In the early morning, there were crisp birdsong around the camp, and the night's insects came to an abrupt end at this moment.

Throughout the camp, the soldiers also began to get up and do their own work one after another. The earliest one was to change shifts with the patrolling soldiers.

And now the sun has risen.

Most of the soldiers started their daily morning exercises.

The sound of the armor colliding and the uniform roar spread throughout the barracks.

And Kane also opened his eyes in this sound.

He got up, washed briefly, and left the tent.

Even if it is a rest, in addition to the heavy armor, other clothes must be well dressed, and every time this time, I will envy Claire's original skills.

When she came outside, she had already seen Claire sorting out the soldiers, and she was picking out all the heavy armored knights whose strength had reached the bottleneck.

Mainly to find the altar for promotion later, after all, the group is not far in front of this camp.

Come here, of course, you have to upgrade by the way.

And their route has been completed, and the way forward is blocked by that great river.

Need to go back to the big camp for the next wave of rotation.

Upgrade the soldiers before going back, so as to reduce the losses of these soldiers as much as possible.

After all, it is not easy to win the battle all the way, and it is not easy to reach the bottleneck. It would be a pity if you did not upgrade because of being lazy for a while, and you died in the next battle.

"How about Claire? Have the soldiers to be upgraded have been selected?" Kane yawned and walked slowly to Claire's side and asked.

Claire nodded and said: "The selection has been made, you can go."

After listening to Claire's words, Kane nodded, then reached out and pressed his ruby ​​collar clip.

The magic power was transmitted into the ruby, and Kane began to communicate with Lombe.

"Lombé, we are ready here, are you coming soon?"

Because their side is closer to where the altar is, and they are all cavalry, so let Longbe and the others go first.

"It's almost here, good brothers, have you come?"

"We're here."

Kane said subconsciously, although they hadn't started out of the camp yet.

"Oh, all right."

After hanging up, Kane and Claire ran out of the camp with the selected soldiers.

Yunyou was flying with the propeller ahead, guiding them on the way forward.

Since their side is very close to the altar, it will not take long for them to reach the destination where the altar is located.

And from a distance, I saw Longbe and the others, circling around that place.

The sound of the horses' hoofs coming over by Kane also alerted Lombe and the others, and they were waving at Kane.

As soon as Kane stopped beside them, Lombe ran over and asked, "Dear brother, is the map wrong? Why haven't I seen the altar like last time."

Hearing Lombe's question, Kane knew that they must be looking for the altar as they did last time.

Speaking of which, Kane still doesn't know why these altars are inexplicably hidden.

Is it because the altar is hidden with some simple puzzles to increase the difficulty after the dungeon is desperate?

Or is it because of other circumstances.

After all, if it is the will of the dungeon, it means that the dungeon has a certain wisdom, rather than relying on a vague instinct to act.

But now this dungeon is about to be swallowed up, and I haven't seen him have too many operations beyond his instinct.

There is too little information and I can't figure it out, so let's put it down first.

"That's because the altar is hidden. It takes a while to find it. There is no problem with the map."

Hearing Kane's explanation, Lombe nodded and breathed a sigh of relief. He thought they went wrong and came here for nothing.

It's a small matter, if Li Lulu knew about finding the wrong way, it would be uncomfortable.

She would definitely use this incident to laugh at herself crazily in front of her. Li Lulu would not be polite to this kind of thing.

That's why he breathed a sigh of relief.

After finishing speaking, a silver compass condensed in Kane's hand, and the skill stone of this skill was switched by Kane when it came.

Looking at the compass, Lombe and the others knew what Kane was going to do. After all, although Kane used this thing infrequently, it left a deep impression on them every time.

It can be said that every time they come out, they help them a lot.

Following the pointer, I finally came to a small sandy field not far away.

Seeing that the pointer reversed immediately after a step forward, Kane knew that the position was under his feet.

"Look around to see if anything looks strange."

Kane said, and then looked around with Claire, the two of them already had some experience.

Lombe was a little puzzled: "A strange thing?"

But seeing that everyone except him was already looking around, he was embarrassed to ask again and followed around, although he didn't know what he was looking for.

What would the strange thing be? Lombe looked up at the sky.

A dark cloud, very close to the ground, floated over his head.

Hey, why does this cloud look like it's about to fall.

When this thought flashed through Lombe's mind, changes began to appear in his body.

Three red hearts appeared on top of his head, a thin layer of iron armor also appeared on his body, and a slender iron needle extended upwards from his back.

And the low dark cloud in the sky has already begun to roll with thunderclouds, making a rumbling sound.

Kane and the others also discovered this situation for the first time.

Seeing the confused look on Longbe's face, Kane immediately told him: "You have triggered the process of decrypting the altar."

Looking at his body, Lombe said immediately, "But I don't know what to do! What should I do now?"

Kane observed what he looked like now, and the rolling dark clouds of thunderclouds in the sky.

"There are three red hearts on your head, and an iron needle like a thunderbolt on your body. You should wait for the lightning to strike downwards in the sky. You have to pay attention to avoid it. There are only three chances."

The combination of this series of appearances should be inseparable from what Kane thinks, because the expression is very obvious.

As soon as Kane finished speaking, the lightning struck.

And Kane's words had already entered Lombe's ears, and he wanted to avoid him for a moment.

However, the lightning seemed to have a certain range. The lightning rod on his body attracted the lightning and struck him diagonally.

A very video game special effect appeared on him.

At the moment of the split, Lombe became transparent, revealing his skeleton.

The whole person quickly switched back and forth between the skeleton and the body, which was very exaggerated, and there was a sizzling lightning sound.

But this only lasted for three seconds.

Lombe fell to the ground from a suspended state, and the red star on his head was also reduced by one.

The whole person's hair is in the shape of an explosion, his face is burnt black, and a black cloud coughs out of his mouth.

"Okay... so numb!"

"Lombé pay attention to keeping the lightning rod behind you as far away from the range as possible from the lightning strike, otherwise even if you dodge it, if the lightning rod is close to the lightning, the lightning will also be introduced into your body."

Lombe stood up and patted his body, nodding to Kane.

Then he frowned and stared at the sky with a serious look on his face.


Another flash of yellow lightning struck straight down.

Lombe jumped back immediately, and then one foot straightened and quickly grew larger, pushing him into the distance, and the lightning rod behind him also far away from the range of the lightning strike.

Get the lightning to hit the ground successfully.

"Nice job!" Kane cheered on the side!

Hearing Kane's words, Lombe immediately laughed loudly: "Haha, don't even look at who I am."

However, as soon as the words fell, a lightning bolt fell directly on him.

"This... Lightning, unruly."

Longbei got up tremblingly, and his body became even more numb.

Kane didn't say a word by the side, he thought it was better not to speak now.

Now Lombe has one last life left.

With no outside interference, Lombe focused all his energy on avoiding lightning.

With his reaction speed, although his movement speed is slow, he has undergone avoidance training after all, so he managed to escape completely smoothly.

And the dark cloud in the sky also shrank smaller and smaller in the lightning, until it finally disappeared.

As the dark clouds disappeared, the thin iron armor and lightning rod on Lombe also disappeared.

There was a rumbling sound under his feet, and Lombe immediately jumped again and ducked.

"It's done, don't be so excited." Kane walked over and patted Lombe on the shoulder, pulling him up.

The vibration of the ground also rose slowly. It was an altar, and the surrounding soil began to gather in the center of the altar, condensing the appearance of a knight with a sword and kneeling on one knee.

Except for the central sculpture, there is no difference from the remote close altar.

"Come on, brothers, hurry up and get in line." Lombe couldn't wait to shout loudly to the soldiers behind him, urging them to hurry up to the altar.

It was only at this time that Kane discovered that they were carrying a lot of soldiers, and it seemed that they had brought all their soldiers with them.

Metzker next to him also saw Kane's gaze, and said to him simply, "By the way."

After hearing Metzker's words, Kane nodded clearly.

Indeed, they can meet directly after the upgrade, and return to the camp behind the soldiers who left Claire in the camp with them and return to the main camp.

Their route is much closer to the big camp.

Lombe next to him has tapped the badge on his chest.

The sky shrouded the altar.

Next, all it takes is to wait.

The light disappeared after about 30 minutes.

The soldiers on the altar also showed their appearance.

Because these soldiers have been fighting on the front lines, their casualty rate has been high, which has led to very few people who survive to the bottleneck period.

Compared to the nearly 300 soldiers that Claire brought over this time, there were only more than 150 soldiers in Lombe.

The most conspicuous of the sword and shield soldiers (with spears) on the altar above are the shields in their hands. At this time, the original large shields in their hands directly turned into tower shields.

The spear in the other hand also turned into a sharp steel spear, and the armor all over his body became heavier.

From balanced arms to more focus on defense.

This should have something to do with the orders that Lombe often gives. Almost every time Lombe stands, he asks his soldiers to pay attention to defense and protect the long-range troops behind him.

Then came Claire and the heavy cavalry she brought.

These heavy cavalrymen were crowded by horses and horses, and finally all of them stood on the altar at one time.

Under the sound of Claire's knock, she was enveloped in light.

The upgrade time came to more than 50 minutes.

When the light disappeared, the upgraded heavy cavalry also caught their sight.

The first and most conspicuous is the warhorse under them, because the upgraded body size has all expanded.

Said to be a warhorse, it looked more like a large beast.

It's bigger than the warhorse under Kane's upgraded archer.

These steeds were also clad in armor.

The soldier's body has not changed much, but the armor on his body looks more sophisticated, the defense is tighter, and the weapon in his hand has become more suitable for the size of the current warhorse.

But with these giant horses alone, the charge should not be underestimated.

After upgrading their arms, they brought their respective soldiers together and returned to the camp where Claire and the others came. This was by the way.

Take away all the soldiers left in the camp, and return to the big camp on the way you came.

Since there are now infantry like Lumbe and the others, the speed of the march has been slowed down.

According to the distance, if you march all the way in a hurry, you can reach the camp in the middle of the night.

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