Kane in the tent is still experimenting with the new system he has acquired.

In order to fully understand all the functions of the guild, Kane also needs to test all the things he wants to test.

After all, this is a very important system, and it must be done carefully, without any sloppiness, and strive to bring out its functions perfectly.

First, behind your own message bar, make settings changes and add a position.

【Vice president】

And upgrade Claire's position to vice president, and open all the permissions that can be opened.

Even so, there are not many permissions that can be activated.

As soon as the action was completed, Claire clearly felt stunned for a moment.

"What did you do? Kane."

"Yes, experience it."

Claire nodded, then touched the mark with her hand again.

The red light appeared again in her hand, she placed the light on another small wooden table next to it, and then pulled it sideways.

A lantern-like guild symbol appeared on the desktop.

Then the symbol of the lantern begins to expand and transform.

A clear panel made of magic power appeared on the wooden table.

The above is much simpler than Kane's guild page.

Not even a border, just two words.

Looking at the information that looks very much like magic, the entire frame becomes reasonable.

One is a member and one is a repository.

The moment Kane saw the frame, information also appeared in his mind.

Only guild members can see the frame like this.

What non-guild members saw was just a lantern-shaped guild symbol composed of magic power.

And the panel does not need Claire to operate, Claire just thinks about the panel and it automatically moves.

The warehouse is the same as what Kane saw. It also has square columns with wooden tables that have just been put in. Claire clicked and directly pulled out the wooden tables.

Then in the member column, you can see her own information and Kane's information.

However, detailed information cannot be viewed.

If there are other members, Claire should be able to kick the other members out through this panel.

Kane remembers checking her option to invite other members.

However, the above does not show.

"You should be able to invite other members now, can you feel it?"

Claire nodded and said: "I can feel that I can invite other people to join the guild, but the people I can invite are limited, namely Lombe, Metzker, Lilulu, as well as my parents, the housekeeper and the guild. Several maids."

It seems that it should be the same as his own, and he can only invite people who are linked to the bond.

Kane's bond is revealed, but it represents the same meaning, mutual trust and affection.

However, there is a rigid requirement to link with him on Kane's friend column, which must be at the bronze level.

The strength of these people Claire said also reached the bronze level.

If it is only based on bonds, Claire should have more people to invite, and Kane's friends column will not be the only friends he made after he became an explorer.

So guild members have to be diffused invitations?

That is, the core must be Kane.

The first batch of people to enter the guild must be people who have certain trust and affection with Kane.

That is, the person who links the fetters.

And those who enter later must be the first batch of link fetters, of course, provided that Kane gives them permission.

That wouldn't work if Kane wanted to invite other people who didn't have a link bond to become a member.

No, there should be other possibilities.

Kane immediately clicked on the store's page.

Looking at the second item.

【Contract Scroll】

This thing is exactly what Kane thought.

If Kane wants to invite those who are not linked to him into the guild, he can invite them into the guild by going to the contract.

After all, the requirements for link fetters are indeed a bit too high.

Stand with Kane unconditionally without touching the bottom line.

Such trust and affection requirements are indeed too high, and it is not so easy to get them.

With this item, the problem can be solved very well.

And the price of this item is also very cheap, for Kane.

All you need is a copper-colored magic stone.

To be honest, this stuff is really not lacking now.

However, there is no demand for now, so Kane has not exchanged it.

Start looking at the item next to it.


This thing is actually used to identify items.

It can perfectly identify the level, attributes and skills of a piece of equipment.

Compared to Kane's appraisal, it's just an introduction.

Although sometimes the introduction will provide very good information.

But it doesn't matter if most of the equipment is introduced or not, after all, what explorers need to identify are attributes and skills.

However, this thing is also stipulated that only members of the guild can use it.

It can be regarded as a kind of guild welfare.

After all, from the outside world, such a perfect identification tool is very expensive.

Like most appraisers, most appraisal tools are incomplete and unreliable.

In particular, the higher the level of the dungeon, the more necessary such props.

Because it is difficult to have the opportunity to exit the dungeon during the process, and if the equipment obtained on the spot is identified, it is also a good way to improve the strength.

It is very difficult to feel the difference in equipment just by feeling, especially the defense ability, magic resistance and skills.

The exchange price is also very beautiful.

One copper-colored magic stone can be exchanged for three.

In this way, the basic functions of the guild will be roughly understood.

At this time, sharp-eyed people will find that the functions of this guild are too simple, and it is not worth such expectations at all.

Magnifying glass in store, except warehouse.

It seems to have no effect.

That's because the current form is only the most basic form of the guild.

It's the same as the game will make money. Want to add more and more practical functions to the guild?

no problem! Just give money.

And the column with the plus sign at the end does just that.

Hope not too expensive, hope not too expensive. Kane muttered silently in his heart.

Magic Stones are required for store purchases and warehouse enhancements.

Kane has determined that adding new functions also requires magic stones to be purchased.

He now only hopes that the price will not be too outrageous.

Reach out and click on +.

Shown is a block of squares.

The function name of each square is written on it, but only three squares have names on them, and they are highlighted, and the other squares are all written with question marks.

The question mark means that if you want to unlock and purchase these functional extensions, you need the pre-existing functions.

[Benefit] [Permission-Store Permission] [Store-Hearthstone]

Those are the three extensions that can be purchased.

The first is [Gain], which is a brand new column.

After purchase, a bonus column will be added next to the shop column.

You can choose a variety of buffs to give to various personnel, and these buffs are permanent.

But it also needs to be stamped.

The seal seems to have become a medium for all guild members to receive guild benefits.

However, the purchase price is very cheap, much cheaper than Kay imagined.

Actually only one copper-colored magic stone is needed.

Nothing to say, just bought it straight away.

The other two extensions represent that they extend subsections.

Add more functions to the existing column functions.

For example, [Permission - Store Permission] is the permission that allows Kane to open stores for other guild members.

The magic stone spent was actually 5 silver.


Ignore it, next.

Let's take a look when you don't have any shortage of silver magic stones.

[Shop - Hearthstone] is to add a new purchasable item to the store. You must know that the items in the store can be purchased indefinitely.

The added Hearthstone is a very important prop.

It is the same as the City Return Scroll that Kane and the others purchased before.

After using it, you can escape from the dungeon in an emergency. Of course, the price is the same as the return scroll, and you can no longer continue to clear the current dungeon.

But at least life was saved.

And it takes less time than the return scroll, only 3 seconds.

However, you must also be a guild member to use it.

You can't use it to make money, and there's really no chance for anyone to exploit it.

The magic stone spent is also 5 silver magic stones.

This is so tangled, I really want to unlock it for him.

After the unlock is successful, you only need 5 copper-colored magic stones in the store to buy one.

It's a life saver after all.

But I don't need it for a while now, so I'll talk about it later.

Then Kane only bought one extension.

Immediately return to the previous page and check the new [Gain] column.

After clicking in, there are squares one after another, and you can add gain effects to them.

Only the three buffs above are enabled.

They are a small increase in spirit, a small increase in physique, and a small increase in strength.

It's all a small amount, but it can be improved.

To upgrade from a small amount to a medium, only one silver magic stone is required.

Another silver magic stone.

Anyway, a small increase is not needed now, and even if it is upgraded to a medium increase, it will not improve their strength.

Forget it, forget it, talk about it later.

Kane returns directly to the previous page.

Then I saw the + column, which was emitting a faint light, reminding myself

It's like having a little red dot on an item in the game.

Kane clicks in.

In addition to the previous ones, 4 new functional extensions have appeared.

[Benefit - all partners] [Benefit - let me see] [Shop - Blank Magic Stone] [Permission - Magic Stone]

It seems that I activated the gain effect in the gain column by myself, so there is a new function extension.

After all, if you want to have sub-functions of the gain column, you must first need the functions of the upper level.

[Benefit - All Partners] After purchasing this function, a new gain effect will be added to the item gain column.

The effect is to let the members of the guild kill the enemies in the dungeon, and the magic materials that burst out have a 10% chance of being absorbed by Kane's magic stone.


! ! !


Forgive Kane for his foul language, this is the essence of the guild!

This is what a guild should be like, they all hit me... I mean all partners.

Thinking about it, I gave the guild members identification equipment, gave them the props to escape, gave them buffs, and gave them space equipment to use.

The price is only to allow their explosive magic materials to charge the magic stone.

I really have the spirit of selfless risk, Kane thought silently in his heart.

Something in my heart seemed to be awakening.

Kane looked at the exchange price.

10 silver magic stones.

It's expensive, but I really want it.

But no matter how expensive it is, it has to be exchanged, of course not now, after all, it is still in the dungeon, this thing is not very useful.

It is not known whether the Spirit of Freedom can be invited into the guild. Whether it can or not, these soldiers are still his subordinates anyway, and 100% of their kills will be dropped and absorbed.

So no need to worry at all.

After going out, other guild members are recruited, and this function will definitely be exchanged for the first time at that time.

Otherwise, it will feel like a loss.

It looks like you're making good money in this dungeon. Kane thought so.

Continue to see the next extended functionality.

[Gain - Let me see] also adds a new buff to the buff column.

The new buff allows guild members to discover which materials can charge magic stones.

Got it, use it in conjunction with the previous buff.

and many more.

Kane looked at the two permissions behind.

[Shop-Blank Magic Stone] [Permission-Magic Stone]

No way?

Looking at the names of these two, it is obvious that these four extensions serve the same purpose.

[Shop - Blank Magic Stone] Just like his name, add a purchasable blank magic stone to the store.

And it's free.

[Permission-Magic Stone] Obtain a new permission that can be manipulated, that is, other people in the guild can also charge the magic stone.

The whole process is complete.

Daguai explodes a pile of materials, check which materials can charge the magic stone, and then buy a blank magic stone in the store and have permission to charge the magic stone.

Finally, a magic stone full of energy was born.

No need for Kane to be present.


However, here comes the question, is it not good to combine these 4 functions together?

Divide into 4 parts to buy separately.

Good for you.

Fortunately, it did not cost 10 silver magic stones like the first permission.

[Benefit - Let me see] ×5 silver magic stone.

【Shop-Blank Magic Stone】×2 Silver Magic Stone.

【Permission-Magic Stone】×2 Silver Magic Stone.

With the first permission, a total of 19 silver magic stones will be spent.

But don't worry, it's still in the dungeon after all.

Wait until you get out of the dungeon.

All the functions of the guild at this stage are displayed.

How to say it, at least it didn't disappoint Kane.

It's just that the magic stone has a new consumption, and it has returned to the time when I just became an explorer, a crazy lack of magic stones.

When the guild system was not activated a few days ago, Kane was still sighing that there were too many silver magic stones. Now, he just wanted to say that the more the better.

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