This battle is more to fight less.

No more than 100 soldiers died on Kane's side, and more than 4,000 of the enemy were wiped out, which can be regarded as a hearty victory.

And those wounded soldiers did not need to look for help at all, and they recovered automatically because of their great victory.

In this battle, those soldiers who killed more enemies or behaved more heroically also gained and improved their strength.

For example, Claire has two heavy cavalry captains who have been promoted to the silver level.

Of course, most of the soldiers have only changed from bronze to peak bronze or bottleneck level.

The recruits who were upgraded to silver only saw these two, or because they rushed the most fiercely.

At this time, a strong man with a fine beard on his chin came to Kane on a horse. He was a captain of Kane's archers and was entrusted by Kane to manage the entire cavalry and archery team.

"Abby, organize our people to collect the spoils." Kane said to him.

"Yes, sir."

These soldiers are habitually called Kane Centurion, but they were corrected by Kane as a growth officer, and Kane Centurion was too tongue-in-cheek.

These soldiers recruited by explorers like Kane can be regarded as explorers in this dungeon. They can also kill enemies and explode equipment, and can also see these exploded equipment.

Kane and the others have to die when they collect the spoils. It is not easy for a few people to collect the spoils of thousands of people.

As for Lilulu? She got mixed up with her hussars.

These light cavalry, one after another, Her Majesty the Queen called Li Lulu very happy.

Seeing Li Lulu's frantic look, Kane shook his head helplessly.

Input a touch of magic into the ruby ​​lapel clip on the collar, connecting Claire's channel.

"How are you doing, Claire?"

"There are only dozens of enemies left, and they are chasing. Is it over on your side?"

Kane heard the voice from Claire's side, and there were shouts of killing, so he stopped bothering and waited for Claire and the others to solve it.

Youyou stood at Kane's feet, classifying the loot sent by the soldiers into different categories.

It is also placed according to gold coins, equipment and magic materials.

Then separate the equipment and magic materials of different levels.

Different levels of equipment and materials are very easy to identify, even an explorer can distinguish, because the magic fluctuations they emit are very different.

You can, of course, scan equipment and materials of different levels clearly.

Kane sat next to him and began to identify these equipment materials.

Mainly to see if there are top-quality equipment and magic materials with peculiar properties.

Just on Kane's side, almost all the soldiers fell into their hands, and only a very small number of enemies were killed by the 500 soldiers led by Horn's subordinates.

Therefore, Kane and the others have a high rate of loot. I believe that the loot obtained should be a lot more than that of Claire and the others. After all, Claire and the others can't kill as fast as the 4,000 soldiers.

But if they didn't split their troops, Kane and the others would almost tacitly give up the spoils of war on the other side, which would be even worse.

And the area of ​​this dungeon is very wide. It is foreseeable that in the future, Kane and the others will often divide their troops into two groups, or even several groups to crusade those enemy troops.

This will maximize their profits.

They came to this dungeon for mining, for a large amount of resources, and obtaining more resources was their primary goal.

It didn't take long for Kane to roughly identify all the equipment and materials.

Compared with the last time, the bronze-colored top-quality equipment has a lot more, but the gold coins are less, only in the early 100s. In addition to some garbage, the silver equipment has two top-quality or weapons.

A battle axe, a long sword, if these two pieces of equipment have other interesting skills in addition to their sharp attributes, Kane may have given them to Claire.

However, the only best thing about these two weapons is that their attributes are good, but they don't have any special features. Claire won't even look at such equipment now.

In addition to the copper-colored magic materials, there are many silver-level materials, but they are only just enough to fill a little more than a silver magic stone.

Much less than last time.

When Kane packed up the spoils, Claire's voice also came from the ruby ​​lavalier.

"Kane, the battle on our side is over, the spoils have been collected, and we can start the action."

"Okay, it's ready here."

Finish talking with Claire.

Kane stood up, looked at the soldiers who were resting in the same place, and said, "The whole army is there, ready to move forward."

After hearing Kane's words, these soldiers immediately got up, sorted out their equipment, lined up in formation, and walked in the direction the enemy had come from before.

Lilulu's four cat detectives have been observing the enemy camp for most of the day, waiting for Kane and the others to come.

Yes, yesterday Kane and Horn had already negotiated that after annihilating the enemy, without giving the opponent a chance to breathe, they rushed directly to their camp and occupied these two directions.

After they each destroyed and occupied the enemy's camp, they attacked the fortress guarded by the enemy from the left and right sides.

Only by taking down the fortress between the mountains will they have a chance to breathe.

And it must be fast, otherwise the enemy's forces will be replenished.

Originally Horn's plan was to occupy the camps on both sides and wait for the opportunity to prepare engineering weapons before attacking the fortress.

Otherwise, attacking the fortress with their strength and no siege weapons is tantamount to hitting a stone with an egg.

However, with Kane's assurance, he agreed to take down the camp quickly and put the fortress on two pieces of bread.

After all, Kane's performance on the battlefield gave Horn the basis for believing in them.

For Kane, what kind of engineering equipment is attacking the fortress, he is an engineering equipment, a walking bomber.

A fortress made of mere stone, unless it is strengthened with magic metal and various magic circles, for Kane, it is just something built with large toy building blocks.

Kane rides on his mechanical warhorse.

As for Lilulu, she didn't sit idle on Kane's shoulders, and of course she couldn't expect her to flutter and fly by herself.

She was now flying around Kane on a mechanical Pegasus that matched her size.

As for how did this mechanical Pegasus come about? Of course, it was constructed by Kane. Of course, it is only suitable for this type of body. If the mechanical Pegasus is transformed into the size of Kane, it will not be able to fly.

Kane's research on large-scale floating circles and flying spells is still on some small devices. If you want to create that kind of large-scale aircraft that can carry people, more in-depth research is needed.

But at least I have an idea.

A floating island the size of a restaurant in the world can float up, and the technology used on it is completely recorded in the information. Now Kane just needs to fully understand this technology.

Then he can create a large floating device.

Sky Island and Sky City are all predictable in the future.

At this moment, another tiny thumb-sized rainbow portal appeared next to Lilulu. When the note was about to fall, it was sent to Kane's hand by a floating steel block.

This note was much thicker than the information passed before, and Kane opened it to check.

The above details the information and distribution of the remaining troops in the camp where Kane and the others are going now.

Very few, only less than 2,000 ordinary human auxiliary soldiers, and hundreds of patrolling soldiers.

Since then, the entire camp has not been able to resist Kane and their forces.

After reading it, Kane stabbed the note and called the archer not far away: "Abby, you rush to the camp with all the cavalry under our command. Now there are very few living forces in the enemy camp."

After speaking, he turned his head to Li Lulu who was playing and said, "Li Lulu has asked you to lead the army to fight."

As soon as Kane's voice fell, Li Lulu appeared in front of Kane with a flash: "Really? Do you really want Li Lulu to lead an army to attack?"

Li Lulu's tone was full of excitement.

Kane nodded: "You and Abby, take all our cavalry to destroy all the soldiers in the enemy camp, we will arrive later, no problem."

"No problem, no problem." After Li Lulu finished speaking, she appeared in the light cavalry team in front of her with a flash.

Looking at this scene, Kane nodded to Abby.

Then, 400 cavalrymen of various kinds and Li Lulu speeded up and ran towards the enemy camp.

A flagpole appeared in Kane's hand, and the flag fluttering on the pole was a lantern-style symbol.

He raised it and waved it twice, and said loudly: "The whole army has it, and march forward quickly."

Hearing Kane's order, all the soldiers speeded up, and the infantry trotted.

When Kane and the others rushed to the enemy's camp.

The enemy camp is slowly changing from blue and white to red and white.

This shows that the entire camp and area have no active strength of the enemy and have been fully occupied by the red forces, and this changing pattern is a sign of occupation.

It seems that Lilulu and the others have wiped out all the enemies in the camp.

"Everyone, go to the camp to rest and cook rice."

Hearing Kane's words, the soldiers who were marching in a hurry cheered a few times and went directly to the camp to rest.

In the camp, Abby also came out and rode directly to Kane's side.

"Sir, all the enemy troops have been wiped out."

"What about our casualties?"

"Under the leadership of Mrs. Li Lulu, we didn't suffer any casualties."

Kane nodded.

Follow Abby to the camp's main tent.

As soon as I arrived, I saw Li Lulu, who was sitting on the small seat and counting gold coins.

Kane shook his head and ignored her, appraising the loot collected by the soldiers next to him one by one.

This time, there are only a dozen Mist Coins and more than 10 pieces of junk equipment and magic materials.

After waiting for the whole camp to completely change from blue and white to red and white.

"Go get busy." Kane said to Abby next to him.

Then he picked up Li Lulu, who was still counting gold coins, and walked towards the tent.

Sitting on the seat in the tent, he started to send a message to Claire through the ruby ​​clip on his collar.

On the other side, Claire and Kane chose the same tactic. The three of them were carried by cotton candy and fell directly into the enemy's camp from the air, killing them in all directions.

When Horn brought his subordinates to march in a hurry, the camp was already in the process of conversion.

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