The next morning.

Kane watched Claire and the others leave at the gate of the fortress.

He needs to be stationed in the fortress during this time to guard against unexpected situations.

"If there is any unexpected situation, remember to pass the ruby ​​lavalier and I will come over quickly." Kane told his teammates in front of him.

Longbei said impatiently: "Okay, okay, don't be a mother-in-law, you are about to become like my brother. It's been so long, don't you believe us?"

After speaking, Lombe set off with his own soldiers, and Metzker nodded to Kane and followed.

On the other side, Claire hugged Kane and pressed her cheeks: "Be careful when you stay behind, don't let your guard down."

After speaking, before letting go of the hug, he kissed Kane on the cheek.

With his own soldiers, he galloped towards the other side.

"Goodbye Kane!" Li Lulu's voice was heard in the distance.

Kane just stood at the gate of the fortress, watching them go away.

"Brother Kane, when will mom come back?" a small green-haired figure grabbed Kane's trouser legs and asked.

Hearing her words, Kane squatted down and hugged her in his arms, and by the way also picked up the little one that was holding his trouser legs.

"It's okay Mi Lu, your mother will be back in a few days." Kane said to Mi Lu who was talking.

Mina on the other side is just holding the clothes tightly with her little hands. You are the younger sister of the twins, and you are the shy one.

Maybe it's because Karen is our mother's recruiter. Those two big girls are relatively unfamiliar with Bo Yu and are too afraid of me.

Since Bonona needed to lead the Kalende soldiers to the battle, the task of taking care of my two boys naturally fell to Kalen who was staying at the fortress.

After all, Li Lulu also followed.

Fortunately, there is no ghost servant. As a servant with a low-level servant skill, it is easy for you to take care of children.

Holding the two big girls, Bo Yu returned to our camp. Since all the soldiers were taken away, the entire camp is now empty.

On the way here, Milumina was already leaning on Kalian's arms and fell asleep. Since they were going to see your mother, the two big girls got up early this morning, and they may be a little tired now. .

In front of Bo Yu was Rosalie and a ghost servant who was in charge of taking care of the two big girls.

Before you saw the two big girls fall asleep, you came over to pick them up and walked back to the house slowly.

Due to the need to upgrade, Karen is now only without Rosalie and the two ghost footmen who have just taken care of the children.

The 8 of them, all of them, went to war with the latter Kane. After all, you also need to improve your strength. If you go to war, there is a possibility that your strength will be improved.

As for why it is post-Kane, this is because Bo Yulun has no skills that can transform into ghost form, and in that respect, the further and further away, the ghost servant will definitely be able to get weaker with you, and can also serve you by the way. .

Walking outside the camp, Bo Yu suddenly said: "The camp was suddenly empty, so quiet, it's not a habit."

"Master can say that, but Kane and you will be sad." Rosalie said with a smirk, covering her mouth in front of her.

Ah yes, Karen patted her head, and then she remembered whether the 20 white and dark waiters followed after Kane and we went to battle.

It was Karen who deliberately let us go out to fight, but the 20-odd men knew why they were completely willing to win anyone but Karen.

I also know that it is because you have become spirits of freedom. Although it appears that you have become a force of freedom, in essence, we are indeed spirits of freedom, with no lower and weaker autonomy.

Thinking of that, Karen asked Rosalie in front of her as she walked, "Do you know the nature of that world now?"

The reason why Karen asked that was because Rosalie was supposed to be the spirit of freedom that she became before she was recruited yesterday.

He became a free spirit because he was influenced by Karen's book of adventure, so he may still adapt to his own changes.

Hearing Karen's sudden question, Rosalie was stunned for a while before quickly saying, "Yes, you just feel the same."

"How does it feel?" Karen asked curiously. I was really interested in how the Spirit of Freedom felt when he was free.

Rosalie finished thinking and said: "It's like being covered with a layer of glass in the future. Although you can see the inside, it is blocked by the glass."

"Now the glass is broken and the trapped air and breeze is blowing back."

Karen shook her head when she heard Rosalie's answer, which was too vague, too ambiguous, and completely unearthed any useless information.

"Does he have no memory of being recruited by you?"

Bo Yu's words were like a bolt of lightning, hitting Rosalie, and you suddenly froze in place.

"In the future... in the future, you will be a servant, servant..." You stammered at the end, as if the words you read had hit a certain mechanism in your mind.

In that case, Karen also knows what to do. Looking at your current appearance, she can only wait for you by the side, waiting for you to recover by yourself.

Finally, a while ago, Rosalie raised her head: "Do you have any memory afterward? It's too vague. It seems that you have been repeating the process of death, as if you were created out of thin air."

Seeing Rosalie's dejected appearance, Karen came over and wanted to pat your shoulder, but her hand passed directly through your body, bringing out a trace of white smoke.

Silently withdrew his hand, put his back in front of him and said, "You care too much about the past. Now that he is free, the future will become his past."

Looking at Karen's actions and listening to Karen's words, Rosalie smiled, nodded and said, "It should have been the result of helping the master, but the master helped instead."

"He's free. He can call you master. How about calling you Karen?"

To be honest, it feels weird that Karen has always been called the master.

As for Karen's words, Rosalie shook her head and said solemnly: "Although you are free, you are still a servant. The memory may be false, but it is true that you are a servant, and the master is the master."

Okay, Rosalie said that, and Bo Yu would like to say something else.

Now that Rosalie also wants to understand, Karen finally introduces you to that world, the world that I know.

Rosalie's eyes grew brighter as Karen spoke, and it seemed that she gained less of that knowledge and made you more free.

Before Karen finished speaking, Rosalie ended her frustration: "Is this the master leaving before the customs clearance, so you will stay outside the dungeon forever?"

For that question, Bo Yu also knows how to answer. You can always say that the world is slowly being swallowed up by the fog, and when the time comes to wait for the ring of the world to open, you will be truly free.

He could only say vaguely: "If something happens, you will meet again after a while, and his other sisters and I will also be entrusted to him to enlighten."


Looking at Rosalie's appearance afterward, Karen also wanted to know your understanding of the white and dark servants before freedom.

As soon as she said it, Karen walked directly towards the white and dark house.

Speaking of which, I haven't seen you come out since before the White and Dark Servant retreated into the house, except when Karen called the Ghost Servant to inform Kane to come out.

It was at that time that Kane was completely giving face to us after Kane, and completely disobeyed our orders.

Had to give up in the first place.

When he came to the back of the house, Bo Yuzheng wanted to knock on the door, and the door opened directly.

Kane turned into a cloud of white mist and appeared behind Karen.

Whether you speak or not, just look at Karen wearing a mask, Bo Yu can even feel the eyes on your mask.

Bo Yu scratched his head, then how to talk to you: "Um... Does Bo Yu think he is more free now than later, in terms of spiritual and spiritual freedom."

Straight to the point.

"Yes Master."

"..." Bo Yu was speechless for a while.

After thinking about it, he asked, "Does he know the essence of that world?"

"Yes, Master."

"Oh, I's good to know." Karen smiled and nodded.

Wait a minute.

Karen looked at Kane in surprise and asked, "He knows the nature of that world?"

"Yes Master."

Before confirming whether she heard it wrong, Karen continued to ask, "When did you know?"

"Just when the master denied it, it was the master's time."

When recruiting.

Karen thought for a while and continued: "He knows if he can talk to you."

Kane nodded: "That world has been destroyed, and the current world is just a fragment, and after it became a fragment, it used to be the test site of the Marlow Arcane Secret Society.

And you were created, thrown into that world field, let you fight, and tested whether the newly created creatures were feasible and perfect. "

"Wait a minute, wait a minute." Karen stopped immediately.

My mind is not a bit confused now, the impact of Kane's words is too weak, and the amount of information contained is ridiculously small.

Although Karen knew that Bo Yu was free and became a free spirit, it was too free.

Why do you know so much about your own world, but Rosalie is ignorant and knows everything.

It's just that since Kane knows so little, it's fine to ask you directly, so why bother yourself.

"Why does he know so little?" Karen asked Bo Yu directly.

With your empty, emotionless voice, Kane replied quietly: "Because the White and Dark Servant was created by the secret society, and is specially responsible for collecting the conditions of various test items for us outside that world, you have little affection. Strong, and obey only the lowest orders.

So you know less and in more detail than my creatures. "

"Why do they obey you?" Karen has no doubts. It stands to reason that you only obey the lowest order, and you should continue to perform your duties of monitoring various creatures when you are free.

Hearing Karen's words, Kane tilted his head: "Huh?"

You seem to have no problem answering Karen's questions.

"Master is master, you obey the Lord."

So you are now the lowest order of the White and Dark Waiters, similar to your creators.

Before Xiao Yue understood her status, Karen asked, "What kind of organization is the Marlow Arcane Society?"

"The Mano Arcane Secret Society is a weak force that controls a few planes, and is best at various biological transformations and creations."

Before listening to what Kane said, Karen rubbed her chin and ended her thinking. According to Kane, that world was once controlled by a weak force.

Those forces should grab all kinds of biological intelligent creatures in various worlds for retrofitting, and then put them into that world to test whether the modified creatures are qualified.

It may be used in the battlefield, it may be used in other aspects, those are known.

But the existence of the ghost valet is a good illustration, and it must only be used on the battlefield.

That also explains why the world is so strange.

After all, it is a testing ground in itself, not to mention the dungeon that Karen we are in now, just a fragment of the former world.

Why is it so like a game, it is impossible that the fragment was captured by the fog, according to the rules of certain things and behaviors in that area.

Now I understand the cause and effect of that world, but it seems that it does not have much effect except to satisfy curiosity.

The goal is still to clear the customs and occupy, whether all the sites have changed.

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