The loud noise in the sky was like a mirror being shattered.

The sound of breaking is harsh and crisp.

Kane looked at the sky at this time.

The original sky was orange-yellow in color like a fire, and dark clouds blocked the sunlight from time to time, reflecting strange colors.

However, now, a huge crack appeared in an area of ​​the sky, spanning the entire sky, and just above Kane at this time, there was a hole like a broken lens.

In the sky that was like the end of the world, a huge void appeared inexplicably, and behind the void was a thick white mist.

The broken fragments turned into red raindrops and fell towards the bottom.

Such a scene could not have been more clear to Kane, when he was going through his second dungeon a little over a year ago, when it was still a one-man dungeon.

It was extremely unfortunate to encounter such a scene.

When the dungeon is about to be completely eroded by the fog, the last wave of explorers will likely face the counterattack of the dungeon.

And the broken sky is the best hint.

During the game, all explorer's enemies will be strengthened in all directions.

As the damage in the sky becomes more and more serious, it represents the dungeon, which is about to be completely eroded and swallowed by the fog.

Just like when life faces death, there will be many lives and hysterical resistance regardless of safety.

Commonly known as mop back.

The same goes for dungeons.

Once the shattering begins, as the shattering gets worse, Kane and his foes grow stronger.

It's hard to do.

Why do you want to roll the dice?

The strongest bad luck can break out such an unfortunate event, which means that when I rolled the dice before, my luck must have been bursting.

Why does a lot of luck make him roll out 4 black spots?

Who let the angel dice not be affected in any way, including luck.


Looking at the trembling ruby ​​collar clip on the collar, Kane didn't have to think about it and knew that it must be Claire and the others.

It must be the first time they have seen such a situation.


"Have you seen Kane? Heaven."

"Kane, Kane, the sky split open, and Li Lulu felt the breath of the mist."

"Good brother, the sky is broken, what's the situation now?"

As soon as Kane was connected, the voices of several people came out at the same time, intertwined with each other, he immediately comforted: "Don't panic, don't panic."

"It's just that the dungeon is going to be completely swallowed up by the fog. Didn't Claire's mother say that before? The energy of the dungeon is going to be exhausted, so we came in a hurry."

After the emotional words were finished, they waited for a while before the voices of Claire and the others came again.

"So this scene is the last counterattack in the dungeon?"


"Brother, why do you know so well?"

When Lombe's voice asked the question, the ruby ​​lavalier fell silent again.

I know so well, of course I have experienced it, Kane thought.

However, didn't you say it yourself?

"Didn't I tell you?"

"What did you say?"


Hearing the people's questions from the ruby ​​lapel pin, it seems that he has not talked to them about this matter.

"Then come back quickly, and I'll chat with you when I come back."

After Kane finished speaking, he hung up the call.

However, at this moment, the door of the room was suddenly opened.

The two ghost maids rushed in with Milumina, looking very flustered by their expressions.

Then, several large black mists rushed in, condensing into the appearance of Karen and others, and they looked left and right in front of Kane.

Mi Lumina ran directly to Kane's side, pinching his trouser legs and looking at him.

"The sky outside Brother Kane is rotten."

"It's all my sister's fault that she threw the ball into the sky and smashed the sky."

"How could I blame me, I just threw the ball into the sky, how could I smash the sky, someone must have smashed the sky, it wasn't me anyway."

Mi Lu retorted her sister loudly, and then suddenly burst into tears: "Wow, ah, Mi Lu didn't do it on purpose."

Listening to the speeches of the two sisters, Kane frowned. Why were the two of them able to see such a scene?

Kane has checked the information, and the creatures in the dungeon are unaware of the broken sky.

He raised his head and looked at Rosalie and Karen and the others around him.

"Can you see it too?"

The masked girl nodded.

Rosalie walked over and said, "Yes, master, we also saw a crack in the sky, what should we do?"

So can the spirit of freedom see it?

Milu and Mina are also spirits of freedom? If they were both, what about Bonona?

It seems that when Bonona comes back, she really needs to have a good chat.

Thinking of this, Kane looked up at them and said, "It's okay, don't worry, it's normal for the sky to crack."

"Ah?" Hearing Kane's speech, Rosalie's eyes turned into Doudou's eyes, and her face was stunned: "The sky cracked... cracked, is it normal?"

Kane looked at her and nodded solemnly: "Yes, this is a normal phenomenon, don't worry about it."

Hearing Kane's words, Rosalie nodded and said thoughtfully: "Is the world after freedom like this?"

Karen looked at the two of them wearing a white mask. Under the mask, her eyes had turned into dead fish eyes.

No, this is totally abnormal, okay?


the next day.

In the orange-yellow sky, the fiery body rose as usual.

The only thing that changed was the huge gap in the sky and the crack that spanned the entire sky.

That strange appearance was like when I first looked in the mirror every morning and found that someone had cracked the mirror and a piece of debris fell off it.

However, this still does not affect the fluttering of the clouds, the rising of the sun, or the still orange color in the sky.

Just like a cracked mirror, if you don't dislike it, you can still use it.

Kane, who was in a drunken dream, couldn't help opening his eyes when he heard the noise from outside.

Just when Kane opened his eyes and got up to do it.

Rosalie's voice came from outside the door.

"Is the master awake? Do you need me to serve you and get dressed?"

Hearing the voice from outside the door, Kane refused with a black line: "No!"

When Kane put on his clothes and washed in the room's single bathroom, Rosalie's voice came from outside the door again.

"Master, do you need me to serve you and wash?"


Kane said loudly with a mouthful of toothpaste.

At this time, a white lantern could be seen hanging outside the door, and Rosalie's voice came from inside.

After being rejected by Kane, I could see the flickering white flames flashing a melancholy expression.

It's really a maid's rudeness to not be able to serve the master to get up and change clothes.

Kane was in the room, helplessly gargling his mouth with clean water.

Rosalie is usually fine.

Always ask if Kane needs to be served when he is not used to being served by others.

If Claire heard this.

The red lion phantom may appear again.

When Kane dressed neatly and walked out and pushed open the door.

The lantern at the door turned into Rosalie's appearance and followed behind Kan Kane.

Kane didn't need to look back, knowing that Rosalie was behind him.

"It's so noisy outside the door because Claire and the others are back?"

"Yes Master."

Kane nodded.

When Kane and the others walked downstairs, they happened to see Claire and the others come in.

Bonona looked up at Kane.

Of course Kane knew what Bonona meant by looking at him, and said, "Milumina should sleep in the upper room, and let Larissa take you there."

After talking, a blue lantern floated up the stairs, and then turned into a ghost maid. This ghost maid was officially Larissa, and she was also responsible for taking care of Milumina.

Kane looked at Claire and the others who looked tired and asked, "What's the matter? Do you want to go to the room to rest for a while? You're still tired after running around for so long."

Hearing Kane's words, Claire pointed to the sky outside the window: "But that crack in the sky..."

"It's alright, go and rest, and talk to you when you're asleep. Don't be in a hurry now."

Kane said and came to Claire's side, stuck out his nose and sniffed at her.

"Well, um, although Claire is very fragrant, but after so long, running around must still smell a bit."

Hearing Kane's words, Claire's ears instantly turned red: "That's because, that's because there is no clean water source..."

Kane held Claire's hand and said with a smile: "I know, so I have to take a good bath and rest, don't I?"

When the two were flirting, Longbe and the others left silently and went back to their respective rooms to rest.

After all, no one wants to be a dog.

"Okay, let's go."

Kane said that he let go of Claire's hand, and patted her flattery by the way.

"Ah! Hmm."

Claire was startled by Kane's sudden action, and couldn't help exclaiming.

Then he blushed and hummed, and walked quickly towards his room.

The door opened and got in, and was quickly closed.

Kane looked at him with a smile on his face, and then looked at his hand.

Maybe she hadn't seen Claire for several days.

And because Claire was fighting abroad, Kane did not contact her with a ruby ​​lapel pin.

After seeing Claire today, I was inexplicably agitated.

Otherwise, under normal circumstances, he wouldn't be able to do the flattering thing.

Just as Kane was thinking, Claire's door was suddenly opened again by a crack.

8 oil lamps of various colors and patterns floated out from the crack of the door.

The eight ghost maids who went to war with Claire.

Did it melt into her body too?

Kane opened his magic eyes and saw that the magic reaction from the oil lamp had reached silver.

Rosalie behind her also seemed to sense the strength of those maids.

"Oh, it seems that I have to work hard with the master, otherwise I won't be able to keep the title of head maid."

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