Gaia's Fist!

The enemy army on the fortress looked at the huge mechanical iron fist that suddenly appeared below, and kept throwing arrows in their hands.

However, this huge mechanical iron fist was unstoppable and smashed heavily on the gate of the fortress.


A loud noise spread all around.

Under this huge vibration, many of the soldiers on the fortress were a little unstable, and some unlucky ones fell directly from the fortress.

Huge smoke and dust filled the surroundings with a loud noise.

When the smoke dissipated, the huge mechanical iron fist and the figure of Kane had disappeared.

What was left was the huge hole in the fortress.

The fortress was penetrated.

This scene was clearly seen by Horn, and he roared loudly with excitement.


All the soldiers raised their shields and weapons and rushed down the fortress quickly.

The long-range soldiers first projectile at the soldiers on the fortress to block their attacks.

Kane appeared in the team by flashing at this time, and a fire platform was set up next to him again.

In the eyes, the crosshairs have long been aimed at the soldiers above the fortress.

The artillery fire next to him roared, sending the cannonballs one by one to the soldiers on the enemy fortress.

Claire and the others had already rushed out following the soldiers.

Lombe took the lead, turning into a 5-meter-tall grey stone giant, holding a shield and opening the iron wall to prevent it from rushing in front of him, and he blocked all the oncoming arrows.

Escort the soldiers behind you.

At this time, the soldiers above were still projecting downwards, trying to slow down the attack of the red soldiers.

Cannonballs were sent to their side, and the sound of explosions sounded around them and by the bridge, causing the people they bombed to turn over, and from time to time, unlucky soldiers were directly bombed.

It's just that these cannonballs are not enough, and there are rainbow-colored five-pointed stars above, which keep falling down.

When these soldiers saw it, they would instinctively hide from the surroundings.

As for those city defense equipment, the huge crossbow was marked by Kane for a long time, and even before an arrow was fired, it was blown to pieces.

Those long-range soldiers above the fortress are no longer in charge of them.

"Hurry up, get there!"

The blue general, who was still arrogant just now, kept shouting in front of the huge hole and instructed the soldiers to hold their shields to block the hole, blocking the approaching red soldiers from attacking the fortress.

He must defend the fort before support arrives, otherwise the red forces will be able to rely on the fort to revive.

All their previous efforts were in vain.

The first to rush over were the heavy cavalry who accelerated halfway, and they charged straight towards the soldiers in front of these holes.

All the blue soldiers crouched down, held up their shields steadily, and raised their slender spears.

However, these heavily armored cavalry did not really charge at all, and turned around halfway.

Behind them, is the 30 ghost cavalry led by Claire.

These ghost cavalry ignored the shields and spears, directly transformed into ghost forms, passed through these soldiers and came behind them.

These ghosts and the blue flames that ignited on Claire's body followed them and attached to these soldiers.

All the soldiers were in pain from the flames, rolling on the ground in excitement, and it was impossible to hold the weapons in their hands firmly under the burning flames.

And those heavy cavalry who turned around and rushed in directly took advantage of the situation and rushed in without any obstruction.

And the general of the blue side rode a war horse, full of thoughts to block the enemy, picked up the long sword in his hand and charged towards Claire.

Facing the rushing general, seeing that his strength was far weaker than her own, Claire held the flying wings against the sword in her hand.

A sword moved upward to block the blue general's blade, and the blade of his right hand waved gently.

The blue general only felt that his vision was spinning, and then he entered the darkness.

Claire looked at the pile of dust under her feet and turned to kill the other soldiers.

And the huge hole behind her, Lombe and many soldiers have rushed in, and the fortress has been completely lost.

It is only a matter of time to win, of course, this time must be fast.

Through the link of his body, Kane told the cotton candy floating in the sky to float out of the fortress.

Let it carry the magic eye to monitor the situation of the support below. It must completely take down the fortress and prepare for defense before the enemy support arrives.

Now everyone has fully invaded the fortress.

"Everyone speeds up and kills." Kane sent a message to all the team members through the ruby ​​collar clip on his collar.

What they have to do now is to try their best to kill the enemy's living forces, so as not to be preempted by Horn's soldiers. Now it is a race against time to snatch resources.


"No problem, my brother."

"Li Lulu, attack!"


The message received by all teammates is uploaded on the ruby ​​lavalier.

At this time, the enemy troops who were still resisting in the fortress suffered.

Kane went straight to the fortress walls and used the rotary launcher to clear all the soldiers.

A fire front was set up directly on the city wall, and the crosshairs in his eyes filled the entire field of vision, killing all the enemy troops below.

"Da da da!"

With the rapid rotation of the launcher, round after round of bullet storms. Leaning down, many enemy troops were smashed by this inexplicable bullet and fell to the ground, turning into piles of dust.

Kleia rampaged the entire fortress with her ghost soldiers, passing directly through various obstacles.

The mages in the fortress had been taken out to attack them before. Now there are no mages in the fortress, and there are not even soldiers who can use magic to attack, so these soldiers are not the slightest threat to Claire.

Lilulu's twinkling stars quickly and accurately hit those soldiers who wanted to escape or resist.

Lombe has been slaughtering in places with the most soldiers.

Even Metzker would take the time to use his magical palms to kill surrounding enemies between treatments.

Thanks to Kane's efforts, the number of all enemy troops is rapidly decreasing.

Before long, the enemy troops were all dead.

And in the fortress, the blue and white flags fluttering on the flagpoles are also rapidly changing, heading towards the red and white colors.

"The archers climbed the city wall ahead, pay attention to the vigilance, and the rest of the soldiers find their own resting places."

After Horn finished speaking, he said to the three generals beside him: "Organize some soldiers to start patrolling around and spread our spies out. I want to know the situation of the enemy's support and all patrols. Rotation needs to be organized.”

Following Horn's orders one after another, the three generals each started to act, and the entire fortress quickly began to operate.

With the occupation of the fortress, many craftsmen appeared in the craftsman camp.

More craftsmen began to build various city defense equipment next to it and wandered on the city walls of the fortress.

These craftsmen began to mend the fortresses and areas where the various walls were destroyed.

The phantoms were directly exposed on these gaps and holes, and then filled up. These craftsmen began to strike with the hammers or wooden hammers in their hands, and these phantoms gradually solidified.

Kane, who was appraising the equipment next to him, watched this scene and couldn't help but sigh that these craftsmen are really easy to use.

If you can take it out, it will be very useful.

At this time, Horn came over and hugged Kane hard: "Thank you Kane, if it weren't for you, we would like to take this fortress, and I don't know how much it would cost."

"Where, you won the prize, mainly relying on the soldiers you swung down."

"Hahaha, Kane is still so humble, well, let's not talk about this for now, come with me, let's discuss the next battle situation."

After that, Horn took Kane and the two to the command room of the fortress.

At this time, a red and white flag has also been erected next to the command room, and there is a map showing the terrain of the dungeon. There is also a huge sand table in the center, which is clearer than the sand table in the camp.

Horn went directly to the sand table.

On the sand table, the red side's sphere of influence expanded again. A red fortress in the shape of a fortress was in front, and two camps were on both sides.

"This is our fortress now, and in front of our fortress are various camps and spheres of influence of the enemy."

Horn pointed to the blue dolls in front of the fortress.

These dolls represent a blue square camp.

There are 5 camps in front of the fortress, and there are more densely distributed on the entire map in the back.

Now they can rely on the fortress to defend, with better initiative, they can send troops to slowly encroach on the camp in front.

It stands to reason that the blue side has such a large force. As long as they gather their forces and come directly to the red side where Kane and the others are, they will not have the strength to fight back.

There is no need to worry too much about these, because the dungeon information obtained by Kane and the others has already been answered.

As mentioned earlier, this dungeon should have been distributed with more than a dozen forces, large and small, and the explorers should have obtained different rewards after customs clearance according to the different forces they joined.

But because of the intervention of the will of the dungeon, at a certain period of time, the two forces became enemies with each other.

And the explorers can only choose that area, leaving only the last 5% of the weak forces.

Later, after the discovery of the explorer, the blue square was formed because of the intervention of the will of the dungeon, and those other forces were all combined.

Although these people have become the same force, there are many people who are very dissatisfied, to the extent of listening to the tune and not listening to the propaganda.

Unless it is said that the red side has completely climbed up, or their original site has been attacked, otherwise they will only drag the entire force behind, and they will drag each other.

And this is the reason why explorers can have the opportunity to clear the customs, otherwise there is basically no hope of customs clearance.

For example, the fortress occupied by Kane and the camps around the fortress used to belong to the same faction, so they came to support the attack.

And those camps and areas that are farther away are simply ignored here.

At this time, Horn said: "These camps should form a coalition to attack the fortress in the past few days. We must defend the fortress. Does Captain Kane have any good ideas?"

With the basic information of the dungeon, Kane has a clear idea of ​​how to defend the fortress and eat away the surrounding camps.

Discuss with Horn.

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