"Then how can we check our own exploits?"

Hearing Cainde's question, the recorder suddenly realized and asked: "You are new generals, you can check it by putting this on your rank badge."

Saying that, he took five small jade cards from under the table and handed them to Kane.

After Kane took it, he handed the other 4 to Claire and the others, and then picked up his jade badge and placed it on the badge on his chest.

The moment it was put on, the jade plate, which had no pattern or carving itself, displayed words like the words outlined by an ink pen.



Troop Strength: 0/100

Merit: 1253

Although I don't know how the battle merits are calculated, but my battle merits should be quite a lot. After all, I can buy all heavy cavalry to fill up my troops.

Kane clicked the word + after seeing his rank.

Rank promotion: 200

It means that spending 200 military exploits can raise one's military rank by one level.

Looking at the number of his exploits, Kane tried to click.

The military exploits instantly changed from 1253 to 1053.

And his centurion rank has not changed in any way, and there is still a + behind it.

But his own troops became 0/200, which increased the number of troops he led by 100.

Kane took a look at the rank of the people who were the same as himself, but the number of soldiers they led was still the most primitive 100 people.

Everyone's military exploits are different, and it should be calculated according to the enemy they eliminated or the contribution they made.

I don't know much about the algorithm right now.

Among them, Claire's is the closest to herself, and the rest are lower than Metzker.

But on the battlefield before Metzker, he didn't kill the enemy very much. He spent most of the time treating the soldiers who were about to die, but his military exploits still had a number of close to 600 points.

This shows that the healing of friendly troops still has an improvement in combat performance.

Kane looked at Claire and asked, "Clea, what kind of cavalry are you going to recruit?"

You don't have to think about it to know that Claire will definitely turn all her troops into cavalry, after all, in order to keep up with her battle rhythm.

Since Claire's military exploits were only in the early 900s, if she were to upgrade her military rank, she would not be able to fill up her own troops, and she didn't know whether these soldiers would be useful or not.

So Claire thought for a while and said, "Let's recruit all the heavy cavalry."

At this time, Kane turned to look at Lombe and the others and asked, "Do you want to recruit cavalry?"

Unexpectedly, these people shook their heads, it seems that they already have goals in their hearts.

In the end, only Claire and Kane wanted to recruit cavalry.

"Recruit 100 heavy cavalry." Claire said to the recorder.

The clerk nodded, sketched on the notepad in his hand, and then asked, "Where is the camp where your soldiers live? They will come and report on their own."

"Do you still want to live in a tent?" Kane asked in surprise.

Hearing Kane's words, the recorder was even more strange: "Of course, then where do they live? And they still need supplies, so they can't go to war on an empty stomach."

It seems that there is really no problem, but Kane's own thinking has a big problem.

Although Kane has found that the world of combat is very much like a real-time strategy game.

All the forces only need to take into account the war, and they don't need to consider any logistics at all. It is said that there is a large rear that can output resources for them crazily.

But who knows this thing, maybe it's some kind of setting.

Recruiting soldiers and various areas, and the scenes that appear when building the camp, aren't these exactly the same as building houses in real-time strategy?

But hear what the clerk has to say.

After all, this is a real world. Although there are various game-like mechanisms, it is indeed reality and needs to conform to the logic of reality.

In the real game world, there shouldn't be much of a problem with this understanding.

Therefore, the recruited soldiers need to have a place to live, and various games also have the mechanism of building houses to increase the population.

Very reasonable.

This soldier also needs food to maintain life and state, and soldiers in various games also need maintenance fees.

Very reasonable.

So there doesn't seem to be anything wrong with these.

Kane thought about it and said, "We don't have our own soldier's tent, so where do we need to build it."

The clerk looked at Kane and sighed, these generals were too new.

"Go out from here, turn left and walk for a while, there is a craftsman's tent where you can recruit craftsmen to help you build the soldier's tent, but these soldier's tents also require military exploits, but they are very cheap."

After he finished speaking, he thought for a while and continued: "Besides is the military department, where all kinds of materials needed for life can be exchanged there, and can also be exchanged for military merit, if it is in the camp, then you can eat and drink water. There is free food and drink in the cafeteria, and there is no need to spend extra military merit."

"But if you want to fight outside, you must prepare enough supplies."

"Thank you for your answer." Kane nodded.

"Then we'll build the tent and come back."

After hearing Kane's words, the recorder immediately waved his hand and said, "You don't have to be so troublesome, you can recruit the soldiers you want now, and they will come over by themselves when you have repaired the soldiers' tents."

Will ask the way, reasonable.

In the end Claire recruited 100 heavy cavalry, while Cain recruited 200 archers.

In the archer recruitment camp next to him, Kane and the others also went in for a stroll.

The structure here is not much different from the cavalry recruitment camp.

Archer 3 Archer 3

The difference between these two soldiers is that the weapons in their hands are different, each with its own advantages and disadvantages.

Considering the way Kane and the others attacked, Metzker decided to exchange for 100 crossbowmen.

The bowman's attack range is relatively short, but it has piercing damage.

At a farther distance, Kane was directly bombarded by artillery fire, and there was no chance for the archer to appear.

There was only a melee soldier's recruitment camp left, and you don't need to think about it to know that Lombe will definitely recruit the soldiers inside.

But Lilulu definitely didn't want to recruit.

"Why isn't there a magician who can recruit Li Lulu?" Li Lulu said a little dejectedly.

Hearing Li Lulu's words, Kane rolled his eyes helplessly. He still wanted to recruit a mage, but there was no such possibility.

While she was thinking, Kane and the others came to the nearby melee soldier recruitment camp.

Pikeman 3 Sword and Shield Soldier 3

The weapons of both arms can be replaced, for example, the knife in the sword and shield can be replaced by a shorter spear.

Lombe replaced all his forces with swords and shields, but turned the swords into spears.

In the end, only Lilulu was left, and she was still struggling with what kind of troops she should recruit.

"Why don't you recruit light cavalry?" Claire suggested beside her.

Lilulu, who already had some difficulty in choosing, nodded after hearing Claire's suggestion: "Then recruit light cavalry."

After recruiting the soldiers, they non-stop came to the craftsman's tent mentioned by the recorder. Part of the craftsman's tent was open, and they could see blacksmiths forging weapons in an area.

In another area, carpenters are making something that looks like engineering equipment.

Looking at Kane and the others, an old man who was wiping his sweat asked, "What are you doing here, do you need engineering equipment?"

Kane shook his head and said, "We need tents where soldiers can live."

After hearing Kane's request, the old man nodded.

"How many tents do you need to build and where?"

Kane thought about it and said, "If you need it, just build it on the right side of this camp. You need an area where 600 people live, and there are 400 cavalry."

"Okay." After listening to the old man, he waved to the side, a young strong man came over, and after listening to the old man's words, he left with a team of craftsmen.

"Everyone, please wait a moment, it won't take long for the tent to be repaired, and it will take a total of 300 military exploits."

The average of 300 military exploits is 0.5 per soldier.

Explain that they build camps and treat all soldiers equally.

Kane's military exploits in their hands have been reduced by varying amounts depending on the number of soldiers each has.

And Kane's exploits were reduced by 100 points.

This shows that it is exactly what Kane thought, whether it is cavalry or infantry, the price of building a tent is exactly the same.

It happens that all the tents are under construction now, so Kane and the others can take advantage of this time to go to the central tent to find Head of Horn.

Go through the barracks to the center.

Under the salute of the surrounding patrolling soldiers, Kane and the others walked into the camp.

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