Some dark stone houses.

Since the time is now in the afternoon, the unsatisfactory lighting of the stone house and the thick black clouds in the sky cause the whole stone house to look like night has entered.

Kane was sitting beside the sofa, reading and studying a book about machinery in his hand.


Next to him, Mina was leaning on his lap, falling asleep. Kane gently patted her back with his free hand to lull her to sleep.

And this little guy's sister Mi Lu was sitting on the carpet in front of Kane at this time, working hard on the puzzle in her hand.

Sure enough, for these little guys, puzzles are the easiest way to consume their spirits and calm them down, provided they are interested, of course.

For the mischievous Mi Lu, the puzzles didn't appeal to her that much.

The reason why she will quietly puzzle there is because.

"Brother Kane, look, I've finished it." Mi Lu picked up the completed puzzle and handed it to Kane showing off.

Kane took a look and made sure that Mi Lu made no mistakes, and took a plate of strawberry cake from Rosalie who had been standing behind him.

"It's a good fight, come on, say a good reward."

"Yeah!" Milu cheered.

Yes, that's why she's doing a quiet puzzle, another killer snack for little kids, and a system of rewards.

Mina next to her was awakened by her sister's cheers, rubbed her eyes, and got up.

"Mina, Mina, sister, come and eat cake when you're done fighting." Mi Lu waved to her sister.

"Finally finished? Sister is really slow."

The reason why Mina sleeps on Kane's lap is because her sister is too slow. She finished it early and has been waiting for her sister to finish it so that she can eat the cake.

Hearing her sister's words, Mi Lu was instantly unhappy: "What do you mean? Are you saying that your sister is stupid?"

"No, Mina didn't say that." Mina shook her head and said, but looking at her expression, she knew that she really thought her sister was stupid.

In this way, the two sisters forgot the cake they had been wanting to eat and started fighting with each other.

At this time, Rosalie seemed to feel something drifting out of the door, and then opened the door again and walked in through the main door, holding a folded map in her hand.

Handed the map to Kane.

Kane opened the map and spread it on the coffee table to examine it carefully. At this time, there were originally 5 camps around the fortress on the map, and they had already expanded a lot.

Especially those 2 paths of Claire and Lombe.

A total of three camps were occupied in the three days they went out to attack.

Don't think that three camps are short, that's because after five camps, the distance between camps is not as short as outside the fortress.

And the news of the resurgence of the red side should have spread throughout all the camps of the blue side.

All the camps were strengthened, and they began to send large armies to encircle Claire and them.

Of course, Horn and the others were also surrounded and suppressed, and an ambush was set up around the camp.

I heard that in Horn and the others, a general was ambushed and killed with his soldiers, and the losses were heavy.

As a result, Horn and the others have been fighting a tug-of-war on their side. It stands to reason that with the strength of the blue side, 5 camps could have been annihilated and surrounded outside the fortress.

But as mentioned earlier, most of the entire blue party is not listening to the tune, and after giving a little force symbolically, they pretend to be invisible.

However, the added up forces still make Horn unable to move an inch. If it wasn't for the fact that Claire and the others attracted most of the troops to restrict them after building a few camps, maybe even the defense has become a little bit. Difficult, but I heard that they successfully expanded a camp yesterday.

Kane was looking at the map and imitating the current battle situation when Lombe's voice came from the ruby ​​lapel.

"Good brother, we are almost back here. Many soldiers are very tired."

Kane immediately replied: "No problem, come back and rest."

Since it is a public channel, everyone can hear it. At this time, Claire's voice also came out: "Then we have also returned, and we have lost a lot of soldiers. We need to come back and replenish."

"No problem, be careful when you come back."

After talking to Lombe and the others, Kane looked at the map in front of him and the area of ​​the camp they occupied.

They have already expanded a short distance outward. If the fortress is still the center, the route will be a bit long every time they go back and forth for supplies.

It's time to move the assembled camp forward, and Horne talked to him about it yesterday.

Kane came to the window and looked at the sky outside.

At this time, it was almost dusk, and with the distance between Claire and the others, it would almost be tomorrow if they hurried back, and they should not be able to return today.

It seems that it is really necessary to quickly determine the affairs of the big camp, otherwise the pace will be slowed down.

Move when you say it.

Kane turned his head and said to Rosalie behind him: "I'll go out, and these two little guys will be handed over to you two."

After watching Rosalie nodded, Kane looked at the two little guys again.

At this time, the two little girls had their faces covered in cream, and they were fighting while eating.

The ghost maid next to them was chasing them with handkerchiefs, trying to wipe the cream off their faces.

They treat this behavior as a game and run around the house.

"Milumina, I'm going out, don't be naughty, your mother should be back tomorrow."

Hearing Kane's words, the two little guys stopped in an instant and asked in surprise, "Really?"

It happened that a ghost maid also grabbed them, picked up a rag and wiped the cream on their faces.


After Kane finished speaking, he left the house and walked towards the command post where Horn was.

As soon as they left the camp, five groups of black energy rushed from behind and crashed into the back of Kane's hand.


Kane stopped, looked at the 5 white mask patterns that appeared on the back of his right hand, and sighed helplessly.

As the Dark Attendants became spirits of freedom, their subjective initiative began to come into play.

Kane also doesn't know what kind of training they have been trained, only that they don't know when they will stop locking themselves in the room all the time.

Instead, they are scattered in various hidden corners of the camp, monitoring the situation around the camp.

And their concealment skills, coupled with their transformed undead physique, make it difficult to detect.

Once Kane leaves the camp there will be a squad attached to the back of his hand.

They want to protect Kane's safety, and even though Kane said no, they are unusually stubborn in some ways.

Before, they were two teams attached to the back of Kane's hand. With Kane's persuasion, now it's a little better and there is only one team.

Kane came to the command office and happened to see Horn talking with other generals on the sand table.

After seeing Kane, Horn asked, "What's the matter? Captain Kane."

"Let's discuss the location of the big camp," Kane said.

"Oh, does Captain Kane have any ideas? Come on, I just happened to be talking with them about the need to move the camp forward."

Kane walked over, looked at the sand table in front of him, and then pointed to the one on the diagonal right among the five camps ahead.

"The terrain of this camp is high, and it is very close to the intersection of several other roads. The transportation of troops is very convenient. There is also a water source flowing from the fortress."

Although the location of this camp is not very good, it is indeed much better than the others.

Kane had talked to Horn about this place before, but it really needed to be decided now.

"No problem, let's expand this camp into a large camp."

Then the two began to discuss some details, and finally decided to move in two days later.

After discussing with Horn, Kane left and returned to the camp.

As soon as he entered the camp, the five mask patterns on Kane's hand turned into black gas and disappeared.

As soon as he entered the house and sat down, Kane suddenly opened his eyes.

The cooldown of Angel Dice has expired.

Kane directly opened the [Book of Adventure] and placed the Angel Dice Skill Stone in the Skill Stone Warehouse into his own skill grid.

The magic power poured out from his hand, and it didn't take long for the familiar dice to appear in his hand again. With the touch of the angel's phantom, it entered a usable state.

Kane looked at the dice in his hand and was about to use it, but he stopped.

I looked at the two little guys who were playing not far away.

"Rosalie, take Milumina out for a while and come back at least an hour later."

Although Rosalie didn't know the purpose of Kane's sudden action, she nodded, and then walked out of the room with another misty maid with Milumina.

Bad luck, but it will affect the surrounding.

After confirming that there was nothing around, Kane looked at the angel dice in his hand and threw it gently into the air.

The dice spun rapidly in the air, and then landed on the coffee table, spinning against a corner.

If it is a normal dice, Kane can completely rely on his own skills to throw as many times as he wants, but it has absolutely no effect on this dice.

No skill can affect him.

Kane looked at the black side that was about to be exposed, and secretly thought that it was not good.

The wobbly dice finally stopped.

Looking at the numbers above, Kane's eyes darkened.

The side facing up is 4 black dots, the ultimate bad luck.

Bad luck broke out immediately.

Kane's body was a little stiff, and he was thinking about what kind of bad luck would come.

That's 4 black spots. Once this bad luck comes, it can't be stopped.

Sitting on the sofa motionless, waiting for the unfortunate event to come.

One minute.

two minutes.

five minutes.

half an hour.

After waiting for half an hour, Kane still did not wait for anything strange to happen.

What's going on, Kane is a little confused about the current situation.

Is it because the moment you roll the dice, your luck is very, very low?

Bad luck is multiplied according to the luck on the body at the time, and luck is also given multiplied according to the luck on the body at that time.

If Kane had very little luck at the moment when he rolled the dice, even if he doubled it, it would be so.

Perhaps this is the case now.

For a moment, Kane didn't know whether to be happy or sad.

You can't get away with it.

Kane was still sitting on the sofa obediently, waiting for an hour to pass completely.

Finally, there was only one last minute left in an hour, and a smile appeared on Kane's face.

Hey, fortunately, my luck was low enough at the time.

This is a fortune among misfortunes.


Just as Kane was happy, a deafening voice came from outside.

Hearing this sound, Kane's eyes widened, and he immediately came to the window and looked out.

Oh wow!

The ruby ​​collar clip on Kane's collar was also shaking wildly.

Claire and the others are constantly sending messages to Kane.


It was too early to be happy, and I underestimated the power of the 4 black dots.

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