With the sound of ding dong.

The camp changed from blue and white to red and white, even if this area was officially occupied by the red and white power.

Inside the various functional tents in the camp, ordinary humans wearing red and white colors began to appear.

They can't leave their respective camps and go outside the camp's range, belonging to their own campers.

Various soldiers recruited into the camp and began to walk out of the soldiers.

A general who could lead 500 people appeared in the big camp, and he also belonged to Horn's subordinates.

And the soldiers who kept coming out of the recruiting camp were the same as Horn's soldiers.

Horn is similar to the most senior general of the entire red and white forces. Every time a camp or area is occupied, troops will be automatically filled according to the size of the camp and area, and these troops are provided to Horn for free, and there is a matching general.

These generals, like the soldiers, belong to the level of recruits. Whether it is strength or soldiers who can lead, they are the most basic, and they need to constantly participate in battles to upgrade and lead more soldiers.

At night, when the soldiers all started to eat, the number of soldiers who had been re-recruited after occupying the camp had reached more than 3,000.

These numbers are almost the limit of the soldiers given after the camp was occupied.

Kane communicated constantly with Claire through the ruby ​​lavalier.

After they occupied the camp, they also had more than 3,000 troops. Although these troops were all recruits, they only had the strength of medium and upper bronze.

In this case, the number of soldiers under Horn's men has reached more than 10,000.

But these soldiers cannot be led to the battlefield all at once, just like the enemy, nor will the soldiers of the whole map be gathered together to attack Kane at one time.

Horn is the supreme commander of the red and white forces. The number of troops he leads depends entirely on the size of the forces on the territory he occupies. His current limit force should be around 6,000.

The two extra subordinates and their original subordinates can lead to a total of 1,500 troops.

In this way, the remaining soldiers need to stay in the camp.

Otherwise, the enemy will send a few powerful assassin squads to attack the camp in the rear directly and kill all the soldiers in this area.

Therefore, even if the soldiers leave the camp, there must be soldiers to stay behind.

After talking to Claire, we discussed the time to gather tomorrow.

It's not that Kane and the others don't want to take down the fort now.

They can, but not the soldiers under them. After a day of fighting and a rapid march, those soldiers need a good night's rest, otherwise their combat effectiveness will be greatly reduced.


The next morning, all the soldiers gathered outside the camp.

In addition to Kane's 600 soldiers, the 1,000 people selected by Horn's subordinates are all melee and long-range infantry.

After all, today's theme is siege, and the role of knights is small, so they are all left inside the camp.

After selecting them, they quickly rushed towards the fortress with the 1,600 soldiers.

The rest of the soldiers were assigned tasks and began patrolling around the camp.

The fact that the number of soldiers led by the generals is not enough does not mean that these soldiers will defect, but that they cannot lead these soldiers to fight.

However, it is possible to defend and order patrols and the like without any problems.

This is some kind of mechanism in this world.

"Kane, we have reached the meeting point, how long do you have?"

Claire's voice came from the ruby ​​lavalier.

After hearing Claire's words, Kane immediately replied: "There's still about 2 kilometers to go."

Although the two camps were separated on both sides of the fortress, Claire and the others were closer to the fortress.

Speeding up a little, it didn't take long for Kane to see Claire and the others from a distance.

Compared with Kane, he only led more than 1,000 soldiers behind him, and behind Claire and the others, there were more than 6,000 soldiers.

More than 6,000 soldiers belong to various occupations, and they are neatly arranged, which is pleasing to the eye.

After the teams brought to both sides converged, the two generals came directly to Horn's side.

The gathering place at this time is the road leading to the fortress.

There are also outpost towers erected every few hundred meters around, but there is not a single soldier on these outpost towers.

Looking at the traces, it can be found that someone stayed here not long ago.

"It seems that the news of the occupation of the two camps has reached the ears of the generals of the fortress." Horn said after seeing that there were no traces of enemy soldiers around.

"All these soldiers who were used for guarding and patrolling have been recalled."

After a few simple words, Horn took out the long sword from his waist and shouted to the soldiers behind him, "Go forward!"

The entire team maintained a neat queue and began to slowly move forward, with Kane and the others in front of the team.

Horn looked at Kane and the others beside him and couldn't help but ask, "Are you really sure to capture the fortress? You know that we don't have any engineering equipment now."

He was still a little uneasy, after all, if he attacked the fortress without any engineering equipment, he would be hitting the stone with an egg.

Hearing Horn's concern, Kane smiled and comforted: "Don't worry, Captain Horn, of course we only say this with confidence, and we won't make fun of the lives of soldiers."

Hearing Kane's words, Horn nodded.

Looking at the road, there are all the signs of the evacuation of various patrol soldiers and outpost guard soldiers.

"The generals of the fortress already knew that we were coming, and they must have known that we were resurrected.

He should have sent soldiers to various places to ask for help by now. We must capture the fortress as soon as possible, otherwise, when their support is replenished, we can only wait to die. "

Hearing Horn's words, Kane nodded in agreement.

The information on the dungeon that Kane and the others got was provided by Claire's mother, basically a very detailed report in the dungeon.

It is clearly written above that no matter what the explorer will do in the future, the primary task in the early stage must be to win the fortress in the shortest time, otherwise it will fail.

It is necessary to take down the entire fortress and rely on the fortress to conduct defensive warfare and nibble outwards before the enemy forces react and the support personnel arrive.

If the fortress could not be taken down, even if Kane and the others took down the surrounding camps, they would be like a turtle in a urn, slowly being eaten away by the people who kept supporting them.

Even if Kane and the others can get a thousand, it doesn't make any sense. The enemy will gather all the silver-level soldiers together to kill them.

There are tens of thousands of silver soldiers from the entire force, and there is no problem at all.

Of course, these soldiers belonged to camps in various places, and it was impossible to say that they all gathered together casually.

There is no specific explanation on how to act in the back of the data, but only the few paragraphs of taking down the fortress are clearly marked on the data to show its importance.

After all, if you can't win it, the customs clearance will fail.

In the distance, Kane and the others could already see the fortress.

When he saw the fortress, Kane finally knew, why did he take the fortress quickly?

The height of this fortress is close to 20 meters visually, with towering cliffs on both sides, erected on both sides like giant door frames.

And this towering fortress played the role of the door.

All kinds of city defense equipment on the fortress have been set up, and there are densely packed soldiers standing on it. It seems that they have been preparing for a long time.

After moving forward some distance again.

Horn raised his hand, and the soldiers behind him stopped immediately.

This position is just outside the range that the enemy can attack.

Horn said loudly to the fortress: "Maas, open the city gate to welcome death, don't make useless struggles, you can't defend this fortress under our attack."

A voice came from a distance from the fortress.

"Horne didn't expect you to be alive or dead, and you actually succeeded in your counterattack. That idiot, you can't even win the last few hundred remaining defeated soldiers."

"However, if you want to take down the gate fortress with your current strength, you look down on this fortress too much. In such a short period of time, it is impossible for you to build much engineering equipment, and the soldiers behind me are coming soon, so hurry up. Come back to camp and enjoy your last moments."

The enemy generals were still taunting Horn.

"Captain Horn, it seems that he has no intention of surrendering at all." Kane said with a smile.

Hearing Kane's words, Horn laughed and said: "Hahaha, of course he can't really surrender, but he always has to scold a few words before every fight, otherwise he will feel that something is missing."

After finishing speaking, he stared at Kane, and said solemnly and solemnly: "It's up to you now, I hope you didn't deceive us."

"Do not worry."

After Kane finished speaking, magic power poured out from his hand, and a thick and long barrel was built around him, facing the fortress in the distance.

Spend magic.

A cannonball quickly smashed into the wall of the fortress.


A loud noise exploded on the city wall, and the enemy general who was still swearing was startled by the loud noise, and the sound was interrupted instantly.

Then he quickly looked towards the place where the explosion sounded, and saw that an area of ​​the city wall was blasted black, and some stones fell off slightly.

Seeing such a situation, the general couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief, stroked his chest, and then continued to laugh at them.

"That's it? Is this how you have the confidence to attack the fortress? Hahahaha, I almost blew the fort's ashes off, scaring people to death. Haha..."

Hearing the abuse of the enemy generals, Horn turned his head and looked at Kane.

"Don't worry, I'm testing the hardness of their city walls, otherwise, if you use too much force, it will be a little troublesome to repair." Kane said lightly, his voice calm.

Hearing Kane's words, Horn nodded and stopped struggling.

Claire and the others had a calm look on their faces. They fully believed that Kane could penetrate the fortress.

After all, they have seen some of Kane's powerful methods, not to mention breaking through the fortress, it is not impossible to level the entire fortress.

Then Kane continued to adjust the caliber of the barrel and the power of the shell.

The shells kept blasting on the enemy's fortress.

And the abusive voice of the enemy general gradually changed from arrogance to panic along with the explosion.


Another loud noise came from the fortress.

"Hey! What did you guys do? If you want to fight, call me, don't keep using spells there." The panic in the voice was visible to the naked eye.

This loud noise blew a hole directly in the wall of the fortress.

Looking at this situation, Horn also smiled.

Looking at the results of this cannonball, Kane nodded with satisfaction and scattered the artillery beside him.

He has now almost understood the hardness of this fortress, and can guarantee that the next blow will penetrate the fortress.

But he wasn't going to use artillery.

Dragon horns appeared on his head, dragon scales appeared on his neck, golden brilliance spread across his body, and a circle of light appeared on his back.

After a long absence, he entered the strongest state.

Mechanical structures began to spread in his hands, and these mechanical structures overlapped each other and became larger and larger.

With a flash, Kane appeared in front of the fortress gate.

The huge machine in his hand smashed directly towards the boulder gate of the fortress.

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