The golden afterglow of dusk shone through the window on the desk with log pattern next to it.

Taking advantage of the sunlight, Kane, who was reading on the desk, couldn't help but look up.

The sun at dusk was still a bit dazzling, so Kane couldn't help squinting slightly.

The crack across the sky and the shattered void in the sky are not entirely without benefits.

At least when the sun passes by, it can emit a warm and normal light.

Instead of the orange-yellow evil light that burns like fire.

Hearing the sound of hooves coming from the side, Kane turned to look.

"Clea, you're awake, won't you sleep a little longer?"

Claire shook her head slightly: "No need, after all, with my current physique, this amount of sleep is enough."

"What's wrong?" Claire asked strangely, looking at Kane staring at her with a smile.

Kane didn't speak, just looked at her like this, and then said to Rosalie behind him.

"Rosalie, go do your own work first."

Rosalie nodded knowingly, and the white mist floated away.

Kane moved out, then took out a cushion from the space equipment and placed it beside the desk, beckoning to Claire.

Claire walked over slowly and sat beside Kane.

The afterglow of the dusk fell on Claire's face, her smooth red hair shone brightly.

Against Claire's delicate and attractive face.

Looking at Kane's fiery gaze, Claire finally couldn't take it anymore and looked away slightly.

The blush at the base of the ear quickly spread to the cheek.

Kane stretched out his left hand to hold Claire's white and smooth palm.

Claire, who has practiced martial arts since childhood, does not have any calluses, just like the skin of a baby, soft and tender.

This may also be regarded as the benefit of strength enhancement.

Kane held the palm of his hand, and his five fingers passed through Claire's fingers and held it tightly.

Claire's fingers flexed slightly, holding Kane tightly as well.

Looking carefully, Claire turned her face slightly to the side under the golden light.

Kane reached out his right hand and gently supported it.

The tender white hand stretched out and pressed it on the back of Kane's hand. The delicate and tender face leaned slightly towards Kane's hand.

Look at Claire's red face, and her watery eyes.

Kane finally couldn't bear it any longer, and with a slight force in his palm, he turned Claire's face to the side.

Claire stared at her eyes, as if attracting his soul.

Kane slammed his head into the past.

The golden rays of light emanating from the dusk outside the window seemed to be focused and sprinkled on the most beautiful place at this time.

Lanterns of various colors were parked in every corner of the room as if nothing had happened.

What they have in common may be that they can just see the desk in the hall under the golden sunlight through a certain direction.

At this time, the beveled edge of the stair entrance on the second floor.

Metzker was using his two hands to press firmly on Lombe's mouth.

The other two hands were not free, and pressed on the face of a certain fairy.

When the golden sunshine no longer shines on the desk.

Back in his seat, Kane, who licked his lips, looked at Claire with a blushing face.

"When I go back, I'll go talk to your parents."

Hearing Kane's words, Claire's face turned even redder, and she bowed her head slightly.

A voice as thin as a mosquito came.


Seemingly finally unable to bear this shy environment, Claire stood up in a flash.

This time the power seems to be not small.

As a result, the lanterns all over the room swayed slightly, and there was a slight noise from the stairs.

However, Claire, who was so shy that she was about to burn her brain, was completely unaware of these changes.

stammered said.

"I, I'll go first, do... cook."

After speaking, he left the stone house quickly and ran towards the camp outside.

Because there is no kitchen in the stone house, if you want to cook seriously, you can only go to the open-air canteen outside the camp.

At this time, three lanterns of various colors flew out along the open door.

Other lanterns of various colors passed silently through the surrounding walls and disappeared, and then the whole room suddenly became lively again.

There were suddenly several ghost maids in the previously empty room, and the maids scurrying about, cleaning the room expressionlessly.

Kane is too lazy to care about this now, he is now lying on the desk with his hands stretched out, facing the bottom of the desk.


There were bursts of giggles.

Kane can also be seen lying on the desk, shaking slightly.

Li Lulu flew down from the top of the stairs and floated beside Kane, watching his silly movements.

"What's the matter, Kane?"

Kane, who was smirking, was sitting in a dangerous seat for a moment, and replied calmly, "I'm thinking about a problem."

Lombe and Metzker also strolled down from above, yawning sleepily.

Kane looked sideways at the two of them.

What to wear?

My Shenwu Shi is still in the skill grid.

And also these maids who floated around and seemed to be doing things.

Although your expressions are very serious, the words gossip are about to be engraved on your faces.

Kane complained wildly in his heart.

It didn't take long for Kane and the others to wait for Claire's meal at the dining table.

When Claire walked in, there were three Mist Maids beside her who were also holding meals.

"Madam's craftsmanship is really good. Although I can't eat anything now, I can still feel the fragrance on it."

"Ah, if only I had a body, it's a pity I can't taste this delicious food!"

"We still need to learn quickly. It would be too rude to be a maid's cooking skills but not as good as a hostess."

"It's okay, you will learn it soon."

Kane listened to their chat, and it seemed that the three maids seemed to be very interested in cooking and were looking for Claire to learn cooking.

Maybe there will be a few more royal cooks in the future, not necessarily.

After all, they themselves have the advanced skills of maids and the foundation of cooking.

As the food was good, everyone began to feast on it.

Especially Lombe and Metzker, because they didn't have the golden space equipment that Claire always carried, so they hadn't tasted Claire's craftsmanship for a few days.

Eating and eating, Lombe asked, "My dear brother, the appearance of the sky that day is the proof that we are unlucky."

"Yes." Kane nodded.

"The appearance of cracks and cracks in the sky means that we are now the last group of explorers after this dungeon has been swallowed by the fog."

After listening to Kane's words, Claire asked, "Will there be any bad consequences in this situation?"

The fog will have various characteristics and events, not everyone understands it, and not everyone can fully understand it, especially when encountering a dungeon and finally fighting back.

Generally, no one will feel that they will be unlucky and become the last person.

Although, this is the second time that Kane has met.

But it's all the pot of the angel's dice, and it has nothing to do with my Kane's luck.

Shouldn't this even be more revealing of himself as the Emperor?

After all, his luck at that time was multiplied by 2.5 times of bad luck, which directly cracked the sky.

Recovering his thoughts, Kane answered Claire's question: "If there is any consequence, it may be that all creatures that are hostile to the explorers will be strengthened in strength, and may become smarter?"

The last sentence Kane is not very sure, after all, the boss that he experienced at the time did indeed become smarter.

But be careful.

After listening to Kane's words, Claire stuck her chin on her chin and said while looking at the ceiling.

"No wonder the team of soldiers we met when we came back this time was so strong. I thought I met a team of elites."

"How is it that you met the enemy after the sky was broken? Is there anything wrong?" Kane asked with concern.

"No." Claire shook her head: "It's just that two soldiers were accidentally lost during contact."

"That's good."

"The enemies are getting stronger and smarter, does that mean that the materials they explode will be better?" asked Lombe.

This question is indeed a more critical issue for them, after all, there are many enemies in this dungeon.

Increasing the explosion rate means that their harvest will increase a lot.

Kane thought about it, the first time he encountered this situation.

"It should get better, but it will definitely explode a very precious gem, very beautiful."

After listening to Kane's words, Lombe had already looked at him and asked, "How did you say so in detail? It's as if you've experienced it."

Kane silently stretched out his index finger, licked his cheek and said, "Uh, I did experience it once."

Kane's words made Claire and the others a little surprised and puzzled.

"Don't you seem to have only experienced one dungeon before teaming up with me?" Claire asked.

"I have experienced two, but the second dungeon is a single person, and the process is very short, and it is cleared in less than a day and a night."

After listening to Kane's words, Lombe keenly grasped the key point and said, "I suddenly remembered this situation. It seems to be one of the two lucky ones, and the other is the seduced who first appeared in the dungeon."

"So, your two dungeons in a row are treated by different lucky ones."

After Lombe finished speaking, Claire and the others cast a sympathetic look at Kane.

In the language of explorers, lucky is generally used to mean unlucky, although it does have certain advantages.

But it is generally considered more of a bad luck.

"What kind of eyes do you guys look at? This is the treatment of the lucky ones. Do you understand? It's because I experienced two dungeons like this, and I was so strong when I formed a team with you."

Kane thumped the table, trying to emphasize the key to his luck.

However, the sympathetic eyes of Claire and the others remained unchanged.

"Hmph, forget it, you don't understand anyway."

Kane could only continue to eat his own meal angrily.

Do you know what is Ouhuang?

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