I simply told Claire and the others about the process of recruiting these girls.

It just so happened that there were two empty soldier tents next to Kane's stone house.

"Karen, these two tents are divided for you." Kane said to the captain of the Dark Waiter, Kalian.

Hearing Kane's order, Karen nodded and replied, "Yes."

Really cherish words like gold.

Although the Dark Attendants and the others became spirits of freedom, they gave Kane the feeling that they were more like beings copied from the dungeon than the soldiers around them.

Whether it is behavior or sound, it is like an empty shell without a soul.

Perhaps, this is the result of the forbidden transformation mentioned in the previous information.

20 dark waiters, because they are a team of 5, so two teams share a tent together.

when they entered the camp.

The soldier's tent has changed.

Bright red and white tents, turned into a house, the footprint expanded instantly.

The color scheme of the entire house has become a dark color system, and the roof retains the red color scheme, but it is a dull dark red, just like the blood of arteries.

A black mist surrounds it slightly.

There was even a small dark red flame fluttering slowly at the door, like a street lamp at the door.

But you can see the beauty of the house.

Although Kane knew that the tents would change to suitable temporary residences for them depending on the type of troops they entered, the change was too exaggerated.

Directly from a tent to a house, whether it is too much or not, Wang Zhen silently complained in her heart.

If you just look at the inside, the house is rougher than the stone house we live in Horn.

That's it, Horn, without the neighbors next to us.

At that time, Wang Zhen turned her head to look at the ghost servant in front of her, but Rosalie was the only one who followed in front of her.

Its my ghost valet knows where to go.

"What about me?" Horn asked.

Hearing Horn's question, Rosalie smiled and replied hastily: "As a servant, of course, I'm going to clean up the master's house. You will try your best to cultivate the environment outside that."

And there was only Bonona next to Horn, and everyone else was doing their own thing.

Bonona keenly felt that those ghost servants seemed to be no different from my troops.

He whispered in Horn's ear, "What's the matter with those servants? Why do you feel that you are more free."

Horn and Wu and Bonona We said that the newly recruited troops have become the spirit of freedom.

"Before you were recruited by you, you knew why and became free spirits."

"You guys?" Bonona was keenly aware of it: "It means to stop those male servants, and how many are these males?"

Sensing that Bonona's tone was right, Horn nodded stiffly.

It's because Hornder's reaction was slow, I introduced directly to Rosalie: "That's your teammate, Bonona and the others can also call you the host."

Bonona, who was originally a little angry, suddenly opened her eyes slightly, and a slight red was quickly dyed under her ears.

As the head footman, Rosalie is so sensible, she hurried to Wang Zhenming's face, lifted her skirt, and gave a solemn salute.

"It's rude to the master, it's the first time we met, and he used to be taken care of by you guys."

"...Yes." Wang Zhenming was stuttered by the inexplicable straight ball, so he could only nodded stiffly.

Horn reached out and grabbed Bonona's hand, and followed you with seven fingers.

As before, he continued to ask Rosalie as if he had something to do, "Do you guys need a soldier's tent like that?"

Hearing Horn's words, Rosaly quickly shook his head and explained. : "As a male servant, of course, you must be ready to help your master anytime, anywhere. You only need to rest in an oil lamp."

"Just like that." As soon as she finished speaking, Rosalie turned into an ancient white lantern.

The white lantern reflects a quaint metallic texture, with a shield-like pattern carved underneath.

The flame of the lantern type is a faint white fire that emits a harsh white light and can feel overcast.

The white lantern was suspended in the air, and Rosalie's voice came from outside.

"After all, you are ghosts, so it is more comfortable that way."


Rosalie said that, and Horn just said something else, nodded and said, "It's hard for them."

"It is your honor to serve the master."

Horn took Wang Zhenming's hand and followed the white ghost servant to retreat into the stone house.

The white ghost servants are wearing around the entire stone house. What rags, buckets and brooms are in your hands, cleaning everything in the stone house carelessly.

Kane and Claire were sitting under the dining table, holding a large teacup in their hands, drinking quietly with a look of enjoyment on their faces.

There was no ghost servant with a teapot waiting quietly beside him.

"Horne Bonona, slow down, the tea that those servants made is delicious." Kane saw Horn before we retreated, put the tea cup in his hand, and waved to us.

Horn walked over with a white line on his face.

As soon as I was about to sit, Rosalie next to me quickly pulled the seat away for me.

"Uh...Thank you." Horn was still used to it, but he also sat up.

Next to Bonona, a servant also appeared at some point, and you were holding a soft cushion in your hand and placed it on the ground.

As soon as we sat down, a teacup filled with light tea was placed behind us.

It is a habit to be served like that all of a sudden.

Rosalie just kept floating in front of Horn, as if she was ready to serve Horn at any time.

It was just Horn, and there was no ghostly valet in front of Bonona either.

Just because you are still the master.

Wang Zhen turned her head and said to Rosalie in front of her, "Can you call Metzke over for you?"

Hearing Horn's order, Rosalie nodded immediately and waved her hand.

A ghost servant went straight through the wall.

After a while, Metzker walked back from the door, and Li Lulu followed you.

After you came to Horne, you nodded and asked, "Sir Horner, is he looking for you?"

Horn nodded and made a gesture of asking for a seat.

Rosalie in front of her waved her hand, and a seat beside her was automatically pulled away.

Speaking of which, there have been two boys who have seen you since before you came back. You should treasure your boys very much. It stands to reason that you will take them with you at any time except in the next battle.

Horn asked directly, "Where's his man, should there be something convenient to meet outside there?"

"Yes, Miss Lilulu gets along very well with your man. How can I put it, I'm very lucky to be recruited by him." Metzker said with a smile.

It seems that you are very satisfied with Horn and ours. It seems that Li Lulu's ability to bring children is indeed weak.

Li Lulu, who was next to her, waved her hand at that time, opened a portal, and the cotton candy flew out carrying Metzker's two boys.

"Wow, it's flying!"

Mi Lu and Mina were very kind under the marshmallows, but they still stopped clapping their hands.

Before you see your mother, jump on it and throw yourself out of your arms.

Thinking of what to talk about in a while, Wang Zhen turned to look at Rosalie: "How is the manservant's ability to take care of children?"

"Worry, Master." With Rosalie waved her hand. A ghost valet came to Metzker's side.

The body became solid, looking more like a real person, and a pair of legs appeared on the cloudy upper body.

If you look at it, you will find out that you are a ghost.

You squatted next to Mino and Mina, and took the two eldest children out of the room at Metzker's kind.

Horn tapped the table, attracting no one's attention.

"Now you can think about how to end the retreat and attack tomorrow, how to split the road, and the number of soldiers led by each road."

Before we finish speaking, motion to Bonona and let us say what we can give each other.

Bonona said: "If you want to divide the troops, you suggest that it is best to leave one person in the fortress or the main camp at any time to communicate with each other and prevent the accident from happening."

The enemy is not a fool. According to the information given by the dungeon, Wuhang is a case where his home was stolen while fighting in the dungeon.

Regarding Bonona's opinion, Wang Zhen nodded and said, "You guys take turns to rest in the fortress for a while."

The first thing is to consider the issue of division of troops. If you want to minimize resources, you must divide troops.

The map is too wide, and with the addition of Lombe, we will stop and retreat inward to occupy the camp, and we must always pay attention to the enemy's counterattack.

We want to help Lombe take less territory while we prevent counterattacks.

Coupled with our strength reasons, splitting troops is the best way.

After discussing the situation of the small bodies, they should be formed according to their respective conditions, and a better division of troops should be routed.

In terms of their opinions, Bonona and Li Lulu form a team, and Kane and Wang Zhenming form a team.

Bonona's mobility is very weak. If you team up with Kane and Wang Zhenming, it will be difficult to play to your advantage, so forming a team with Li Lulu is the most difficult and ineffective.

Generally speaking, based on our combat experience, if recruiters and soldiers fight together, they can gain less military exploits, and the morale and attack power of the soldiers are also weaker.

And if you are with someone like me, there is no such effect.

Since both Lilulu and Bonona recruited cavalry, they were better in a team and less mobile.

Because of Wang Zhenming's lack of combat power, the soldiers need better cooperation.

As for Wang Zhen and Wang Zhenming, one fight and one defense fight, everyone has to weigh up the combination. With our team, there is no near or far, so it is very suitable.

And Horn's soldiers are kind but to both sides.

Because there is no Metzker's leadership, the role of generals is reflected, and the arrival of those heroes can replace the role of explorers outside the army.

Moreover, the strength is still the gate. Usually, before Metzke retreats, Wang Zhen can clearly see that the archers on his command have become weaker due to the ability to shoot arrows.

The line of retreat was divided and withdrawn in Metzker's opinion.

Because you are unfamiliar with your own identity today, you will end up here with the head of Longbei, and obtain the action line of our entire force.

The course of action I planned was still within the retreating range of these generals in Longbei's hands for a while.

Not to mention that you are a professional on the battlefield, and Horn, we hate brigade or fighting alone.

So the opinions that should be heard should still be heard.

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